Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The EHRC has walked into the BNP’s trap

If I was the British National Party’s Alastair Campbell (and can anyone imagine a less sympathetic person?), the first thing I would do is abolish the rule concerning membership of the Far-right party.

According to its 2005 guide “The British National Party represents the collective National, Environmental, Political, Racial, Folkish, Social, Cultural, Religious and Economic interests of the indigenous Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Norse folk communities of Britain and those we regard as closely related and ethnically assimilated or assimilable aboriginal members of the European race also resident in Britain. Membership of the BNP is strictly defined within the terms of, and our members also self define themselves within, the legal ambit of a defined ‘racial group’ this being ‘Indigenous Caucasian’ and defined ‘ethnic groups’ emanating from that Race as specified in law in the House of Lords case of Mandla VDowell Lee (1983) 1 ALLER 1062, HL.

So what is “indigenous”? According to the party (and an award to anyone who can decipher this into English): “The indigenous British ethnic groups deriving from the class of ‘Indigenous Caucasian’ consist of members of: i) The Anglo-Saxon Folk Community; ii) The Celtic Scottish Folk Community; iii) The Scots-Northern Irish Folk Community; iv) The Celtic Welsh Folk Community; v) The Celtic Irish Folk Community; vi) The Celtic Cornish Folk Community; vii) The Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Folk Community; viii) The Celtic-Norse Folk Community; ix) The Anglo-Saxon-Norse Folk Community; x) The Anglo-Saxon-Indigenous European Folk Community; xi) Members of these ethnic groups who reside either within or outside Europe but ethnically derive from them”.

How embarrassing. The party claims it has shed its neo-Nazi origins but this is pure nose-measuring early 20th-century pseudo-science. This, and the party’s constant reference to the”Communist Party” on its website (is there even a Communist Party anymore?) makes me suspect many of them are still living in the glory days of the 1930s before Adolf “went a bit far”, as party leader Nick Griffin expertly pointed out.

But they’re about to be woken up with a thud, with news that the Equality and Human Rights Commission is threatening to take the party to court over their racist membership rules. And while the Twitterati, clueless 30-something liberals who seem to dominate so much of British political debate, may think the state can simply outlaw racism, in fact the EHRC is walking into a gigantic trap.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is an £80m super-quango led by the insufferably smug Trevor Philips, and if you wanted an organisation to make the BNP look sympathetic, you could not do much better. The EHRC, and I’m not sure they’re aware of this fact, are hated by most Tory-voting white people, or members of the Anglo-Viking-lager-drinking community - hated. They represent everything the English resent about the jobs-for-the-boys-and-girls, doesn’t-matter-what-colour-you-are-so-long-as-you-went-to-Oxbridge-or-LSE mentality of the quangocracy.The BNP know this, and I bet they’re desperate for their day in court. In fact, from what BNP supporters have told me, the only reason they’ve kept this pointless membership rule (how many non-whites are going to apply, anyway?) is because they want a case exactly like this.

Not only will it turn them into martyrs, but it will expose the hypocrisy of the establishment’s attitude to race. As “James1″, a BNP voter who has posted on this blog, points out, if whites-only groups are wrong why does the multi-cultural state tolerate, and in some case subsidise, these groups:

The Black Police association
Black people’s mental health association
Black and Asian therapists online
National BME mental health network
Federation of Black housing organizations
The Black Londoners forum
Positive action in Housing,
Asian modelling service
Society of Black lawyers,
London Society of Asianlawyers,
London Black Lawyers
Ethnic media Group
Al-Nisa Muslim Women’s Group
Al-Nur Muslim Women’s Association
Antrim Chinese Community Association
Barnardos Chinese Lay Health Project
Chinese Welfare Association
The Windsor Fellowship Sponsors for Educational opportunity,(SEO)
Link Net Mentoring
Suga fix media arts
Sussex Black police Association
The National Black Writers and Artist Association
Black students AssociationUK
Black teachers Association
Black UK online
Ashiana Housing Association Ltd.
UK Asian business directory
Asian People’s Disability alliance
Asian arts agency
Black Enterprise awards
AIM magazine
Natwest Bank (Asian Entrepreneurs Unit)Asian
Voice Black womens rape action Project,
The Drum,African,asian arts venue,
Birmingham Black training and enterprise group
UK Black Pride
Ethnic Minority Foundation,London
Oshwal Elderly Welfare Association,Surrey
Ethnic Minority and Black Regional Action for Community Empowerment (EMBRACE),Birmingham
MENTER,Regional network for Black / Minority Ethnic (BME) voluntary organisations
Black and Minority Ethnic Elders Group,Scotland
Latin American elderly project,London
Latin American golden years day centre
Naz project London,Sexual health & AIDS prevention(NPL)
The Black Fundraisers Network,
LondonBlack Arts Alliance,
ManchesterSouthall Black sisters,Middlesex
Black student unionDudley
Black regeneration council
Black Professional events,events planners
Black Health Agency,Manchester
National Association for the advancement of Black people,
African Caribbean Development agency (ACDA)
African caribbean education and training services (ACETS)
Amaani Tallawah mental health support services,Nottingham
APNA arts,Nottingham
Asian day centre,Nottingham
Broxtowe African Caribbean Elders group
BUILD Nottingham Mentor project
Calabash supplementory school
Afrik-African International Network,Nottingham
Asian mens group
Somerset Black development agency (SBDA)
Black families education support group,Bath & somerset

So even if the EHRC win, what do they hope to achieve - to confirm in the minds of working-class whites that there’s one rule for them and one for us, and that they’re the lowest form of life in the minds of the establishment?

