'Bonnie' to speak to BNP in St Helens, Lancashire ?
In the Voice of Freedom (109) a 'nom de plume' called David Bailey, who apparently hails from Canada, writes in glowing terms that the BNP learn to accept non-whites into the BNP membership.
David Bailey is who exactly?
Is it Mark Collett, or more likely, Nick Griffin himself ?
In the latest issue of IDENTITY we can see that the policy of accepting non-whites into the BNP has been pushed yet again.
In there, we see a 'Mr. Bill Morton' from Hayes, Middlesex, gushing lyrical about accepting non-whites into the BNP, with his "more please" plea for the accepting of the unacceptable.
Of course, Bailey and Morton are 'pen names' of the agenda that Nick Griffin is pushing. Comments like these would never be published if Griffin didn't agree with their sentiments.
At least, the multi-racial pursuer John Bean uses his own name for this policy in the BNP publications.
It is quite clear that the 'die has been cast', and that Griffin has decided that a BNP will not be permitted to continue as it always has done, as the focus of British nationalism.
It is quite clear the direction that Griffin is leading the BNP.
We hear that a black Ghanian speaker is to lecture about the perils of the E.C. to the St. Helens branch of the BNP this week, and that Nick Griffin will be there to promote this new acceptance of the 'new ideology' now being 'pushed by Mr. Griffin'.
Nick might consider taking the black lady speaker to one of the more 'nationalist' units of the BNP, so that he and she, would get more of an understanding of the true feelings of the ideology of British nationalism.
Farewell Mr Griffin
"A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within....for the traitor appears not to be a traitor...he rots the soul of a nation...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.”
Friggin speechless!
Nick Griffin showed his true colours when he did his last purge.
Sadly instead of backing the thoroughly decent members who tried to stand up against him and who resigned on principle because of the appalling shambles of organization, the financial questions and financial skullduggery, the lack of any democracy and the Griffin image and baggage which was and would drag down any chance the party had, the party membership in general was either too thick or too intimidated or too much in Griffins pocket to object to his appallingly unjust attack on senior members.
Every single one of those things has been proven - with bells on.
The writing was on the wall.
Surely its quite obvious now to all but the little insider clique -that Griffin is totally inept, greedy and doing immense harm to the future of the party.
He also completely blew it on Questiontime, stabbed many in the back and linked the entire party to support of Israel and its brutal war crimes in Gaza and Lebanon.
Get rid of him.
Then the thousands of ex members who cannot stomach the incompetent fuhrer would be able to return and get the party really on the road to electoral success.
Won't happen with Griffin!!!!!
All regional oganisers have been told to expel members who have links with the EDL and such like.The BNP are scared of the EDL now linking up in Ulster ? Griffin tried to break Ulster through Dowson but they know Griffin is a crook and Dowson is not far off.This has proved the EDL are not state by linking up with certain loyalist groups from Ulster.One former BNP member has quoted " after ten years in the BNP the EDL have done more in the past six months than the BNP in the past ten years,now we have the WDL (welsh defence league)SDL (scottish defence league) and soon the UDL (ulster defence league) we are not prepared to wait and be told it has to be done by the ballot box. Any true nationalist knows a tsunami has landed on our shores and the river banks are going to burst very soon "
T use such a word refering to Griffin is an insult to the real meaning of the word.
keith axon
It would seen some Catholics know!!
Thanks for the heads up on this. I have taken the liberty of mirroring it (with attribution of course).
I guess this explains the sudden exodus of large numbers of deeply concerned nationalists from the party and the unprecedented number enquiries and applications the NF are getting now, including mine.
Pip pip
Guess who?
Today, 05:07 PM #105
Britannia Moderator
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Re: Should Griffin step down as BNP chairman
I haven't voted in this poll or contributed to this thread, because I have only slightly more interest in who leads the BNP than I have in who leads any other non-racial nationalist party, such as the Conservatives, for example.
However, this information may be of interest to any White nationalists who are hanging on in the BNP, hoping for.... I have been told tonight that an African will be addressing a BNP meeting in St Helens. This is not 'internet chatter'; it has been confirmed over the phone by a member of the BNP's 'Advisory Council'. This is before any decision at the BNP's Conference on whether to become multi-racial. Also, why take this 'ethnic roadshow' to what is one of the Whitest towns of any size in Britain?
