Monday, June 01, 2009

June 4th European and Local Elections



Anonymous said...

European parliamentary elections 2009: Labour heading for worst polls results in history

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to tell your friends that the NW Green candidate is a Communist who openly attends Communist meetings.

GriffinWatch said...

To vote at all simply legitemises the Euro scam, spoil your ballot paper, don't vote for anyone, if you do, when they bring in even more repressive laws, they will say "you voted us in to represent you", Don't vote, this will shock them more than anything else.

Anonymous said...

It's only fraud that will stop us making a break threw.
Where ever you live go to your polling station at 9pm and keep an eye on the officals unto 10pm.

Anonymous said...

Farmer who opposed traveller site is branded racist by council and threatened with prosecution

A farmer who wrote to his council objecting to a proposed travellers’ site next to his house was accused of racism and threatened with police action.
Bryan Lee, 65, of Silverton, Devon,was shocked when officials sent a letter back warning he would be investigated if 'any more racist representations’ were sent.
In his letter, Mr Lee said that when he used to live near travellers he had experienced many problems, including fights, stolen property and out-of-control animals.
Fury: Bryan Lee, standing by the proposed travellers' site, said he is not a racist

But Mid Devon District Council instantly dismissed his opposition to an application to turn a farmer’s field into a home for a family of gypsies and their horse-selling business.
The letter read: ‘It is the policy of the council, when making decisions on planning and building proposals and applications, to take no account of representations of a racist nature.
‘I have to tell you that if the council receives any more racist representations from you, this matter will be referred to the Commission for Racial Equality or the police for investigation.’
Mr Lee, who is now retired, condemned the situation as ‘political correctness gone too far’ and is seeking legal action claiming he was unfairly labelled a racist.
He said: ‘I think it is absolutely outrageous. I find it so offensive. I am so angry. I am not a racist.
‘I crafted that letter as carefully as I could. I deliberately avoided using the word “gipsy”. They have put their own interpretation on it.
‘It was a factual report of my own first-hand experience. If the council won’t even consider the sort of issues that I have raised, then they are stupid.’
The application had been put forward to change a farm field to a ‘pitch to accommodate a traveller family and one pitch for a mobile horticulture business’.
In his letter, Mr Lee wrote: ‘The number of families at any one time on the permanent site was an ongoing problem for the local authority as was the nature of business carried out on the site, including vehicle wrecking and various small-scale livestock ventures.
‘Horses were turned into my fields on a regular basis.
‘The police were regular visitors to the site, usually to trace stolen property but also to break up fights with other traveller families from other sites.’
But today Mid Devon District Council once again said they would not take into account comments ‘where they could be reasonably be considered to be racist’.
A spokesman said: ‘I appreciate that planning applications for gipsy and traveller sites can be quite sensitive.
‘But the council has a responsibility under the Race Relations Act 1976 to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination and to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between racial groups.
‘We have a very clear policy - based on national guidelines produced by the Royal Town Planning Institute - that we will not take into account comments made in relation to planning applications where they could reasonably be considered to be racist.’
A spokesman for the Equality and Human Rights Commission - formerly the Commission for Racial Equality - said it could not comment on whether travellers were a racial group.
The planning application was later withdrawn.

Anonymous said...

Laughing at the law: Travellers set up illegal camps while councils are closed

It's a Bank Holiday ritual - travellers swooping to build illegal camps while councils are shut. So when officials get back to work, do they lift a finger to help decent families whose lives have been ruined? What do you think?

Dr Chris Hill said...

Anonymous (12:41 hrs)

'To vote at all simply legitemises the Euro scam, spoil your ballot paper, don't vote for anyone, if you do, when they bring in even more repressive laws, they will say "you voted us in to represent you", Don't vote, this will shock them more than anything else.'

I say:
This is the problem, so many of our supporters feel this way, our vote may well fall because of it.
The best way to defeat the EU is from within.

A vote for the BNP on June 4th is neither a pro EU vote nor a vote for the corrupt Griffin/Collett gang, it's a vote for the grass-roots ideals and membership of the party.

On June 4th VOTE BNP. Then on June 5th let's start looking for a man/women of integrity to replace Griffin.

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

Griffinwatch's comments are nonsense.

Failure to vote will also be taken as a sign that the British people do not the federasts, eurofanatics and other liblabcon traitors will still push through their agenda.

