Saturday, March 14, 2009

Breaking News.........

BNP members attacked by armed blacks in Lancashire, England

There is reason to believe that super activist Tony Ward has been attacked at the Battle For Britain event in Leigh earlier tonight.

Sources reveal that there have been numerous attacks involving claw hammers and knives, with allegedly 40 blacks targeting four BNP members.

The event has been forced to relocate three times already due to difficulties but has gone ahead regardless.

More updates as things progress.

(taken from Stormfront site)

NWN: Maybe the new BNP will need the 'dinosaurs' before long !

Griffin has conned the newer BNP members into believing that they are nothing more than tories.

Griffins new BNP is comprised of old people.Griffin has destroyed any possibility of young people coming through.

Britains enemies are ugly and they are vicious.

Searchlights Maurice Ludmer said "If they receive broken bones, that will stop them recruiting."

We fear that there will be even more of this, and the police will do nothing.
Or maybe the police will not, 'do nothing', ................they will attack nationalists for their Labour party paymasters !

Earlier, the famous Liverpool BNP A-frame trailer and Land Rover was attacked by a group of around 30 Labour Party supporting thugs at one of the alternative venues. The Land Rover had every window and light smashed out, and every panel of the vehicle dented.

The A-frame itself was overturned and the skins damaged. When the BNP members got out of the vehicle to defend themselves, they were violently attacked by the racially mixed group of Labour Party thugs. Liverpool activist Tony Ward was stuck twice by a claw hammer wielded by a black thug. He was hit once in the eye and once on the head.

Mr Ward was knocked unconscious and picked up by fellow BNP activist Andrew Tierney, who dragged him to safety. Mr Ward was later removed by a third BNP man in his vehicle.
The A-frame was righted, and the BNP men left the scene. During this violent assault, the police were nowhere to be seen — they were far too busy visiting the next venue where they thought the BNP was holding the road show so they could intimidate that owner as well.
Mr Ward received eleven stitches later in hospital.

“If the Labour Party thinks they can break us with their street thugs, they are wrong,” Mr Ward told BNP News. “We are back, stronger than ever before, and we will not stop until we have rescued this country from the immigration invasion and Islamification nightmare to which the Tories and Labour have subjected us.”

BNP member attacked with hammer

Violence broke out in Leigh where a BNP event was being held
A British National Party (BNP) member was attacked with a hammer when protesters arrived at a campaign event in Greater Manchester.

BNP man attacked with hammerDavid Ottewell March 14, 2009
A MAN has been arrested after a member of the British National Party was attacked with a hammer by protestors.Dozens of people had surrounded a BNP trailer outside a pub in St Helens Road, Leigh.Police arrived to find the trailer overturned.Tony Ward, 48 - a member of the BNP - was hit on the head with a hammer. He was taken to hospital for treatment. Police said he was not seriously hurt.A 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
A spokesman for GMP said officers had been called after reports of a fight.
St Helens Road had been closed for about an hour and diversions put in place, he added.The clashes came after the BNP was forced to cancel a meeting in the town at the last minute. The party had planned to hold an event in the Pure Club last night featuring a speech by leader Nick Griffin.

Veteran BNP activist attacked with hammer

A veteran British National Party activist from Liverpool has been attacked with a hammer as the far right party were about to hold a fundraising meeting in Greater Manchester.
Tony Ward, 48, was with fellow BNP members outside a pub in Leigh, when he was attacked.The BNP members were with a party trailer outside the Ellesmere Pub, on St Helens Road, when Mr Ward was attacked with a hammer.

Party spokesman Dave Jones said:

"A group of about 25 to 40 turned up armed with various weapons, bats, knives, and attacked about half a dozen of our people. They had obviously gone there to disrupt the meeting and attack people."

Poor Tony is a long-time activist and isn't some young football thug. It was sinister they were so organised and had turned up to attack people rather than just demonstrated peacefully."

BNP Activist Is Attacked With Claw Hammer


Anonymous said...

This will really awaken the new BNP people, who will probably crap themselves and run a mile.

Anonymous said...

There have been vicious attacks in Liverpool as well.

Anonymous said...

PS Ian Liptrot is in charge of the CCTV section for Wigan police.

Was he also in charge when a gang of police beat that soldier up on Wallgate recently ?

Anonymous said...

What were a gang of armed blacks doing in Leigh which has almost no non-whites ?