From The Times
October 27, 2009
BNP supporters call on Nick Griffin to quit as leader
BNP 'in plot to get rid of Nick Griffin'
London Evening Standard 27th Oct
Nick Griffin could face a fresh challenge as leader of the BNP after his performance on Question Time.
His critics within the party say he "fluffed" the chance to make the case for nationalism to the British people. They are set to hold a meeting in a plot to topple him. "We are determined to get rid of him," a BNP member told the Standard.
However, the location and timing of the gathering are being kept secret because of fears that Mr Griffin could seek to have members who attend expelled from the far-Right party. But it is understood to be being organised by people linked to the Reform Group of the BNP. They are said to be backing a new governing structure for the party, by a committee, possibly chaired by Chris Jackson.
A number have posted damning comments on fascist websites. One told the Standard: "A lot of people will still not know what nationalism is about. From that point of view he fluffed it."
Nearly a third of 100 people surveyed on Stormfront, a white extremist website, called on Mr Griffin to stand down after his BBC performance.
BNP 'in plot to get rid of Nick Griffin'
London Evening Standard 27th Oct
Nick Griffin could face a fresh challenge as leader of the BNP after his performance on Question Time.
His critics within the party say he "fluffed" the chance to make the case for nationalism to the British people. They are set to hold a meeting in a plot to topple him. "We are determined to get rid of him," a BNP member told the Standard.
However, the location and timing of the gathering are being kept secret because of fears that Mr Griffin could seek to have members who attend expelled from the far-Right party. But it is understood to be being organised by people linked to the Reform Group of the BNP. They are said to be backing a new governing structure for the party, by a committee, possibly chaired by Chris Jackson.
A number have posted damning comments on fascist websites. One told the Standard: "A lot of people will still not know what nationalism is about. From that point of view he fluffed it."
Nearly a third of 100 people surveyed on Stormfront, a white extremist website, called on Mr Griffin to stand down after his BBC performance.
Letter printed in the Times 27th October. We Racial Nationalists don't want integration, what's Bennett talking about? It alright for him they aren't many wogs in Frogmore. The BNP is in self- destruct mode at the moment with all this silly talk and inviting non-Whites to speak at branch meetings.
"We do accept other people but we want to encourage integration, not support multiculturalism.
We want our current political leaders to listen to the people. Nick Griffin, for all his faults, is helping this process. "
Barry Bennett
Frogmore, Devon
Barry Bennett is also jewish.
When he joined we knew that he would start the usual jewish multi-racail bullshit.
I wonder if Nick Griffin will take the black lady to where he is planned to speak at later tonight after St.Helens ?
Blackburn BNP may not be as friendly to Nicks new friends.
Well either Griffin goes or the party does.
There are new kids on the block.
Actually doing something.
This came to me via America.
Their fame goes far.
So what have we got now The British nigger party?
I think we have to be frank, Griffin has had his pay off, it's what he has wanted all his life vast sums of money for doing absolutely nothing. By the time next Euro election in 2014 he will be approx £1.2 million better off. He doesn't care a damn about you or me or Racial Nationalism. His mother-in-law's comments recently sum the situation up perfectly :
"Muriel Cook, 72, describes her privately-educated son-in-law as a deluded, fame-hungry pretender. And she dismisses his pandering to white working-class voters as "laughable".
Now, as an MEP in Brussels, Griffin is paid £58,000 after tax, an income way beyond that of his working-class supporters. Muriel says: "He pretends to be a man of the people, but the truth is he hasn't done an honest day's work in his life.
Muriel, who lives near Chester, brands Griffin's policy of "British jobs for British workers" as a joke.
"The truth is he is a Cambridge-educated, workshy pretender."
All this stupid talk about ethnics at our meetings and leadership challenges is a smoke screen, Griffin is concocting devious plans behind the scenes, he's is up to something and leaking stories to the press via his stooges. It's an old trick of smoke & mirrors, we have to watch him very, very carefully over the next few weeks?
