Friday, October 02, 2009

BNP to welcome blacks and asians within two months

Well that's it then !

The end of the BNP.


Just as that article by the Police in the Express said it would, in February 1999.


Nick Griffin was the 'wooden horse' !

I (John Tyndall)will endeavour to give my own up-to-date 'take' on the situation. It is one which necessarily requires a certain amount of repetition, over which I hope readers will bear with me. The repetition must begin with some words quoted in these pages in our March 1999 issue. They come from a report in The Express newspaper published on 18th February of that year, and they read:-'Scotland Yard and MI5 are planning a huge covert operation to break up violent racist organizations. The Express has learned that intelligence officers will infiltrate far Right groups such as the British National Party.'Other officers will tap telephones, open mail and scrutinise bank accounts and medical records. "We plan to close down these organizations by using every administrative device available to us," said a Yard source.'


A few months later, Nick Griffin hijacked the BNP from John Tyndall.


Anonymous said...

How are they going to expel people from jobs if it has a few black members? Probably cranks anyway. Are they going to sack the black members?

The problem is not this it's the way it's run to make money.

Richard chadfield said...

First a confession. I have not bothered to follow in detail the auguments about the BNP allowing none Europeans into the BNP. However, I do have a basic awareness of what is going on or, at least, about what is being said about what is going on. At least everyone should discover shortly if the BNP is a racial nationalist party or a civic nationalist party or something else. For myself I just think it is a business. Of course no matter how strong the evidence may be that the BNP has given up on racial nationalism the bulk of it's mambership ,desperate for hope, will continue to believe that the BNP leadership are just being clever and all is still well. Most people always chose the easy (safe) option. Confrontation wether it be physical, intellectual or emotional ,confronting ones doubts, is dangerous and ,therefore,to be avoided. Consequently , if you accept this viewpoint, the dispolier of your hopes always has the advantage. (You don't want to believe what you see)
Here is something for those who think the BNP leadership are being clever to ponder. You suppose that if the BNP accept none European members (whome you foolishly think you can neutralise) then all will be well. The issue will be closed.Far from it. This is just the opening shot. After the BNP has accepted none European members and by doing so rejected racial nationalism it will find futher demands put upon it. The first challenge will be ' why does the BNP have no non European officers'? Followed by 'why does the BNP have no Non European council, parliamentary, E.U candidates'? Then ,of course, the non European members will declare that they are being discriminated against and , I guess, will seek legal advice and compensation. And so it will go on and on and on until there is nothing left. That is the intent.
I do not know if the BNP , even if it wishes to do so, can successfully defy the state in this matter. I do believe it could raise the necessary money if it chose to fight the state. After-all the BNP raised, correct me if I am wrong, over a half million pounds for the Euro campaign to elect it's Chairman to the E.U parlament. A tremendous effort by the BNP membership which will, alas , provide no financial dividend to the BNP because it's Chairman has stated that he will contribute no part of his hugh MEP wage to the BNP.
I would suggest that what all the above issues tell us is that playing party politics is ,for the radical outsider, a wast of time and effort and money. Your radicle party of change will be subverted or distroyed. You are not on a level playing field --the scales are tipped against you. There is no democracy. What then are radicals to do? Answer. Step outside of their system. Stop participating in their game. What we need is to construct an educational movement in our wards and constituencies. One of the prime objectives ,perhaps the prime objective, of such an educational movement would be to convince citizens to stop voting and thus stop legitimatising the present system. You don't need to be a political party to effect change. You need to be an educator within your communitee. Educate and change will follow.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Griffin has done such a bad job. Here we are, parish ward councillors, county councillors, GLA member, and now two MEP's and now Question Time.


Anonymous said...

The web is becoming a mass education service for nationalist views. Newspapers in particular are being slaughtered by the range of free material on offer.

Anonymous said...

Shami Chakrabarti ex home office barrister now of the SHAM Liberty Organization.Nick Griffin will suck up to anyone.PS check out Jobbiks web site, who he was sucking up to last year.

Anonymous said...

It does seem Griffin has sold out. In that case the begging letters they are now sending out asking for money to fight this court case is false pretences!!

Anonymous said...

gri££in & his mi5 agents have got their way. to get rid of the decent activists keep the conmen. liar's & cheat's. accept the black's & asian's.
there you go a respectable party more money for gri££in. how long before they merg with ukip?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Gri££in only worries about winning elections, doesn't this summon the C..t up.

