Thursday, October 08, 2009

"Will the last British nationalist in the BNP please turn the light out ?"

After the last post here on NWN blogsite about the BNP welcoming in non-whites into the BNP , we now see yet another 'white flag' of surrender has been raised within the BNP.

The following excerpt was taken from the main BNP website. A growing number of nationalists have been aware of the 'BNP sell-out' for a while now, but this latest example reinforces the zionist drift in the BNP under Griffin.
It's very hard to differentiate now between the BNP, UKIP and the EDL !

Here is the excerpt;

"As it is whites and European Jewish communities under attack from the nexus of western elites and Muslim extremists, the BNP must set up committees to liaise with our Jewish communities for mutual defence against this imported Jihad."

In the picture above about the US zionist lobby AIPAC. How long will it be now, before we see Nick Griffin crying at Israels Yad Vashem ? Not too long we think ! He will no doubt link up with Snr.Fini .


Anonymous said...

Its obvious Griffin has sanctioned this .

He has 'got the money' as a Euro MP and now he wants even more money.

I wonder how much he was promised to destroy the BNP ?

Anonymous said...

You can look from BNP to UKIP, & from BNP to EDL, but enough already, it's impossible to say which is which.

Anonymous said...

The simple reality is that Griffin is far from veing stupid.
He sees the Jews as an ally against Muslim Extremism - and TBH I believe that he's right.
'My enemies enemy' etc.
Painting all jews as introspective conniving conspiritors is just a little bit tired.
Most British Jews see themselves as exactly that- British citizens who follow the Jewish religion.
I know 2 4th generation british jews that would join the BNP tomorrow if they felt that they would be welcomed. They hold pretty similar values in terms of hard work and family, and have been successful entirely because of those values.
We could learn many lessons from them, and because they are obviously talented and intelligent why not ally with them against the REAL threat.
This passe anti-semitism diminishes not just us, but the real message that needs to be sent out.

Sort It Out. said...

Parliamentary Reform.

Trying to get MPs to support substantial parliamentary reform at the moment could be compared to trying to get turkeys to vote for Christmas. So I will not put forward much persuasion at the moment. There are a lot of details of course, plus sorting out the House of Lords, but I see parliamentary reform being basically three things.

1. Three year fixed dated, fixed termed parliaments.

2. Reducing MPs pay to £60,000 a year, with an extra £20,000 a year for ministers. That is ministers on £80,000 a year.

3. An end to MPs acting as social workers.

One. Three year parliaments sort out all the problems about accountability, rights of recall, MPs becoming middle class parasites and much else. First Past The Post would be retained, thus sorting out unpleasant patronage problems associated with party lists.

Two. £60,000 is too much pay for MPs, but the reality is that they get about that at the moment. What with house prices, comparisons with other European MPs and so on, the £60,000 would have to stay, but perhaps with a token small reduction. The £80,000 for ministers would bring back resigning on principal and so would be generally a good thing.

Three. MPs should be strategists, people who understand what is going on. If there is a perceived need for social work ombuds persons, fine. Appoint such people. People who, one would suppose, could liaise with local MPs.


Anonymous said...

The simple reality is that Griffin is far from veing stupid.
He sees the Jews as an ally against Muslim Extremism - and TBH I believe that he's right.
'My enemies enemy' etc.
Painting all jews as introspective conniving conspiritors is just a little bit tired.
Most British Jews see themselves as exactly that- British citizens who follow the Jewish religion.
I know 2 4th generation british jews that would join the BNP tomorrow if they felt that they would be welcomed. They hold pretty similar values in terms of hard work and family, and have been successful entirely because of those values.
We could learn many lessons from them, and because they are obviously talented and intelligent why not ally with them against the REAL threat.
This passe anti-semitism diminishes not just us, but the real message that needs to be sent out.

08 October 2009 10:32

Why are you scrubbing about with the likes of the BNP when you could achieve exactly the same result and even more influence in the Tory or Labour Parties ?

"Passe anti-semitism" ? My such a cliche !

And the "real message is ?"

Anonymous said...

Griffin tried to make the BNP multi-racial 5 years ago. The members fought that one and drove Griffin back.