Will you be reporting on WHAT REALLY HAPPENED after the event?
What is Arthur Kemp's take on all this. Was he just pretending to be a Nordicist when he wrote March of the Titans? I very much doubt it.
God help us! Griffin will get even more opportunties to shot himself in the foot and make our racial struggle & cause look foolish in the eyes of the general public! The Jews must be laughing their socks off?
From Times Online
October 28, 2009
BBC chief - BNP will get annual Question Time slot
"What is Arthur Kemp's take on all this."
Anti-Globalist, I don't think anybody knows what goes on in Kemp's mind, he is a mystery, his books and speeches are full of historic errors and he lives a reasonable life-style, travelling to the US regularly, he can't make much from Excalibur. I always suspected he's on somebody's payroll?
MF Ingrams said...
I wonder if Nick Griffin will take the black lady to where he is planned to speak at later tonight after St.Helens ?
Blackburn BNP may not be as friendly to Nicks new friends.
Blackburn is like a number of BNP Branches in the North West - just had a new Organiser who knows NOTHING about nationalism.
Take your point though, why didn't Griffin take the black woman to a place like Blackburn rather than a white area like St.Helens.
They are more likely to boo her in Blackburn and surrounding areas.
In fact, why didn't he try this stunt on in Burnley ?
There are some minor historical errors in March of the Titans, but the biggest critics of the books are those who hate NORDICISM. What Kemp has written there is so excellent to me as a Nordicist that I believe this history of our race should be a sacred Biblical history to the White race, as the Old Testament is regarding Jewish history. And the latter has far more historical errors!
Arthur Kemp
Look him up in google.
He worked for south African intelligence and was the betrayer of the Darby-Lewis's. Two great nationalist.
He is probably still working for intelligence.
He is opposed to the late Ian Smith and what he stood for and does not support the white's right to be in South Africa.
Wouldnt be suprised at the Trafalgar club dinner last week if Griffin had chicken rice and peas washed down by a glass of the old jamacian rum before going on to do the mamba after having a smooch with mark collet to "hello" by lionel richie,and left in a black cab driven by Winston all the way back to BLACK/POOL sorry welshpool.
There are of late divers Blackamoores brought into the Realme (of the partie), of which kinde of people there are all ready here to manie, ... those kinde of people should be sent forth of the lande.
(apologies to Queen Bess)
'Tex'Oakes is the new St.Helens organiser and this is his first meeting.Probably be his last meeting too.
Leading Griffinite Clive Jefferson placed him in his position.
Hmm Arthur Kemp, oh you mean the bloke who incessantly appologizes for the British Empire, reckons it was wrong for us to impose civilization on 2 thirds of the globe........ Twat.
Pip pip
What an evil to faced bastard!!!
So when does the new party get organised? The BNP is dead, and as someone above noted, Griffin is too happy spending his £1.2m pa to care.
I see people here are determined to twist Arthur Kemp's words. When Colonel Wilberforce Buckshot refers to Kemp apologising for the British Empire for example, I suppose that is a reference to the piece Kemp wrote making satirical apology for all the roads, medicine, education etc that the white man has brought to Africa and for which we are nevertheless considered evil. It does suggest from this reaction that readers of NorthWestNationalists think Britain should be PROUD to have equipped the 3rd world with western technology...
It is a fact that a Black man from Ghana was sat in the audience at the St Helens meeting last night.
Griffin was meant to be guest speaker at the Blackburn meeting but instead spoke first leaving hardworking Blackpool Organiser James Clayton to speak first.
After he spoke Griffin shot off to St Helens where upon entering the first person he shook hands with was the black man. I have had it on good authority that Griffin himself approved of this person attending the meeting, it was well planned as the blackman travelled up from London, Griifin knew Tex Oakes was a Liberal and that is why St Helens was targetted. The Man from Ghana that writes books on the EU has now been invited back to speak.
Why the fuck is Tex Oakes in the BNP? why do people like him want to change our party when there is already a home for him in UKIP?
Anon 17.59,I recently sent the same quote,to the british museum,who have a new department that is currently re-writing English history.I was told that no such thing ever happened,and that i should read some history books,because my knowledge was very limited.