Anonymous said...

"gri££in & his mi5 agents have got their way. to get rid of the decent activists keep the conmen. liar's & cheat's. accept the black's & asian's.
there you go a respectable party more money for gri££in. how long before they merg with ukip?"

I totally agree with you mate, spot on! The FN under Le Pen have gone down this route and the party is a shadow of it's former self, poor results, drop in membership, good officials have walked away, is Gri££in blind to follow the same path?

Anonymous said...

Is Griffin having a laugh, on the radio on Wednesday, he tells the world there are nearly 14,000 members in the BNP, get out of here, there was hardly any one at the 10th Red, White & Blue, not many activists out campaigning, very poor local election results recently, the blokes an out and out liar. I suppose when the accounts are finally published we will see the truth for ourselves?

Anonymous said...

If the BNP is state run then why are we getting so much flak here fron ther Red Fascists?
Why are the Red Fascists going to turn up at question time to stop Nick speaking?

Anonymous said...

Muslim leader in plea for harmony
A NEWMARKET Muslim leader has appealed to town organisations and residents to work with its growing community, which is set to triple over the next two years.
Ahsan Mohammed, chairman of the Newmarket and District Muslim
Cultural and Welfare Association and the town's Mosque Committee, said he was already working with the town's police and ther agencies to develop good community relations.

Many members of the Muslim community have come to Newmarket to
work in the racing industry.

"The Muslim community in Newmarket is not temporary and transient but a permanent one," said Mr Mohammed.

"The work riders and grooms will continue to make a major contribution to the thoroughbred industry as the future generations will in many years to come.

"With the arrival of wives and children I have no doubt that the Muslim community will triple over the next two years as a result of individuals being eliigible for indefinite leave to remain.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Who's the nice boy with Nick ?

Anonymous said...

If the BNP is state run then why are we getting so much flak here fron ther Red Fascists?
Why are the Red Fascists going to turn up at question time to stop Nick speaking

It's the classic Hegelian trick of controlling both sides of the conflict, in order to control the outcome of the conflict.

Mercian Warrior said...

"If the BNP is state run then why are we getting so much flak here fron ther Red Fascists?
Why are the Red Fascists going to turn up at question time to stop Nick speaking?"

because - you dumb twat - the state will often use opposite groups, especially if it then makes on of its groups look legit.

The state will use Communist, fascist, liberal, Muslim, Jewish... any groups it wants.

it used the uber-nazi C18 to try and wreck nationalism.

now it using uber-Zionist griffin.

the sole connection is both C18 and NG love money, power, leadership and having their egos massaged by people who are thick as shit and cant see they are being used by the state to destroy nationalism.

Anonymous said...

"If the BNP is state run then why are we getting so much flak here fron ther Red Fascists?"

It's all a smoke screen you Griffinite, probably the Reds are not in on the act, but the State is having a laugh at our expense and the media love to stir it all up. Please read John Tyndall's writings on this topic, you may learn something?

sleeping satellite said...

The BNP is now total state.Speaking to activists and organisers countrywide all are saying "something is not right" Griffin didnt expect to get bag loads of money by getting into the EU.The begging letters are just for the glory boys and Griffins puppets still holding the reigns working under Jim Dowson ? Griffin has made his 4 kids life comfortable just like one Tony Blair who also has 4 kids.Nice work for anyone selling their fellow countrymen and woman down the river while the rest have to live in squallow.

Anonymous said...

Interesting and a must watch.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Information for those not informed,

Anonymous said...

'The BNP is now total state.Speaking to activists and organisers countrywide all are saying "something is not right" '

Become clear at last has it. Whether you favour the state-run theory or the BNP being a simple business it makes little difference.

Time for them to think of elsewhere for their very worthy efforts? You don't need the name BNP any more. People are far more generally nationalist aware now.

Anonymous said...

Could this be you?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

while the rest have to live in squallow

Oh, where is that?

Anonymous said...

"If the BNP is state run then why are we getting so much flak here fron ther Red Fascists?"

It's all a smoke screen you Griffinite, probably the Reds are not in on the act, but the State is having a laugh at our expense and the media love to stir it all up.'

