Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just why is the BNP now getting an 'easy ride' ?
It is getting really embarrassing now, as to why the BBC and many other organs of the 'Mass Media' are giving the BNP almost 'carte blanche' to come out with their rhetoric?
I mean come on, Mark Collett ?
The guy is a public relations disaster.
He has TV film giving it the right arm, and praising Hitler. But the BBC allow him and some other new guy to spout unchallenged.
The BNP have become indistinguishable from UKIP, EDP, EDL and right-wing Tories.
Surely it's not as simple as turning their ire on 'the muslims'?
Or is it because we have now got all these 'relly nice people', who have joined in the last 12 months ?
Frightfully nice now the BNP, dont'cha know . What what !


Anonymous said...

One of these idiots is 'Freeman of the North' on SF, a guy called Purdey at Bury/Radcliffe BNP Branch.

Thick as a piss stone he is.

Describes himself as a Griffinite. But then tries to praise old Albert Marriner. Old Albert was old school nationalist.

Purdey hates old school nationalists as he isn't one himself.

Anonymous said...

The same people are screwing us in the Uk and Europe.

Anonymous said...

Ahmadinejad warns of Weapons of Mass Media

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Western powers have used full-fledged psychological tactics as a lever to influence nations against their better judgment.

Ahmadinejad said some regimes, including those in Israel, are using propaganda campaigns and psychological tactics as their prime weapon-of-choice against other countries.

"Once you take away these weapons, there is not much that they can do," said the Iranian President at a conference on media and psychological war in Tehran on Sunday.

He described the sheer lack of world action against Israeli war crimes in Gaza as a direct result of western propaganda campaign. "The Israelis have killed Palestinians from day one and yet they still come across as innocent victims in the world," he said.

Griffin is Britain's Fini said...

The BNP has made lots of public noises about being Jew friendly.

They are no danger to the New World Order.

Their top echelons are linked into Freemasonry: hence the easy ride.

Griffin will soon be at Yad Vashem.

There's money in it!

Anonymous said...

He's not "some other new guy".

"He" is Mark's "special friend".

Anonymous said...

Interesting to the informed mind.

Anonymous said...

You allow someone to advertise a National Socialist meeting on your blog, and then slag Collett off for praising Hitler.What a bunch of hypocrites you are.

Anonymous said...

You allow someone to advertise a National Socialist meeting on your blog, and then slag Collett off for praising Hitler.What a bunch of hypocrites you are.

It was Hitler who siezed control of the national socialists,after being paid to spy on them by the weimar goverment.sounds a bit familier.

Anonymous said...

Mark Collett is a prat and anyone who allows him to represent the party on TV or radio is an even bigger prat.

Anonymous said...

It is becoming clear that the make up of the UAF are half baked odd balls who have expanded as far as they can with all there different names and groups backed by LabLibCon and Seachlight and other name calling rags they Will implode back into there various little groups in the next 12 ,months thats there natural demise whats happening now is we have broke the scales barrier we are to established and the graphs show the people are wakeing up, you can smell it!!!

Anonymous said...

Most of of the latest members of the BNP have not woken up and smelled the coffee,so you can recon99% percent of the population will never do until it's way to late.i suppose that's why Jack Straw said the british aren't worth saving!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

'Will implode back into there various little groups in the next 12 ,months thats there natural demise whats happening now is we have broke the scales barrier we are to established and the graphs show the people are wakeing up, you can smell it!!!'

Yes people are smelling the coffee particularly blacks who can see things are not all on their side as they thought. There is now a nerviness evident.

But the BNP operates with one hand tied behind its back by Griffin. It has no chance of being a major party and taking advantage of the coffee smelling. That's one reason why EDL though limited in ambition is potentially important.

Anonymous said...

Griffin is looking at delaying the court case on Thursday, this will cost us even more in the long run, he wants to spend more time in luxury over in Brussels, next week the time wasting bastard is off to Strasburg. He should be in Britain leading from the front?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This year will see the BNP membership disintergrate loads of members are saying that they will not renew there cards. Gri££in/Darby have robbed the members to death of money Begging Begging. I think the fraud squad should investigate where all the monies gone.

