Friday, March 20, 2009

Nicholas Soames in battle with BNP for using Churchill to promote party

Tory MP Nicholas Soames is fighting the British National Party to stop them using his grandfather Winston Churchill's face on one of its promotion leaflets.

Mr Soames said he was taking "all possible steps" to prevent the far-right wing party using the wartime prime minister's image on a leaflet entitled "This Britain is Yours!".

The 61-year-old said he was "disgusted" by the BNP's use of a photograph of his grandfather to push its so-called Battle For Britain election campaign.

However, the BNP has refused to remove the picture, claiming that Churchill had "strong views on immigration" and would have voted for them were he still alive.
The leaflet, handed out to people across Britain, states: "Millions of our ancestors gave their lives to ensure you have the freedom to enjoy."

It then declares in capital letters "YOUR COUNTRY YOUR LAND YOUR HOME", before continuing "Do not betray their sacrifice!".

Mr Soames, MP for Mid Sussex, said: "I am outraged and appalled by the use of the picture by the BNP.

"They have no right to use my grandfather's name, who would have thought them a vile bunch.
"I am taking what steps I can and so is my family to see what can be done to prevent the name being used.

"I deplore the BNP action. It is a disgrace and I hope that anyone who looks at the adverts will find them repulsive."

Simon Darby, the deputy leader of the BNP, refused to amend the leaflet.
He said: "Mr Soames can sing and dance all he likes, we will not be removing Winston Churchill from our campaign.

"If Winston was around today he would be deemed a racist. He had some very strong views on immigration and if he was here today and had a choice of voting Tory or BNP I think he'd vote for us.

"I think he would be ashamed of the Tory party and would not be very happy with what has happened to this country.

"He would have more in common with the BNP than with the Tories, that's for sure."


Anonymous said...

Nice to see his grandson takes after him. Both fecking traitors!

Anonymous said...

Interesting it always seems to be Simon Darby spokesman.

A two person party by the look of it. Substantial parties which are going somewhere have spokesmen on different things.

After all the puff...

Anonymous said...

Fatty Soames seems to think his drunken grandfather was some kind of patriotic icon, as is well known he let a sinister jewish alien Henry Strakosch buy his mortgage to save Chartwell so in effect millions died and our civilisation may have suffered terminal damage to save the old drunk's house.

Email fatty to tell him what you think .

Anonymous said...

Soames is not the only one disgusted by this idiotic Gri££in stunt. Using his drunken Jews' lackey Grandfather to promote Racial Nationalism is a disgrace. Churchill is an arch-traitor to the White Race, but thn again so is Gri££in!!!! Churchill was a fat lazy, bastard always up to his eyes in debt and open to corruption, remind you of anybody?

Anonymous said...

the reason it always says simon darby is the spokesman is that he is the parties press officer numbskull have you always been an idiot or is it recently

Anonymous said...

hero worshipping CHURCHILL! goes to show there are no nationalists in the BNP

Anonymous said...

'the reason it always says simon darby is the spokesman is that he is the parties press officer numbskull have you always been an idiot or is it recently'

Deputy leader and press officer then. Any more jobs?

Any other spokesmen on anything or is it just a two man business?

A mighty party.

Anonymous said...

Well it's certainly true that both Churchill and Griffin are zionists.

And both are probably part jewish.

Both are financial crooks.

Both tell lies.

Both come from upper class backgrounds.

Both dabbled with homosexuality.

Bloody hell, I see their comparison now !

Anonymous said...

With the BNP's veneration of Churchilliana, shouldn't the party, keeping its initials, change its name to the Bogus Nationalist Party?

Anonymous said...

According to a biography of Churchill's later life he was deeply depressed by the failure of everything he believed in. He lived long enough to see some of the consequences under way.

He supported communism during WWII. The results of that war were to give half of Europe to Stalin and so weaken Britain that we ended up as a minor member of a European superstate and undermined from within by Marxism.

Wars have very unpredictable consequences and how much so with the one we are supposed to have 'won' in 1945.

Griffin, incidentally, shortly after he became leader condemned nationalism associating itself with Churchill.

Anonymous said...

Way I see it, the political establishment has condemned the Empire for decades while secretly wishing they could run it.

So they are creating it in miniature within Britain.

A bizarre mix of races and languages run by District Officers in the form of unaccountable quangos bossed by an almost entirely white political elite.

Ordinary white Britons are this time just another group in the mix and of no consequence.

