Thursday, June 25, 2009


BRITISH National Party chiefs could be jailed if they carry on banning ethnic minority members, it emerged last night.

Non-whites are barred from joining the BNP, according to its own rulebook. The party’s constitution states that only people belonging to folk communities which arrived in Britain before the Battle of Hastings in 1066 can join. But the Equality and Human Rights Commission said yesterday it had written to BNP leader Nick Griffin warning him that the rules were unlawful.If the BNP fails to make changes by July 20, it could be hit with an injunction, with its leaders facing criminal prosecution if they ignore the court’s order.Commission legal director John Wadham said: “The exclusion from membership of individuals whose ethnic origin is not listed constitutes unlawful discrimination on racial grounds.”The BNP won two seats at this month’s European elections. It also has more than 100 councillors.But the Commission said it was concerned that the BNP’s stance meant the party’s elected representatives could not serve all constituents equally. It added that the BNP’s rulebook effectively meant nonwhites were banned from working for the party – a breach of the Race Relations Act.Mr Wadham said: “The BNP’s website states that the party is looking to recruit people and states that any applicants should supply a membership number.“The Commission thinks that this requirement is contrary to the Race Relations Act, which outlaws the refusal or deliberate omission to offer employment on the basis of non-membership of an organisation.


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about this, the left are furious that Griffin & Andrew Brons have been elected and this statement by the EHRC appears a knee jerk reaction. John Wadham appears to be a very weak character, his legal arguement appears weak too. If this is purely a civil matter to be heard in a County Court and Griffin doesn't abide by the EHRC's instructions, surely he would only incur a fine? Obviously the new Equality Bill when it's made law will have to be studied very carefully. I predict that this whole affair won't affect the BNP, Griffin is part of the set up and will carry on claiming his generous expenses from Brussels and give the odd sound bite to appease the membership. He won't rock the Establishment boat. How Griffin steers BNP policies over the next 12 months will be interesting to watch though.

Anonymous said...

What sickens me is that Gri££in is always going on about the great contribution of Hindus, Sikhs & West Indians etc. What about the acid attack in the Royal Court recently by the mad Hindu Ashok Mahajan, rapes and murder on whites girls by Sikhs, e.g Maninder Singh Kohil.Epidemic muggings, rapes & drug dealing by West Indians. Gri££in is always on about Muslims, when are the membership of the BNP going to wake up to this charlatan?

Hope not hate said...

If the BNP is an all white organisation then doesn't that make Weyman Bennett a racist for trying to smash us?

Anonymous said...

"If the BNP is an all white organisation then doesn't that make Weyman Bennett a racist for trying to smash us?

25 June 2009 13:00"

ANTIFA hate the establishment sucking Bennett but Weyman needs to be very careful. A dicky bird has told me Weyman was very naughty as a youngster :)

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Work this out.

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Anonymous said...

Ever been fooled!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I see Simon Darby was with Griffin in the Brussel Euro parliament building earlier in the week, now he has been suspened from his job at London City Hall I suppose he will be getting a nice plum job over there. He follows Griffin around like a shadow.

Anonymous said...

Griffin has been playing games with us for several years over this issue, with a Sikh columnist, Jewish councillor, several degenerate candidates with black and half- caste family members, leading memebers with oriental wives and all sorts of genetic monstrosities, there is even a branch organiser with a wife named Ting Foon Chink (I jest not.) Remember the candidate called Sharif Abdel Gawed who claimed he was Armenian, (this sounds more of a Muslim name.) I'm sure there are other examples?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Casting Catastrophe: Charlotte Knobloch, president of Germany's Judenrat, the Central Council of Jews, is outraged by Britney Spears Holocaust Time-Traveler Role

We are more outraged however by Knobloch's outrageous wig (strict Orthodox religion forces women to shave heads, wear wigs. Then they complain about the Taliban...)


Anonymous said...

The Telegraph link ref Nixon wanted abortion for mixed race babies is now not available.
But Google 'Richard Nixon mixed race babies' and you will see the report.

Anonymous said...

Why did the EHRC do this during or before the election? Why now?

Is it to take our minds off the dissolution of Great White Records? Or the real ownership of the Truth Truck? Or Griffin telling the party faithful at Blackpool last week that he would be giving NO money to the Party from his Euro salary. Instead he would give it to local community groups or charities.

Charities like St GEORGES TRUST or ST Michael the Archangel perhaps?

Anonymous said...

'Or Griffin telling the party faithful at Blackpool last week that he would be giving NO money to the Party from his Euro salary. Instead he would give it to local community groups or charities.'

And how much he gives will naturally be a private matter scarcely to be revealed.

Anonymous said...

Clive Potter & Tim Hawke were at the Solidarty hearing yesterday in front of the Certication Officer against Gri££in's friends arch-scumbag/thief Pat Harrington and race-mixers Adam Walker & Simone Clarke. The Certication Officer's ruling and dicision will be published in a few weeks time.

Anonymous said...

Here is a gallery of photos of all the West Indians, Hindus & Sikhs etc, that the treacherous chameleon Griffin thinks are so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

actually I was at that hearing and Tim Hawke didn't bother to show up, Clive Potter was on his own... and he lost on all counts...

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...