Anonymous said...

'This year will see the BNP membership disintergrate loads of members are saying that they will not renew there cards. Gri££in/Darby have robbed the members to death of money Begging Begging. I think the fraud squad should investigate where all the monies gone.'

The BNP's finances have been dodgy since Griffin took over. Virtually all the members decided to turn a blind eye.

Before Griffin no one knows since there were no accounts and no treasurer.

Anonymous said...

"Griffin is looking at delaying the court case on Thursday"

The last adjournment cost us members £30,000, how much will this next one cost us? Griffin is up to something with his delaying tactic, but as usual it's not for the benefit of the Nationalist cause!

Anonymous said...

This sums it up!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

'This year will see the BNP membership disintergrate loads of members are saying that they will not renew there cards. Gri££in/Darby have robbed the members to death of money Begging Begging. I think the fraud squad should investigate where all the monies gone.'

dont be stupid, only 4000 renew in dec so if half refuse the membership will go down to around 12,500. its 13,500 now and with 400-500 joining per month (less non renewals)so 12,500 is a safe bet at worse. you guys just dont get it,do you. as for where has the money gone? dugh!! assembly election, Euro election, s/w office, nuneaton warehouse admin centre, call centre, leeds publicity office, computer systems,servers,telecoms systems,auto mailing machines,12million leaflets pre and post election, legal fees,full time staff wages, outside specialist contractors. these are just some of the things the money was 'squandered' on. please, grow up for goodness sake. this yak,yak is only making a farce of any genuine ressistance and debate about the future of the party. please lets have a grown up debate for once guys, please?

Anonymous said...

The BNP are finished now after agreeing in court to let non whites in the party. Whats the point of being a member anymore.

Anonymous said...

British Negro Party

Anonymous said...

'dont be stupid, only 4000 renew in dec so if half refuse the membership will go down to around 12,500. its 13,500 now and with 400-500 joining per month (less non renewals)so 12,500 is a safe bet at worse. you guys just dont get it,do you. as for where has the money gone? dugh!! assembly election, Euro election, s/w office, nuneaton warehouse admin centre, call centre, leeds publicity office, computer systems,servers,telecoms systems,auto mailing machines,12million leaflets pre and post election, legal fees,full time staff wages, outside specialist contractors. these are just some of the things the money was 'squandered' on. please, grow up for goodness sake. this yak,yak is only making a farce of any genuine ressistance and debate about the future of the party. please lets have a grown up debate for once guys, please?'

How much has Griffin had out of it then including wages ecpenses house extensions etc? You don't know any more than you know about the items above. How much for each? Where is the breakdown? Have you got one? Of course not. There are not even any management accounts produced as far as I can gather.

Anonymous said...

That idiot Grifinite Jock Shearer has turned on Griffin again with this news about allowing non-whites into the BNP.

I wonder how long it will be before he changes his mind again and gets stuck up Nicks ctack once more ?

The Griffinite supporters like the 'Cunts group' brains will explode trying to evaluate this .

Hahaha !

Serves them right.

They kept supporting Griffin.

Anonymous said...

I have no time for muslims , but I totally agree with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's comments and stance against Israel and America. in fact i'm looking forward to the day when Iran buids a nuclear bomb big emough to blow Isreal off the map and a delivery system accurate enough to post the well-deserved gift through the Knesit's frontdoor letter-box.

Anonymous said...

When the trecherous rat Griffin jumpeed the National Front ship, thousand of pounds mysteriously dissapeared from from NF accounts controlled by Griffin, then, surprise, surprise, shortly after, the one-eyed bastard, who never has had a real job since getting the lowest grade pass at Downing College, Cambridge, bought a brand new estate car paid outright in cash.

Watch out, there's a crook about -call the Bill.

Anonymous said...

Brainless Niggers Party

Anonymous said...

if Gordon Brown used party funds or taxpayers money to build a home extension the BNP would drip with anger.

When Griffin does it it's ok...

let alone when he used YNF members in 80s to strip asbestos sheeting.

The man is a greedy, reckless, uncaring, self-serving, political gymnast shit.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...