This time it looks like the 'newer' BNP members have no fight in them .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am not renewing my membership thats for certain.

I joined the BNP to get the foreigners out of the country not to get them into the BNP !

Anonymous said...

gri££in is a zoinist stop trying to defend him. if you are still a bnp member and not happy with what is happening, stop going to meeting's don't send any money or buy thing's. ignore them & just let your membership run out. all what's left in the bnp are creep's conmen, cheat's & moron's.

Anonymous said...

We had a superb organiser until recently that really kicked started it here and it was on the up bigtime.He had a good job,used to pay for phonecalls to contact members,send out mailshots,always be out canvassing and leafleting,donate to the party etc,probably putting in about 2/3 hundred quid a month.since he lost his job and asked for financial support from the party they didnt want to know him and he has just walked away and wants no more.We have contacted the party about keeping the group running but no one has got back to us either ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A lot of the new members coming into the BNP need educating, once we had the bookshop in Welling which stocked very interesting racial and revisionist material that awoke me, what have the new people got the crap books that Kemp stocks. Gri££in wants to keep them in the dark!

Anonymous said...

The BNP is Zionist. Has been for a few years.

it is NOT nationalist.

stop bank-rolling Griffin's family all you muppets out there.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Searchlight and UAF Fiddling costs

All these idiots campaigned against the BNP.

This is what they spent to rig an election.

This is a disgusting record of interference in a democratic election ;

Board of Deputies of British Jews 35,445

National Union of Teachers 25,194

Public and Commercial Services Union 74,794

Searchlight Information Services Ltd 137,409

Unison - The Public Service Union Not yet submitted

Unite Against Fascism 86,987

USDAW 3,604

= £ 363,433

They should be all banned.
Now compare the bnp list and spot the one group left out?

Richard Chadfield said...

"As it is whites and European Jewish communities under attack from the nexus of western elites and Muslim extremists, the BNP must set up committees to liaise with our Jewish communities for mutual defence against this imported Jihad"
The above quote is reported to come from the BNP website. I take it on trust--I have not checked.
My 'off the cuff' comments.
1) I feel no afinity with the Islamic religion.
2) I want a Christian Europe with no Islamic presence. Just as Islamic nations want no Christian presence in their countries.
Having made the above first two points I will proceed to make some ,perhaps, more controversial points.
A) I think I have a simple understanding of Islamic outrage.
Islam is under attack. The attack is physical --ie bombs and bullets. The attack is also propagandistic. No honest informed person can deny this.
B)Just as Islam is under attack so also is Christianity under attack. The mode of attack may be different --the denial of God, the promotion of immorality, etc--but the attack is real and deadly. More deadly than that on Islam because it is directed not only at our bodies but also at our spiritual core.
C) Perhaps some readers have not yet appreciated the extent to which Islam is under attack. So let me point out the following.
a) Islamic Palistine no longer exsists. It is now the state of Israil.
b) Islamic Lebanon is repeated invaded by the Israili army.
c) Islamic Iraq has been distroyed by the Americans with a little help from ourselves and with ,I suspect, a little Jewish 'egging on'.
d)Islamic Afganistan has been brutally occupied by the Americans for eight years.
e) Islamic Pakistan is under increasing American attack .
f) Islamic Iran is next in line to be attacked by America.
It is quite realistic to assume that very soon the entire Islamic hartland ,from the eastern Mediterranean to China, will be occupied.
How do you think Muslims feel about this? Do you think these facts may be contributing factors to percived Muslim attitudes?
D) Considering the above ,recognising that both Muslims and Christians are both under deadley attack would it not make sense for us,Muslims and Christians, to stop 'having a go' at each other and to unite against the common enemy? The common enemy being ,in my opinion, Zionism.
I conclude this post by suggesting that you visit
where you will see some photo's of the BNP's new friends dropping white phosphuros on Muslim civilians in Gaza.
After that why not visit just to see how the BNP's new friends treat their 'friends'.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, the BNP has moved on from out and out racism to be a far more representtive party.
Relics like Chadfield are well out of it and not needed.
Why not go and form a British Nazi Party? That way you can all pretend to be hard and edgy, whilst the rest of us move forward with Nationalism as an ongoing mainstream party. Bitter, twisted and impotent - why not take your toys and go and play elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

As the man said stop bankrolling Griffin's family business.