Strange that the people who compare the BNP to the NSDAP are giving its leader the chance of martyrdom before the People’s Court.


Anonymous said...

Gri££in should keep the pisshead, idiot John Walker away from the press, just read this statement that was in the Financial Times today!

"The party has said that it would abandon its whites-only policy rather than face disbandment, but only in the event of a change of law such as proposed by Ms Harman."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here is the pdf copy of the letter from the lefty scum at the EHRC to Nick Griffin.

Anonymous said...

EHRC press conference video (15 minutes) against the BNP, this lefty John Wadham is dangerous!!!

Anonymous said...

Channel 4 News footage of Griffin vs Wadham.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that the councils passport to leisure programme which would normally be £2.25 for a gymn session if you are unemployed, is free if you live in a HIGH ETHNIC area. IF YOU LIVE IN A WHITE AREA YOU PAY.

Anonymous said...

The blacks are bricking it. Read the hypocrisy of this black journalist

"I'd sit with Rosa Parks for the right to take a bus. I'd march with Martin Luther King for the right to vote. I'd probably even take up arms with Nelson Mandela for the right to be a citizen in my own land. But there's no way I'd go to court with Trevor Phillips for the right to join a party that would want to expel me and my family from the country. Of all the equality issues to be taking a stand on, surely this must be the most ridiculous ever conceived.

On Tuesday the Equality and Human Rights Commission, which Phillips chairs, wrote to the British National party over "possible breaches of anti-discrimination law". The commission says it "thinks" the BNP's constitution and membership criteria "may discriminate on the grounds of race and colour". It thinks? In case it hadn't noticed, the BNP's own constitution says the party's membership is "strictly defined" within "the legal ambit of a defined 'racial group' this being 'Indigenous Caucasian' and defined 'ethnic groups' emanating from that Race".

This is consistent with its stated mission, to represent the "collective National, Environmental, Political, Racial, Folkish, Social, Cultural, Religious and Economic interests of the indigenous Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Norse folk communities of Britain and those we regard as closely related and ethnically assimilated". Is the BNP ­racist? Well, is the Pope Catholic?

I'm all for taking action to counter these bigots – restricting the BNP's ability to spread its message of hate and banning its members from public service roles such as teachers and police. But what would the commission's course achieve? If the BNP wins the case, it gains masses of publicity, is able to claim it has seen off the PC brigade – and Nick Griffin's smirk and his odious propaganda will be all over the media. If the commission wins, the BNP gains masses of publicity and can bemoan an oppressive PC brigade – and Nick Griffin's smirk and his odious propaganda will be all over the media.

Even if the BNP agrees to amend its membership rules before the case goes to court, it will be reported that the party has done the "decent" thing – giving more weight to Griffin's ludicrous, though worryingly effective claim that his is a respectable and legitimate party.

And what will the commission have gained from all of this? The right for black or Asian people to join a party which spreads fear and hatred about them; which claims they can never be British; and which wants, ultimately, to repatriate them. Who does Phillips think will be signing up? Turkeys, you really can vote for Christmas.

These are worrying times. The BNP is filling a vacuum which other parties, especially Labour, created by running after middle England's votes while ignoring the working classes.

Among large swaths of the population it is no longer shameful to speak up for the BNP, and the party has been helped by the useful idiots fighting their corner in arguments over free speech. Would these people – most of whom have no understanding of what it's like to be the victim of race discrimination – have backed Hitler? Do they not see that blaming minorities for social and economic problems appeals to a gut instinct that is not easily overcome by learned arguments? Above all, publicity, and the sense that others think like you, is what drives support for these groups."

Anonymous said...

"I'd sit with Rosa Parks for the right to take a bus. I'd march with Martin Luther King for the right to vote. I'd probably even take up arms with Nelson Mandela for the right to be a citizen in my own land."

He'd do all that because he's a black man but he denies it to White people. Now you know why blacks are branded ignorant and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Deny it to White people? There were many, many White people who participated in Civil Rights during the 50's and 60's in America.

Anonymous said...

Griffin's been wanting non whites in the Party for years.

Bagel Barnes said...

Joh Walker merely repeated what was decided a few years ago when the party debated the non white rule. So anonymous, fuck off.

Free Thinker said...

Full comment quote from Walker.

John Walker, a national spokesman for the BNP, said yesterday “we are not going to capitulate” on the membership issue, arguing that it had never been challenged before under the race relations act – though its lawyers are examining the letter.

The party has said that it would abandon its whites-only policy rather than face disbandment, but only in the event of a change of law such as proposed by Ms Harman.

So fuck off anonymous prick!

Anonymous said...

"So fuck off anonymous prick!"

Language please Bagel Barnes & Free Thinker, we know you are both Gri££in's lackeys, but can you both be a little bit more polite. Gri££in has been trying to soften up the BNP to allow non-Whites in for years, remember the Bickerstaff incident back in 2002 with his African son-in-law that was promoted by Gri££in & Wingfield in VoF? Some of you do have short memories.

On council waiting list(still) said...

Make Sarinda Singh deputy chairman! That would really screw them!!

Anonymous said...

Sarinda Singh with his column in the VoF and addressing certain idiotic branches of the BNP was another incident that hasn't gone down well with a lot of us. Gri££in would like certain ethnics to join up so that he can get his greasy paws on their subs and donations.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...