Anonymous said...

Peter Franzen should be arrested immediately.

Anonymous said...

And coppers like PC Ian Liptrot were where ?

Oh they were threatening pubs to not allow the BNP to have any meetings !

Anonymous said...

One black has been arrested.

Anonymous said...

"The BNP constitution continues to stipulate the need for an all-white Britain and opposes mixed-race relationships."
Really, My name is Antony Ward my father and grandparents where from Cork and my wife is half Chinese. Oh and I'm also the BNP candidate for Halewood North on Merseyside!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ward was specifically attacked by the gang from Liverpool 8 ?

Anonymous said...

will griffin blame muslims?

what about these hard men from covert team? why were they not there?

if griffin did not mess up leeds BNP they would have sorted this stuff out.

Anonymous said...

theres patriots being beaten up and still some people on here cant stop slagging griffin off have some respect a person is in hospital,slagging griffin off is for another time i think,

Anonymous said...

i dont think we will run a mile you might be a coward but dont judge everyone by your own standards ,or are you lot going to join the fight which is surely coming

Anonymous said...

first they ignore you ,then they laugh at you ,then they fight you ,then you win ,

Anonymous said...

IF the men in suits will not join then we will take the hobnail boot brigade.
John Tyndall.

And the hob nail boot brigade did join,but griffin drove them out along with me and many good BNP street activists.
The hob nail boot boys will not return under N.Griffin as he is a fairy.

Keith Axon

Anonymous said...

what about these hard men from covert team? why were they not there?

Too busy threatening women nationalists!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

News coming in that AFA were tipped off by 3 Labour councillors. They are being named as

Cllr Rigby
Cllr O'brien
Cllr Anderson

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, Griffin or not... An attack like this is an attack on British Nationalism!

This must not go unchecked... Attack a red, any red!

Anonymous said...

'theres patriots being beaten up and still some people on here cant stop slagging griffin off have some respect a person is in hospital,slagging griffin off is for another time i think'

Those of us who spent the pre-Griffin period on the streets facing gangs like this for years have the greatest respect for fellow nationalists who risk their lives.

Are our brains supposed to go out of the window as a result and we are suddenly supposed to ignore how Griffin runs the BNP? That would suit him very well.

Some of us don't want sacrifices made in vain.

Anonymous said...

We would have to be very nieve to believe that out of the 30/40 heinz variey marxist's thugs who attacked Tony Ward and co did not have a police intelligence officer or at the very least a snitch amongst this bunch of scum. If arrests of this scum are not forthcoming we must take a new stance towards the police. In the past whatever the country muscle has always been required in order to allow democratic speech without fear of marxist/labour thugs who in this instance have had the full support of that super politically correct Chief Constable of Greater Manchester.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

'theres patriots being beaten up and still some people on here cant stop slagging griffin off have some respect a person is in hospital,slagging griffin off is for another time i think'

Do you think Griffin gives a flying fuck?

We need real men back on the streets not steroid laden poofs.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

If the BNP attcked these cunts it would make the papers. We need to find these twisted wankers and give them hell.

Anonymous said...

Put up a nice big Georgia chandelier!

Anonymous said...

BBC teletext are running this story.

This is due to the blogsites.

Anonymous said...

More news coming in that the SWP was also involved.

Anonymous said...

Arrested for GBH ?

Errm, shouldn't that be attempted murder ?

Anonymous said...

Errm, shouldn't that be attempted murder ?

14 March 2009 14:17

Dead right.

I note the pussies over at LU are keeping quiet. Next time they show their faces we should smash them with fooking hammers and see how they like it.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed that the LUAF site has taken down its request for people to demonstrate and attack the BNP at the Pure nightclub? It looks like Stop The BNP have taken it down to.

Anyone got the cached pages?

Anonymous said...

Gables babies are playing a dangerous game-------------

On the ANTIFA site

14/03: BNP's Tony Ward Gets The Message Hammered Home-Fuck Off BNP!

Anonymous said...

Here is the guy who organised the trouble

Stephen Hall, 12 Somerset Road, Atherton, M46 9PG. Tel: 07724 139

GriffinWatch said...

This is bang out of order! The scum who did this are lower than low. F**king animals.
Griffin could have the members protected if he chose to do so but he couldn't care less and has/is pushing out our people who would stop this farce.

GriffinWatch said...

