Sunday, June 21, 2009

Balls to Balls!

Ed Balls considers ban on BNP teachers

The government is investigating a possible ban on British National party members working as teachers in schools in a move that could challenge the legitimacy of the far-right party.

A source close to the schools secretary, Ed Balls, said there had been several meetings on the issue with teaching unions which are lobbying for a change in teachers' contracts to prevent them from working if they are members of far-right groups including the BNP. The issue was being "actively looked at", the source said.

It comes after it emerged that the General Teaching Council for England (GTC), which registers teachers to work in state schools, had rejected appeals to ban BNP members. Lawyers warned the council it could be accused of discriminating against members of the far-right party if it refused to register them.

Five members of the council's own governing body wrote to the Guardian on Saturday to appeal for a national debate on the issue. They claimed the GTC was "hiding" behind legal advice to avoid banning the BNP from registering as teachers.

Chris Keates, the general secretary of the NASUWT teaching union, confirmed she had held several discussions with Balls about the possibility of a ban and had called for a change to teachers' contracts to prevent BNP members from teaching.

The source close to Balls said the issue was being re-examined in the light of the election to the European parliament of two BNP members, including party leader Nick Griffin, who has been convicted of inciting racial hatred.

The GTC was advised by lawyers that it would be discriminatory to ban members of a lawful political party. It was also told that if it declared any views on the BNP, it could be accused of lacking impartiality in any subsequent disciplinary hearings involving teachers in the far-right party.

A BNP membership list leaked last year included the names of 15 teachers, four nurses and one prison officer as well as 17 former police officers and 16 members of the armed forces.

Members of the BNP, National Front and Combat 18 are banned from joining the police or becoming prison officers.

In the letter to the Guardian, the five GTC members argued that legislation required everyone working in schools to "promote good race relations and community cohesion", which would be incompatible with some views held by the BNP. The party supports voluntary repatriation of non-white citizens.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Interesting .

Anonymous said...

Interesting Facts.

Anonymous said...

So they are going to ban 15 teachers - in the whole country, Talk about gesture politics for a headline! What difference will that make to the political situation? Except make the right look like martyrs.


The children can be indoctrinated with holohoax,global warming scam,bald eussr propaganda,and blatant marxism,pernicious islam and destructive multi-insanity,yet when the voice of the people is heard in a free and democratic election,the rules must be changed to prevent thier legitimate choice from expressing itself,truly we are fighting a war against fascism.


First they will go for the teachers, then the nurses and then everyone.
Thats how Fascism works.

Anonymous said...

'The children can be indoctrinated with holohoax,global warming scam,bald eussr propaganda,and blatant marxism,pernicious islam and destructive multi-insanity,yet when the voice of the people is heard in a free and democratic election,the rules must be changed to prevent their legitimate choice from expressing itself,truly we are fighting a war against fascism.'

Indeed. But there are green shoots of opposition appearing all over. Saddled at the moment where it's organised all too often by the political equivalent of itinerant peddlers in it for the money.

Anonymous said...

It was the Solidarity Trade Union that got the biased GTC panel removed from sitting in judgement on Adam Walker. Small victories like these will help protect the civil liberties of all citizens. Solidarity are also involved in progressing cases through tribunals to challenge politically inspired bans. Previously individuals being harassed had very little support. Now they are afforded representation, guidance and advice for the princely sum of £5 a month in membership subscriptions. I hope that all Nationalists will recognise that this is a considerable improvement on the previous situation and support them.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...