Griffin ain't a Zionist or any ist. He's a businessman who is no good at normal business so he's turned to politics since so many people are desperate for a saviour and want to believe.

Any accounts yet?

angry BNP'er said...

Fortunately, the BNP has moved on from out and out racism to be a far more representtive party.
Relics like Chadfield are well out of it and not needed.
Why not go and form a British Nazi Party? That way you can all pretend to be hard and edgy, whilst the rest of us move forward with Nationalism as an ongoing mainstream party. Bitter, twisted and impotent - why not take your toys and go and play elsewhere.

Why are you posting on here ? Go and fuck off ! You must be very bitter and twisted.

Why have scum like you hijacked the BNP and changed it so it's like the Tory party ?

Anonymous said...

i bet griffin wont be saying this anytime in the future, "I am a thief and a traitor to my race and country"

Anonymous said...

I am sure the bnp will loose more than 50% of the membership this year. and most will not renew. Why pay for Darby/Griffins lifestyle.

Richard Chadfield said...

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, the BNP has moved on from out and out racism to be a far more representtive party.
Relics like Chadfield are well out of it and not needed.
Why not go and form a British Nazi Party? That way you can all pretend to be hard and edgy, whilst the rest of us move forward with Nationalism as an ongoing mainstream party. Bitter, twisted and impotent - why not take your toys and go and play elsewhere.

09 October 2009 10:26
A few observations.
1) You appear to lack the courage to put your idenity to your posting.
2) You fail to point out a single falsehood in my posting.
3) You make no points of your own beyond the unqualified statement that the BNP is now more representative. Could you tell us all just what the BNP now represents?
4) The BNP is not a mainstream
party. It has about fifty councillors, one London assembly member (currenly suspended I understand) and two MEPs. It has about 10,000 members most of whome are inactive. I surjest that you compare these figures with similar
figures for the real mainstream parties--ie Labour, Tory etc.
But then perhaps you have a different definition of 'mainstream' to other people. What is your definition of 'mainstream'?
5) You are correct when you state that I am no longer in the BNP. (Thank G-d for that) Though I have thirty active years in nationalist politics. How many active years in nationalists politics have you?
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

1) You appear to lack the courage to put your idenity to your posting.

so you can send the boot-bois around? Grow up FFS This is a blog not the Daily Telegraph.

2) You fail to point out a single falsehood in my posting.

Because your entire posting is innuendo, suspicions and half-truths. You seem to be defending Islam. Why? Have you actually read any of the Koran?
It doesn't differentiate between Christians, Jews, Monkeys and Pigs. Have a lucky dip Chadfield, we're all the same to them.

3) You make no points of your own beyond the unqualified statement that the BNP is now more representative. Could you tell us all just what the BNP now represents?

The very fact that the BNP is now attracting more support than in your day gives it's own answer.

4) The BNP is not a mainstream
party. It has about fifty councillors, one London assembly member (currenly suspended I understand) and two MEPs. It has about 10,000 members most of whome are inactive. I surjest that you compare these figures with similar
figures for the real mainstream parties--ie Labour, Tory etc.
But then perhaps you have a different definition of 'mainstream' to other people. What is your definition of 'mainstream'?

Getting into the news on a daily basis. Having mainstream TV broadcast your views. Appearing on Panorama. Having European Representation.

5) You are correct when you state that I am no longer in the BNP. (Thank G-d for that) Though I have thirty active years in nationalist politics. How many active years in nationalists politics have you?
Richard Chadfield

NONE!! and it's exactly BECAUSE of people like you that I and many others didn't want to be tarred with the same brush. You are the unacceotable face of Nationalism - the racist boot-boy, the skinhead, the prick with the swastika tatoo.

The fact is that you are nothing
more than a malcontent. Everything has moved forward in a direction that most are comfortable with. Of course there will always be a few dinosaurs who can't or won't accept change. If that is the case, why bleat about it. Go and do something pro-active. Instead your response is to bitch along with other morons about how things 'should' be.