The best way to stop them is to vote BNP.

Not UKIP, whose MEPs and leader have voted in favour of further powers for Brussels in direct contradiction to their stated policies and purpose.

Why BNP?

A big vote for the BNP will cause utter dismay amongst the establishment, which is solidly pro Europe.

If big enough, it might even cause the Labour Party to implode. (Alright, unlikely, but I am on record as an optimist.)

The BNP should be able to attract many UKIP voters both before the election and afterwards. A bigger vote for the BNP will surely tempt many to ponder whether their anti Euro vote is wasted on UKIP.

A big vote for the BNP nails the lie that a BNP vote is a wasted vote.


So many other reasons, not enough time or space to write them all down.

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

To vote at all simply legitemises the Euro scam, spoil your ballot paper, don't vote for anyone, if you do, when they bring in even more repressive laws, they will say "you voted us in to represent you", Don't vote, this will shock them more than anything else.

01 June 2009 12:58

If you don't vote you provide the opposition with a better chance. Who's side are you on? If the BNP can make a breakthrough you should be supporting it. Griffin can be replaced at a later date. Please don't be selfish and ignorant.

ES said...

Griffin Watch, are you that twisted in tyour hatred of NG you would rather the Country go down the pan as long as the BNP is fucked? DISGUSTING

Anonymous said...

ES your right i feel griffinwatches hatred for NG has consumed him beyond redemption he can no longer be trusted as anyone with that much hatred to an individual who would put that before the cause is capable of anything even betrayal to the opposition ,enough said

GriffinWatch said...

How many more times must I say it? I don't hate Griffin, he's merely an obstacle in the way of our progress, If any of you can come up with realist reasons why we should have M.E.P.s and how it will REALLY HELP US, feel free to do so. What good have the other nationalist LEANING M.E.P.s done?
I don't mind the flak, or pushing the echelons of political thought and tactics, but really, can't you come up with any better reason than "you hate Griffin you do" when attempting to shoot me down in flames. I hate Collett and have good reason to do so, Griffin to me is just a thorn in our side.

GriffinWatch said...

Here is what you are condoning voting for.

Anonymous said...

If Brown says don't vote for the BNP then i'm voting BNP.

Anonymous said...


You are a State tool, there is sympathy with your arguments up to a point, but your site is the rantings of a bitter and twisted individual who it appears, because of their own short comings need to double their efforts to do down that which is successfully being achieved by the BNP and all this without their 'invaluable' help.

Do us all a favour and go and join the ranks of the UAF or have your State handlers told you to at least persist with your webpage until at least the Euros and its aftermath have passed?

Needless to say, every British Nationalist/Racialist should vote BNP on the 4th.

By the way, GriffinWatch is running a poll, go and vote in support of Griffo just to cheese him off!

Anonymous said...

Here is what you are condoning voting for.

No, we're not. We want a voice in an establishment that despises and hates us, and if you wanted to deliver a bloody nose you'd shut up and vote BNP.

Anonymous said...

Will there be another purge if Griffin wins?

Anonymous said...

GriffinWatch is the same ilk as 'Final Conflict' which seems to espouse the same 'Holier Than Thou' comments.

Begs the question, do they really believe their own State-friendly comments?

As regards their trying to discourage people from voting BNP in the Euros, this also begs the question as to whether they are also 'Turk-friendly'

Needless to say, it is all well and good these two (non)entities spouting off their anti-BNP musings, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty they aren't garnering a zillionth of the support the BNP are, says it all really, also the fact that the general British public despise anyone insulting their intelligence doesn't win them any friends either!

No need to worry about them anyway, as they get a miniscule amount of traffic and most of that is probably from people wanting a bit of a laugh.

Anyway, best of luck to the BNP and I hope we see their breaking into the mainstream come Sunday night!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Will there be another purge if Griffin wins?

01 June 2009 23:51

Will there be another purge if he loses

Anonymous said...

The idea that putting up candidates in the Euro elections is useless is, again, just nonsense from Griffinwatch.

Just look at the whole campaign:

1) the billboards,
2) the 29 million leaflets delivered free of charge to every home,
3) the radio/TV interviews,
4) the TV election broadcast.

Without the Euro election, would we have got so much attention?

Would so many people know of us and what we stand for?