Griffin's pet lap dog, Barking Barnes, is now openly advocating a true multiracial, One-Nation Toryism.
Instead of separate communities he wants all the various cultural and ethnic communities in multiracial Britain to assimilate andbecome one big happy family.
Barnes is simply Griffin's mouthpiece, one of the inner core of idiots who surround Griffin and promote his vile and un-nationalist ideas before Griffin stamps his authority on the ideas as his own.
Barnes and Kemp are two of the biggest threats and sell-outs to British nationalism other than Nick Griffin himself.
@ anti-globalist
sorry but we are not going to give you a platform for your "more jews in the BNP policy".
Use someone elses website for that kind of deceit.
How can you 'twist' Kemps actions and words?
Did you check him out.
He inveigled his way into the top of the SA Consevative (true nationalist) Party and betrayed it.
He worked for the security servaces.
The Darby-Lewis's spent years in prison. He was the witness.
The fact he is in the BNP and accepted at the top levels shows that the present leadership are 'fronts' and the party is nothing but a sop to the working class to give them a little to keep them quiet, but nothing more.
UKIP serves the same purpose a little up the property ladder
BNP call centre is calling up members at least ten weeks early to renew their memberships ? they cant process membership at the minute so it sounds like we'll bank your cheque and sort the rest out later.Glad to have had my name on the leaked list but wasnt that daft to give my telephone numbers.
Anonymous said...
How can you 'twist' Kemps actions and words?
Did you check him out.
He inveigled his way into the top of the SA Consevative (true nationalist) Party and betrayed it.
He worked for the security servaces.
The Darby-Lewis's spent years in prison. He was the witness.
The fact he is in the BNP and accepted at the top levels shows that the present leadership are 'fronts' and the party is nothing but a sop to the working class to give them a little to keep them quiet, but nothing more.
UKIP serves the same purpose a little up the property ladder
29 October 2009 14:33
I believe this post to be spot on. I have often wondered how,especially in the post 2001 political climate, some of the BNP's South African members got admittance to Britain. Not the sort of people that the British government would want to give residence to one would think--UNLESS.
The state maintains its-self by controling all opposition. The simplist way to control opposition is to lead it.
Richard Chadfield
We should have more blacks in the BNP.
They cannot change the rules fast enough for me.
I love Nick !
So, Griffin has a bucko from Ghana following him around, and Barnes is spewing trash about One Nation Toryism? This makes me feel lie spewing.
Would someone suggest a real alternative? By someone, I mean someone who has a good name within British Nationalism, and who hasn't:
(1) Accepted the trash of Jew Freudianism
(2) Accepted the trash of Jew Anthropology
(2a) Accepted the trash of the Frankfurt School of Communism and Zionism,
(2b) Accepted neocon Christian Zionism
(3) Publicly praised former fascists, Nazis, KKK members and then shit all over them in public because he's embarrased
(4) Whose sidekick isn't a former agent of BOSS in South Africa
(5) Hasn't made public statements about the veracity of the Holocaust, and then is to gutless to defend them or explain (with a reasonable explanation) why they changed their mind,
(6) Has no - ahem - questionable - past
(7) got another other sidekick isn't a millstone around his neck,
(8) Clapped like a retarded seal in a public debate when a Negress treats him like crap
I ask for suggestions, because after I wrote Das Kapital, I died and am a bit out of touch.
Very interesting.
Just have a look at the chap who Griffin has his arm around, he looks very Jewish?
Scottish BNP candidate Charlie Baillie photographed in yesterday's Daily Record handing out election leaflets to an African couple, want an utter disgrace and stupid Griffinite media stunt.
Do you agree with this!!!!
Whatever inaccuracies (none detailed) may be levelled against Arthur Kemp's 'The March of the Titans', surely its overall theme that homogeneous societies are the most cohesive cannot be criticised. One need look no further than the fall of Rome to witness the sad fate racially mixed civilizations await.
This is the letter that has just been put up on face book from the chap from Ghana to St Helens organiser tex oaks.