Anonymous said...

The ' mass' immigration really started after they had rid of Churchill, and the Griffster is right for once - Churchill was - relatively - anti mass immigration.

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant publicity stunt we not only get publicity from Vera Lynn but loads from that fat bloke Soames.
Griffin on BBC,fantastic.
Whether we think Winston is a legend or a traitor is irrelevant,its all about coverage.

Anonymous said...

Darby has more than 2 jobs, he also works for Barnbrook in London and gets a salary from the government for that (around £25,000 part-time,) he commutes once a week from his nice home in North Wales. Life is good for some. He is also the West Midlands Regional Organiser, even though under BNP rules he should live in that region. 4 Jobs for one man and still hoping to be an MEP as well!

Anonymous said...

Like Gr£$inski, Blubberarse Soames is just another upper class trecherous greedy fat useless cunt pigging in the public purse.

As a Tory Minister for Defence that fat usless cunt refused to admit that many of our troops used as gueinea pigs at the atomic bomb and poison gas tests were short- and long-term fatally affected by cancer.

Fucking fat cunt should be fed plutonium sausages and plutonium radiated cherry ... he drinks like a fish

Anonymous said...

Insider knowledge and addresses of child pornographers

Anonymous said...

I have heard it said on more than one occassion that Churchill's mother was Jewish. If true this would mean that Churchill himself was Jewish. The website
confirms this fact. One pertinant quote from the website is:

"Jenny Jacobson Churchill
One of the best kept secrets of World War Two was Churchill's racial heritage. His mother was Jenny Jacobson, daughter of Jerome Jacobson, a multi millionaire from New York".
Richard Chadfield

George Smiley said...

"Anonymous said...

"Darby has more than 2 jobs, he also works for Barnbrook in London and gets a salary from the government for that (around £25,000 part-time,) he commutes once a week from his nice home in North Wales. Life is good for some. He is also the West Midlands Regional Organiser, even though under BNP rules he should live in that region. 4 Jobs for one man and still hoping to be an MEP as well!"

Yes, 5IMon is becoming the Pooh Bah of the BNP, and that is not even mentioning the important job that he does for his real employers, the state!

Anonymous said...

'4 Jobs for one man and still hoping to be an MEP as well!'

I touched a raw nerve with someone by remarking on the fact that Darby appeared to have several jobs. Born stupid maybe he said.

Well I suspect that what purports to be a mighty growing party is really run by just two people. More are not required since there is no intention of creating a real party aiming for power.

I also suspect there are far fewer activists than the impression which is given. By now the BNP should have a small army.

In my view the BNP is largely a sham in the impression given of a fair size party active all over the place - and puffed by the press. It's largely a Potemkin village.

Members in one area have no clue about another except by what they are told. Everyone believes it's bigger than it is.

Can anyone point to evidence otherwise? Reading the press you'd think it was approaching the scale of the Lib Dems.

Yes the Churchill stunt got publicity. So do the 'stars' in Hello.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought.

But this current 'love affair' with Churchill might be a plan by Griffin to damage the votes for the BNP in working class areas ?

The BNP has been attracting many votes from Labour in areas such as the North West and Yorkshire.

Churchill is reviled in many of these areas, due to his turning the troops onto the miners in South Wales, for example.

Anonymous said...

Is'nt whale-arsed Soames the bloated lethario some female claimed, when kissing and telling of a tryst with her lard-arsed lover, that when Chris `Needle Dick' Soames landed on her, it was like a wardrobe with a key sticking out of the lock falling on her?

Key? She must of been trying to puff him up.

Anonymous said...

Soames can keep his traitor of a grandfather, the BNP only used the image of the war-criminal to catch the attention of those Britons who think him 'the greatest Briton'. Afterall, even the most ignorant, selfish, cretinous Brit. can put an X by the name BNP on a voting paper.

After the election he can take his grandfather back, who wants to brag about being the offspring of a journo-turned-politician, who changed parties due to his own self-seeking aim of climbing the greasy pole of political advancement, who was prepared to call out the troops to shoot the workers who took part in the General Strike of 1926, who was the creator of Gallipoli and didn't bat an eyelid at the massacre of the ANZACS. Who publicly claimed that 'Bolshevism is Jewish' then renounced this statement because the Jew paid his gambling debts, and in exchange he took Britain into a War on the Jews' behalf.

Winston Churchill? Scum of the highest order.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...