The media has not been able to ignore us, our policies or our candidates completely.

How we use any success is another question.

Bill Jax

baz said...

Being an adult is a big responsibilty

Sometimes the toilet gets bunged up and there is only one way to clear it.

Hold your nose and VOTE BNP

GriffinWatch said...


You are a State tool, there is sympathy with your arguments up to a point, but your site is the rantings of a bitter and twisted individual who it appears, because of their own short comings need to double their efforts to do down that which is successfully being achieved by the BNP and all this without their 'invaluable' help.

Do us all a favour and go and join the ranks of the UAF or have your State handlers told you to at least persist with your webpage until at least the Euros and its aftermath have passed?

Needless to say, every British Nationalist/Racialist should vote BNP on the 4th.

By the way, GriffinWatch is running a poll, go and vote in support of Griffo just to cheese him off!"

Yada yada yada, I've heard it all before and it just won't wash. G.W. will keep exposing Griffin until he is removed, the blog has nothing to do with the elections, it's about ridding the movement of liabilities. Making a better future for our chilren, this cannot be achieved by legitimising the Euro scam and screaming "it's all the muzzies fault". I notice no-one has answered the question, "what benefits will we really gain from having M.E.P.s?". I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

"what benefits will we really gain from having M.E.P.s?". I rest my case.

How about enough publicity that the whole country and even the world will here of the BNP? If you wish to stay home and allow the mainstream parties in then do it.

Anonymous said...

GriffinWatch i dont object to you not voting as that is your democratic right but i do object to you telling other people not to support the bnp in this election ,if you dont want to vote thats fine but dont under mine the work we bnp activists have been toiling away at for months

GriffinWatch said...

"How about enough publicity that the whole country and even the world will here of the BNP? If you wish to stay home and allow the mainstream parties in then do it."

And of course the CONTROLLED MEDIA are going to put out glowing references and support for the B.N.P. in said publicity are they? No of course they aren't, you are going to have to do far better than that to convince those who are actually thinking about what's going on. If you want to debate, fine I'm up for it, at least put something tangible on the table please.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

'GriffinWatch i dont object to you not voting as that is your democratic right but i do object to you telling other people not to support the bnp in this election ,if you dont want to vote thats fine but dont under mine the work we bnp activists have been toiling away at for months'

Greatest sympathy with your point. Most of us here have toiled in the same way at one time or other and most probably for years on end.

But nationalists can't be asked to keep silence about what they regard as fundamental failings in the movement which may make your efforts pointless.

There's no automatic reward in politics for hard work. Often the other way round.

GriffinWatch said...

"Wise Up Journal

The following text was printed on page 12 of the Irish Daily Mail newspaper, Monday the 25th of May 2009:

Irish Daily Mail
Monday, May 25th, 2009
By Mary Ellen Synon

The horror at the dark heart of a sordid, arrogant parliament

Here we are, a few words about Brussels and how it feels about child abuse. I’ll move onto the elections for the European parliament in a moment, but given the horrors of the Ryan report last week, I thought that you ought to know how seriously the euro-elite treat any suggestion of improper behaviour by adults towards children.

In other words I give you Daniel Cohn Bendit, an MEP for the German Green Party. He is a self-confessed kiddie-fiddler, but pulling down his trouser zip for tiny children hasn’t stopped him becoming one of the most influential members of parliament. Here is his story. Keep in mind this man has more power over the legislation of this country than does any member of the Dail.

Mr Cohn-Bendit is better known as Dany the red of the 1968 Paris Barricades. He is a kind of mid-century leftover leftie who was active in squatting, street fighting and agitation before he re-invented himself as a Green and was elected to the European parliament. Last month I went to watch him in a debate with Declan Ganley. The thing was standing-room only in a ballroom in a Brussels hotel."

Well that just about sums up the average "elitist" doesn't it, greed and kiddie fiddling. Yes lets all vote in and not boycot the Euros, so we can have more sickos elected.

No wonder we are losing.

Anonymous said...

Who is an anti-Semite?

By Tom Sunic

Someday the word “anti-Semite” will be studied as an example of distorted political discourse — as a signifier attached to somebody who advocates the reign of demonology. How does one dare critically talk about the extraordinary influence the Jews in the West have without running the risk of social opprobrium?