At least I can see through the blind bigotry and passe hatreds, and it's pretty clear who is the real enemy of this country - and it's not Mr Goldberg the Accountant or Israel.

With this at least, Griffin is 100% correct.

Anonymous said...

'A few observations.
1) You appear to lack the courage to put your idenity to your posting.
2) You fail to point out a single falsehood in my posting.
3) You make no points of your own beyond the unqualified statement that the BNP is now more representative. Could you tell us all just what the BNP now represents?
4) The BNP is not a mainstream
party. It has about fifty councillors, one London assembly member (currenly suspended I understand) and two MEPs. It has about 10,000 members most of whome are inactive. I surjest that you compare these figures with similar
figures for the real mainstream parties--ie Labour, Tory etc.
But then perhaps you have a different definition of 'mainstream' to other people. What is your definition of 'mainstream'?
5) You are correct when you state that I am no longer in the BNP. (Thank G-d for that) Though I have thirty active years in nationalist politics. How many active years in nationalists politics have you?
Richard Chadfield'

Absolutely. The BNP is a small cult whose adherents hope to talk themselves up as a huge affair when in reality it's pitifully limited in terms of resources and powerless.

While of course diatribing against critics just like scientology and many other cults who make non-persons of departed members.

Frankly they'd be better with the English Democrats who have at least acquired power in a city and don't appear to be totally dodgy.

Anonymous said...

to the person who is supporting griffin. the bnp is not as 'clean' as griffin & co would like you to think. they have a organiser who has a room that is a shrine to the 3rd reich. a former organiser that also has 3rd reich collection.their are several member's with nazi tattoo's. the regional organiser knew about the organiser's 3rd reich collection and still allowed them to be organiser's.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
to the person who is supporting griffin. the bnp is not as 'clean' as griffin & co would like you to think. they have a organiser who has a room that is a shrine to the 3rd reich.......I Say I thought everyone had one, even my poor Granny has hers!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm not stupid by any means. I know that Griffin is as bent as a 9 bob note. Surrounding himself with halfwits like Colett is another example of his gross lack of judgement. Having said that, all of the Nazis will be picked off one at a time - and good riddance.

angry BNP'er said...

I'm not stupid by any means. I know that Griffin is as bent as a 9 bob note. Surrounding himself with halfwits like Colett is another example of his gross lack of judgement. Having said that, all of the Nazis will be picked off one at a time - and good riddance.

10 October 2009 20:26


But Griffin has left the stupid nazi fetishists in the BNP.

Tommy Williams,Dave Howard,Mark Collett, Kev Bryan,Ken Kelly,Allan Payne.

As well as those already mentioned in the West Midlands area.

Thats just off the top of my head.

Griffin himself edited a pro-nazi magazine THE RUNE - got a suspended jail sentence for this.

The onlyreason you want the race issue outof the BNP is becuase you are a traitor.

You want to destroy the BNP.

It is that what makes us stand-out !

Anonymous said...

Richard Chadfield is right and sure knows his stuff ,a thousand like him and we would take this country back .Well done Richard.

Anonymous said...

The onlyreason you want the race issue outof the BNP is becuase you are a traitor.

You want to destroy the BNP.

It is that what makes us stand-out !"

and that just fits all the answers into neat little boxes for you. I'd try to explain and debate it with you a little more, but I'd get more logic and sense out of my dog.

You just sit at your PC...impotent and ineffective whilst the world just rolls on and passes you by.

Pathetic....just like the Swiss waiter.

Anonymous said...

they have a organiser who has a room that is a shrine to the 3rd reich.

I think you're getting that mixed up with a Father Ted episode. . .

Anonymous said...


My grandfather died in the liberation of Europe so that c*nts like you could have the freedom to say "I.Littler."

Scum like you were shot as traitors in those days. You are not British - you disrespect everything that genuine British tommies fought and died for.

Pond Life.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Nice.
My grandfather died in the liberation of Europe so that c*nts like you could have the freedom to say "I.Littler." I SAY....Europe was never liberated, your facts about History come straight from Izzy Solomons "A HOAXING WE WILL GO" either that or your a red troll

Anonymous said...