Anyone who has ever dealt with any Reds can quickly work out that they are usable idiots. Usable idiots gets used by the state. Day out on a coach shouting abuse. Student and crank stuff. If you told them they are being used they would not believe it. said...

please someone delete all the unrelated utube links and other postings. there are forums for that stuff.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who's the nice boy with Nick ?

answer Shami Chakrabarti ex home office barrister now of the SHAM Liberty Organization

PS i reckon she's a woman but she has not proven it to me

Anonymous said...


(Why Are We Unable to Resist?)

Among the points made:

1. Young Americans are not protesting as they did at the time of the Vietnam War.

Today's youth 'seem apathetic and apolitical.'

2. Today, there is no mass resistance 'because the U.S. media is now completely owned and controlled by Zionist Jews.'

3. According to Manfred Roeder, 'controlled opposition newspapers' ... serve as 'outlets of disinformation.'

4. The U.S. prepared for war in Iraq in the summer of 1990.

The anti-war movement 'was taken over by Jewish students from the Hillel organization (B'nai B'rith).'

The issue of occupied Palestine 'was pushed to the side.'

This is what controlled opposition means: 'controlling both sides of the debate to control the message.'

5. Former Soviet journalist Yuri Bezmenov says: "Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate and open...

"What it basically means is to change the perception of reality of every American [so] that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."

Klutznick, formerly president of B'nai B'rith International and formerly president of the World Jewish Congress.

6. Many of the Jewish media moguls are members of the secret organization of Freemasons, the International Order of B'nai B'rith.

Philip Morris Klutznick, 'the man who made Obama president', was the international president of B'nai B'rith.

The Sulzberger family who owns the New York Times was one of the founding families of Lodge No. 1 of the B'nai B'rith, which was started in New York City in 1843.

'It is through this secret society, which is closed to all non-Jews, that the media moguls and Jewish financiers are able to conspire against the American people while living among them.'

The B'nai B'rith also started the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in the early 1900s.

The ADL 'is an organization that protects the Jewish criminal network by attacking those who expose their crimes.'

The ADL 'has infiltrated police departments across the United States.'

The B'nai B'rith also runs Hillel, 'an organization for promoting the Zionist agenda at every college campus in the United States.'

Through their organizations like the ADL and Hillel, 'the secretive Elders of Zion of the B'nai B'rith are able to push their agenda into every community and college campus in America.'

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion , 'is certainly not a "hoary fake", and is most likely the protocols from a meeting of the leaders of the B'nai B'rith.'
Rahm Emanuel

7. Communism and Zionism are 'fraternal twins from the same mother'.

'This relationship can be seen in Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod, the most senior advisers of President Barack Obama.'

Emanuel, 'the son of a Zionist terrorist, and Axelrod, the son of Jewish communists, were commissioned in 1992 by the daughter of Jewish financier Philip Morris Klutznick of Chicago to make Obama our "first black president."'

Zionism and communism 'are two heads of the same evil beast.'

'Most of the Ashkenazi (Khazar and Slavic) Jews who built the Zionist state and who run it to this day come from the communist and Zionist parties that created the kibbutz and moshav settlements in Palestine.'

The Jews who were forced to emigrate to Palestine (later Israel) and the millions of people who have lived under communism 'are similar.'

Zionists and communists are both 'merely the foot soldiers for international Jewish bankers.'

Anonymous said...

Ireland Vote Shows Zionists Have
Won Europe.

Anonymous said...

Six Job Darby always wanted ethnics in the party. More money for Gri££. All money goes to welshpool for Darby/Gri££ to share out. What a Joke Darby Vice Chairman,Treasurer,Head of Press dept etc etc. Whats a joke is he his as THICK AS 2 PLANKS.

Anonymous said...

Is that Mark Collett in blackface next to Griffin ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Who's thge nice boy with Nick? ....

Martin Webster's replacement.

Anonymous said...

is that Mrk Collett in blackface next to Griffin? .......

Nah, that's his black girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

All Griffin had to do to win the case brought against him by Equalities Commision was to present to the court the UN charter of Rights of Indigenous Peoples, signed by Britain in 2007.

Griffin is holding the 2009 BNP AGM in Ireland solely to avoid facing his critics.

Griffin, Collett, Darby, Dowson and others in the BNP hierachy have been ripping-off BNP members for years, and beyond question are state control.

Griffin studied at Downing College, Cambridge. Cambridge universities have produced some of the worst traitors to betray our country: Burges, Blunt, Maclean, Philby, Shawcross etc. we can now safely add the name Griffin to that list of shame.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...