We certainly cannot expect that Jewish intellectuals will think critically about Jewish influence. As a French author Hervé Ryssen writes, “internationally-known Jewish authors, haunted by the either real or surreal specter of anti-Semitism, consider it a sickness, which enables them to avoid any form of introspection.”

While it is commonplace for White Europeans and Americans to critically talk in private about Arabs, Mexicans, Africans or, for that matter, deride their fellow White citizens, a critical comment about the influence of Jews, even if founded on empirical facts, is viewed as an insult to Jews. If a serious European and American scholar or a politician ventures into this minefield, his gesture is interpreted as a sign of somebody who writes his obituary.

Such a schizophrenic climate of self-censorship in the West will sooner or later lead to dramatic consequences for both Jews and non-Jews. The lack of healthy dialogue can last for decades, but feigned conviviality between opposing groups cannot last forever. Mendacity carries the germ of civil war.

While many authors in the West sport staggering erudition in unabashedly challenging modern myths, the most sensitive point of reference of the twentieth century — Jewish influence — is carefully avoided. If the subject of Jews is ever brought up in a European or American public forum, it is in a laudatory fashion — a clear indication of the morbid desire of White ruling elites to curry favor with the Jews.

Anonymous said...

I do not want Brons, Bailey or Griffin to become a MEP. If BNP fails then GRiffin will be on shakey ground indeed.

Ig Griffstein gets elected he will have the money to wreck the BNP.

Griffinwatch has a point.

Anonymous said...

If you want to debate, fine I'm up for it, at least put something tangible on the table please.

If the possibility of more than a million people voting BNP doesn't do it for you, you should just fuck off and die.

Anonymous said...

UK Muslims, the BNP, and EU Elections

By Euro-Muslims Editorial Desk

Will UK Muslims kick the BNP outside the European Parliament?

On June 4, European Muslims in 27 countries can take an action on obstacles challenging their integration process and play a role in countering the extreme right wing's danger in Europe through making well-versed choices on the European Parliamentary elections.

Seventy two Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will be representing the British electoral region in the European Parliament for the upcoming five years (2009-2014).

Leading Muslim Scholars, coming from diverse backgrounds and schools of thoughts, have urged British Muslims to "vote in the European elections, as xenophobic, extremist right wing parties have a very real chance of gaining national prominence by winning a seat in the European Parliament," in a statement that was issued on May 28


GriffinWatch said...

"If the possibility of more than a million people voting BNP doesn't do it for you, you should just fuck off and die."

That's an ad-hominem attack not constructive debate.

GriffinWatch said...

"'GriffinWatch i dont object to you not voting as that is your democratic right but i do object to you telling other people not to support the bnp in this election ,if you dont want to vote thats fine but dont under mine the work we bnp activists have been toiling away at for months'

Greatest sympathy with your point. Most of us here have toiled in the same way at one time or other and most probably for years on end.

But nationalists can't be asked to keep silence about what they regard as fundamental failings in the movement which may make your efforts pointless.

There's no automatic reward in politics for hard work. Often the other way round.

02 June 2009 15:12"

I know what you mean, I most certainly don't like having to say these things but I do have the courage of my convictions and a small voice. I don't want to offend our hard working activists, I was also one, so I know what an important and mostly thankless task that it is. I really do believe that the Euros should be boycotted and that the B.N.P. should be exposing it on the main website, not partaking in the scam that it is. It's a difficult time in nationalism for all of us, I for one will be glad when the elections are over.

Anonymous said...

"On June 4th VOTE BNP. Then on June 5th let's start looking for a man/women of integrity to replace Griffin."

You can't be trusted, Hill. You're trying to straddle both sides of the fence by leafletting with BNP comrades in Lancaster and Morecambe, then you come out with a statement like that. You should be thrown out as a traitor.

Anonymous said...

Leading Muslim Scholars, coming from diverse backgrounds and schools of thoughts, have urged British Muslims to "vote in the European elections, as xenophobic, extremist right wing parties have a very real chance of gaining national prominence by winning a seat in the European Parliament," in a statement that was issued on May 28


Indeed, and when they start to really pull their power in local elections the far left will be crying like babies in to their milk. Muslims REALLY do hate Jews.

Anonymous said...