By the grace of God I have reached safely. I thank you and your wife
for the hospitality Extend my thanks to Paula and Alan and his wife. My
appreciation to all the BNP members who welcomed me with open arms. I
felt at home. My own first hand experience tells me BNP is a nice
family to join.... Read more
I look forward to meeting you again for a detailed presentatin of my
work to help BNP win more members. Please give me 4 weeks notice for
the meeting to help me get permission from work.
Most importantly, follow up with Nick Grffin to tell you what he thinks
about the book. If he finds it useful then we must plan how to make the
British people know the information. This should be well before the
next General Election. Tex, I have spent 9-years on this book. I want
the British people to benefit from it. If Nick does not read it and
claims he has no time, I will find someone else. My aim is to help the
British people to know Sir Robert Anderson. So whoever is prepared to
make use of the book I will go along with the person. At present I have
not shown the book to UKIP. I am now waiting on Nick so that I can
make my next move. I cannot wait indefinitely, because time is not on
our side.
Once again, I thank you for all the help. I am looking forward to
seeing the BNP family again. May God bless you all.
about an hour ago
Well many of us always claimed that the leadership of the BNP was utterly and totally useless, inept and with finance questionable!, either by design or accident.
However it took real skill to upset both sides of every issue touched upon in Questiontime by Griffin - betraying his erstwhile allies and sucking up to his enemies.
But it seeems such an incredible act of sabotage and betrayal of almost every member of the BNP to align it publically with Israel, therefore Israeli war crimes and spying and all the abhorrent evils of Zionism - just at the time when, increasingly, millions of people, billions, are coming to the realization of the zionist evil and the lies and greed of the past 60 years.
Only an expert in the art of stupidity or perhaps betrayal of the party could achieve that.
This is a very telling clip from Baroness Tonge in the HoL
We all know about the dancing Israelis on 9/11.
And your beautiful leader supports all that and takes the membership with him.
You couldn't make it up.
Has there been any resignations?
Or like lemmings are the BNP members so bereft of rational thought, decency, compassion and justice they just stick like glue as the supreme leader takes their money and leads them to the cliff.
Anonymous said...
Whatever inaccuracies (none detailed) may be levelled against Arthur Kemp's 'The March of the Titans', surely its overall theme that homogeneous societies are the most cohesive cannot be criticised. One need look no further than the fall of Rome to witness the sad fate racially mixed civilizations await.
30 October 2009 13:51
But that good message is spoil by the bollocks that surrounds it.
Northants BNP has twice now had a Seikh as guest at it's meetings...
We need more black members. it is the way forward.
I will SALUTE the day when i have to answer to a negro!
hail griffin
Wanker Williams is another trecherous kike cunt like his blood brother Chris Mentally-Hill.
Next Gri£$in will be cleaning and shining niggers shoes with his tongue, and using wog shit as toothpaste.
Vote the cunt out of post.
6 job Darby** and Griffin have robbed the members dry. Come on dont give them any more money to swell their bank accounts. All Griffins family are on wages from the party. Its about time the fraud squad was brought in to investigate the bnp accounts!
Someone alert the BBC and tell them to call the Charles Darwin Institute of Anthropology monkey catchers, the missing link has just been spotted in the BBC Question Time studio eating a banan and sitting next to a nd making eyea at Grif£o ..... fuck, surely Gri££o's not going native and signing her BNP membership application ....... oh, well, there goes the neighbourhood down the pan.
Arthur Kemp said he would welcome blacks into the party with open arms.
well lets have the truth/ I brought the Ghanian to the meeting at Sthelens the sole responsibility is mine, TERENCE>OAKES so if any of you wish to see me i will be at the next St helens meeting so put your money were your mouth is come and see me personally or shut the F/UP / I had good reason to do what i did the result is thousands of u-kip votes.The people who have attacked me in the streets have been white UAF scum, NO blacks, I would rather have not as a member but at a meeting a man or woman who loves our culture and loves nick griffin because of his stance on the E/u getting out of it, this is an educated man who has wrote several books he respects you and respects our nation . unlike the axis of evil the lib/lab/con who are white shi** and are hell bent on destroying us.they are the enemy wake up before it is to late
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