A red or a traitor.

In the meantime mate - YOU'RE the malcontent on the outside looking in.

As I said, you're filthy pond-life.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

My grandfather died in the liberation of Europe so that c*nts like you could have the freedom to say "I.Littler.
I SAY .... Was he a money lender or a camp guard.
E. Brown.

Anonymous said...

Richard Chadfield's assessment of zionism is dead on target.

`Fortunately, the BNP has moved on, blah, blah, blah ........'

OK, Chris Mentally-Hill, you slithering slimey scum-sucking piece of zioist filth, come out from under your stinking zionist turd you're hiding under.

Anonymous said...

My Grandpa died in Auswizch ..... he accidently fell out of a guard tower while skeet shooting ..... he was going for a left-and-a-right on a couple of running yiddlies he was using instead of clay pigeons, got over-excited and fell over the guard rail ..... talk about fancy shooting and keen at the sport, he managed nailing both of them before he hit the ground ..... if such shooting were an olympic sport, Grandpa would have won a sack of gold medals for Germany.

Richard Chadfield said...

on 08 October 2009 23:44 I put a posting on this page. On 09 October 2009 10:26 I received a reply to which I replied on 09 October 2009 23:49. A second reply was then posted on 10 October 2009 10:37. This second reply is pasted below. The points 1) to 5) were my own in my second posting. The attached comments were my critics response. The questions that I now ask myself are:
a) What did I say in my posting of 8th Oct 23:44 and second post of 9th Oct 23:49 that caused such an enraged response?
b) Is this angry irrationality now the norm in the new , modernised and tolerant BNP?
I would point out that contrary to the anonymous posters comments I have never been a skinhead(not even in my first youth) nor do I have ,nor have I ever had, swastika tatoos. Further more I have never been charged under the race laws.(or any other laws) I believe ,please correct me if I am wrong, that the current chairman of the BNP has been charged under the race laws.
I will not respond point by point to my 'critics ' postings. In all truth they are not worth a reply in detail. The best response is to forward the postings so that everyone may peruse the face of the modern BNP.

Anonymous said...

1) You appear to lack the courage to put your idenity to your posting.

so you can send the boot-bois around? Grow up FFS This is a blog not the Daily Telegraph.

2) You fail to point out a single falsehood in my posting.

Because your entire posting is innuendo, suspicions and half-truths. You seem to be defending Islam. Why? Have you actually read any of the Koran?
It doesn't differentiate between Christians, Jews, Monkeys and Pigs. Have a lucky dip Chadfield, we're all the same to them.

3) You make no points of your own beyond the unqualified statement that the BNP is now more representative. Could you tell us all just what the BNP now represents?

The very fact that the BNP is now attracting more support than in your day gives it's own answer.

4) The BNP is not a mainstream
party. It has about fifty councillors, one London assembly member (currenly suspended I understand) and two MEPs. It has about 10,000 members most of whome are inactive. I surjest that you compare these figures with similar
figures for the real mainstream parties--ie Labour, Tory etc.
But then perhaps you have a different definition of 'mainstream' to other people. What is your definition of 'mainstream'?

Getting into the news on a daily basis. Having mainstream TV broadcast your views. Appearing on Panorama. Having European Representation.

5) You are correct when you state that I am no longer in the BNP. (Thank G-d for that) Though I have thirty active years in nationalist politics. How many active years in nationalists politics have you?
Richard Chadfield

NONE!! and it's exactly BECAUSE of people like you that I and many others didn't want to be tarred with the same brush. You are the unacceotable face of Nationalism - the racist boot-boy, the skinhead, the prick with the swastika tatoo.

The fact is that you are nothing
more than a malcontent. Everything has moved forward in a direction that most are comfortable with. Of course there will always be a few dinosaurs who can't or won't accept change. If that is the case, why bleat about it. Go and do something pro-active. Instead your response is to bitch along with other morons about how things 'should' be.

At least I can see through the blind bigotry and passe hatreds, and it's pretty clear who is the real enemy of this country - and it's not Mr Goldberg the Accountant or Israel.

With this at least, Griffin is 100% correct.

10 October 2009 10:37
Richard Chadfield


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...