'I know what you mean, I most certainly don't like having to say these things but I do have the courage of my convictions and a small voice. I don't want to offend our hard working activists, 'I was also one, so I know what an important and mostly thankless task that it is. I really do believe that the Euros should be boycotted and that the B.N.P. should be exposing it on the main website, not partaking in the scam that it is. It's a difficult time in nationalism for all of us, I for one will be glad when the elections are over.'

I vote BNP in elections which are local. I won't vote BNP in the European ones because I don't see it as in the longer term interests of the movement.

Of course there are arguments on both sides and no disrespect to those who see it as chance for massive publicity and so on.

Dr Chris Hill said...

Dear Anonymous (22:43 hrs)

Let's get on thing straight: I don't pay my membership fees to be a member of the Nick Griffin fan club. I pay them to be part of the only political party that truly represents the British people (ie the BNP). Unfortunately the national Chairman of that party, Nick Griffin, has made himself a dictator, but I for one have no intention of allowing him to remain in that position 1 second longer that I have to.

My voice may only be that of a grass-roots member, but I intend to use it to the full in-order to liberate the party from Griffin and his cronies. This is does not make me a traitor, because my loyalty is to the party and above all to the British people, not the power mad Griffin.

Griffin's time is running out, I hope he wins his MEP seat and goes quietly, perhaps with the position of life president as was offered to JT. But because after 10 years of his leadership we are no closer to winning a seat in Westminster than we he took over, and also because he is simply incapable of building a party that can become the elected government of the UK, he must go!

My advice to you Mr Anonymous (or should that be Mr Spineless) is go start your own NG fan club and leave the BNP alone.

Chris Hill

baz said...

I have been out today to help local BNP supporters who erected banners on major roads.

The faces of what I took to be Pakistani Asians were contorted with rage - How dare we campaign for a party to represent Us?

I wont be joining the BNP or contributing to it's finances, but I shall do all I can to help its electoral success.

Perhaps those elected will become more powerful within the BNP and eventually take over from Griffin (and the Crap constitution.)

richard Chadfield said...

I have spent thirty years activley campaigning for the British Nationalist cause. I started with the National Front back in the seventies. After the NF collapsed and it's then Chairman, Mr Grifin, walked away I went on to join the National Democrats and finally in 1999 the BNP. I chose to leave the BNP in December 2007--I shell not return. I have probilly walked more street miles delivering nationalist leaflets than most other posters here. I have probilly spent more hours standing in city centres selling nationalist publications than most other posters here.
I have probilly stood as a nationalist candidate in more elections than most posters here.
I have, over the thirty years, probilly donated more money to the nationalist cause than most posters here.
Having said all this ,which is true, I will also say that I will not be voting for the BNP in the coming Euro elections.
Why? Simply because I no longer believe that the BNP is what it puports its-self to be. I do not believe it to be financilly honest or open, I do not believe it to be
internally democratic but rather I believe it to have become the fiefdom of essentially one person--it's Chairman. I do not believe that the BNP any longer truely adheres to racial nationalist ideals. In short I believe that it,in it's ardent desire to become "mainsteam", has become (or is becoming) increasingly similar to the establishment parties. (rather like the pigs in Animal Farm.)
I also have an uneasy feeling that the BNP is now controlled by the state. I have elaborated on this in previous posts and will not repeat myself here.( Remember that the states policy is not to distroy opposition but to absorb it.The state needs a pretend opposition.It needs to controll all spectrum of opinion to render the pubic impotent.) I look at other nationalist parties within the U.K and Ireland such as the the SNP, sinn Fein etc and see them ambracing ,to my thinking, the policies of their establishments. (the BNP ,to me, appears to be doing the same.)Unfortunatley nationalists are easily misled. Their need for hope and their ardent desire for change to a just society so easily blinds them to the corruption within their own parties. Hope is such a powerful need within humans that it freqently leads to the rejection of reality.
So if I believe that the BNP has now been absorbed into the state (or in it's desire to gain elected office has essentially abandoned core nationalist ideals) why should I vote for it? Clearly I can not vote for it. The correct policy has to be abstention.
Remember the states resoreces are essentially infinite. It can infiltrate any party (NPD) and does so as a matter of course. The one thing the state needs is public participation in it's electoral circus. One thing guinine nationalists need to do is to convince the pubic to 'stop playing their game' and abstain. Politics is a lot more than participating in the voting charade.
Nationalists should be astute enough (and sufficiently unemotional) not to be fooled by charletans who wrap themselves in the flag.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

The BNP needs to be careful. Friends in the pub tonight said Labour party activists are plotting to dispose of thousands of postal votes. The BNP should call the police. I live in the Midlands.

Anonymous said...

Richard Chadfield has done for nationalism what he has written. So he is fully entitled to vote or not for Griffin, as Richard lives in the North West.

I in fact, edge Richard out in all the aspects he mentions for activism, and also am a past NW Regional Organiser.

I will also NOT be voting for Griffin either as I too live in the North West.

(Griffin has made this personal.)

We should have had someone like Cllr Sharon Wilkinson to stand in and lead the BNP slate for the North West.

Maybe me and Richard would then have voted for the BNP.

Some of those placed at the top of BNP slates nationwide are disgraceful ! Others were more worthy.

Anonymous said...

I have read all the different views above and although having deep misgivings about some of the people who are staanding, I would rather vote BNP than see anyone else take power.
Griffin has hurt a lot of people, but alas my children will be safer with a BNP government in charge.
Griffin is not for life our nation is.
Scotland must have the worst no1 candidate, in one Gary Raikes.

I hope he goes after the elections because there is talk of people chucking it if he stays in charge.
This is something no member wants, we need aall the grass root members we can get. All we need iss decent people in charge who can do the job.
Thank god the media have not invited Raikes onto tele, it would be a disaster for the party.

The man is a workshy liar, only using the BNP as a way of making money, thats all he is in it for money.

But guess what I will still be voting BNP, I have no choice. I am a nationalist

Dr Chris Hill said...

Can I make a suggestion to all those who feel they cannot vote for the BNP in the EU elections tomorrow because of Griffin's position as the number one candidate. I totally understand your dilemma, and I also do not trust Griffin. However I'm unable to agree that not voting BNP is a suitable way of expressing this concern, so my suggestion is:

We cast our vote for the BNP in a way which will draw the attention of all the candidates and officials it, by doing the following.

Write in the BNP boxes: 'Please see notes above'

At the top of the ballot paper write:
'I do not think Nick Griffin is the best man to lead the BNP, but despite this I wish to cast my vote for the British National Party in this election, please count this as a vote for the BNP.', or words to that effect.

I suggest you use the words 'British National Party' in full at least once, but do not identify yourself as this will invalidate your vote.

Your ballot paper will be removed from the normal count and examined by the returning officer (and possible shown to all the other candidates for there opinions), but as long as it is clear that you wish to vote BNP it must be counted as a valid vote.

Result is, we shame Griffin while supporting our party.


Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

A lot of disagreement unfortunately so may I say something positive.

Popular movements in the past have been largely neutered by the problem of communications.

Even ten years ago hardly anyone was on the web. Everything had to be printed and hand distributed by tiny numbers while our opponents could use TV radio, newspapers, and council money against us. It was not far off like working men trying to organise trade unions in the 1830s. It certainly felt like it in the 1990s!

Now our views reach everywhere which is one of the reasons for the huge publicity. Nationalism can't be simply ignored any more if it suits or instantly outgunned by the controlled media to the same degree.

The BNP has very much embraced the opportunity even if it has other massive problems.

highland toffee said...

Scotland must have the worst no1 candidate, in one Gary Raikes.

Never a truer word said but then the rest of the Scottish candidates are equally as bad and that includes the one that you want to take over for Raikes!

I'll be voting UKIP as I can't vote for Nick Griffin's family business and I can't not vote - sad state of affairs really.

GriffinWatch said...

Well despite the initial furore over my original comments this has turned into what can only be seen as a usefull debate. Whatever happens tomorrow, I know that we will all be here the day after, plugging away at the establishment and fighting for our childrens future. As it should and must be.


14 Words.

Anonymous said...

"highland toffee said...

Scotland must have the worst no1 candidate, in one Gary Raikes.

Never a truer word said but then the rest of the Scottish candidates are equally as bad and that includes the one that you want to take over for Raikes!

I'll be voting UKIP as I can't vote for Nick Griffin's family business and I can't not vote - sad state of affairs really."


Anonymous said...

Were was it 29 million BNP leaflets really put out via the Post Office and did they deliver them?

I did not get one through the post but nor did I get a Tory one.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...