Griffin would sooner protect nonces than decent ordinary members, he has proved that recently.

Anonymous said...

Anti-fascist mobilisation to stop the BNP in Leigh Fri 13 Mar
Report by Stephen Hall
Published: 12/03/09


In the last few minutes I have been informed by Peter Franzen leader of the Community Action Party in Wigan, based on information provided to him by a prominent member of the SWP in Wigan, that BNP leader Nick Griffin is planning on speaking at a BNP Rally/Public Meeting at the Pure Night Club, Bridgewater Street, Leigh this Friday (13th March) at 7.30pm.

As a former Leigh TUC President, and a prominent socialist activist of over thirty years in the town, I am issuing an urgent appeal to every anti-fascist living within the North West to mobilise to stop this event from taking place, and to come and help us kick Nick Griffin and his nazi scum-bag mates out of of our town.

We've no idea how long this meeting has been planned, and how many BNP thugs he'll be bringing along, indeed for all we know it could be a regional or even national mobilisation for the BNP, so everyone will really need to pull out the stops given the extremely short notice, and help to try and build for the largest possible turnout of anti-fascists if we're at all going to have a chance of stopping the event from taking place.

Anti-fascist forces are being asked to assemble at the Ellesmere pub on St.Helens Road in Leigh at 6.30pm (opposite Bridgewater Street).

Please publicise far and wide.

I will send further updates as soon as I know any more.

Stephen Hall


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



14 March 2009 18:34

Dirty fucking scumbag

Anonymous said...

"As a former Leigh TUC President, and a prominent socialist activist of over thirty years in the town, I am issuing an urgent appeal to every anti-fascist living within the North West to mobilise to stop this event from taking place, and to come and help us kick Nick Griffin and his nazi scum-bag mates out of of our town."

Hahahahaha the RED scum is in serious trouble

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha the RED scum is in serious trouble

14 March 2009 19:31

He most certainly is, it is a clear incitement to violence.

Anonymous said...

Read this load of lying bollocks from LU. The red cunts are shitting bricks over what they've done.

"Sneaking into Wigan following the multiple refusal of other venues in nearby Leigh to host its increasingly fugitive "Battle for Britain" fund-raising roadshow, the BNP is claiming an attendance of "well over one hundred people" for the event - notoriously symbolised by a stolen graphic showing a World War Two Spitfire flown by a Polish fighter ace.

Even giving the BNP the benefit of considerable doubt, "well over one hundred people" seems to us to be a very small number of activists to draw on from the populous North-west region for what was a heavily trailed showcase event, held on Friday night.

It is difficult to see how the BNP can claim the Wigan meeting the success it does, when according to the same party its ordinary branch meetings regularly attract an attendance of around one hundred. The North-west being home to a sizeable number of truculent anti-Griffin BNP dissidents is one possible reason for the derisory regional turnout.

An increasingly active and effective coalition of anti-fascists and concerned locals is very possibly another.

What is clear is that the BNP was seriously wrong-footed in the North-west. Not only was it forced to arrange a number of fall-back venues for its high profile roadshow, but the claim that there was "standing room only" at the final location is also an admission of how small and unsuitable it really was.

Prior to the roadshow a group of Liverpool BNP activists found themselves in an altercation outside the Ellesmere public house in Leigh that led to one person sustaining minor injuries and the arrest of another. There was also damage to BNP vehicles when locals objected to the presence of the BNP and its advertising trailer. We understand that the BNP members got out of their vehicles to confront the locals and had the worst of the ensuing violence.

BNP websites are now claiming that the violence was instigated by "blacks".

As I write, there is a certain amount of online speculation among far-Rightists that the Liverpool BNP contingent was ordered to the Ellesmere pub as a ruse to throw anti-fascist campaigners off the scent. Another way of putting it is that the BNP hung its Liverpool members out to dry, since the group and its advertising trailer could not fail to attract the attention of campaigners. Naturally, BNP Security was safely indoors protecting Nick Griffin from whatever threats to life and limb the party leader risks at the hands of his own members, and the Liverpool members were left to hold their own.

On Thursday, in a blatant attempt to inflame anti-Muslim passions, newly elected BNP councillor Paul Golding (of the dodgy family background) drove the BNP's Lie Lorry to Luton, the scene, earlier in the week, of a confrontation sparked when police allowed 20 Muslim religious extremists to demonstrate against the homecoming parade of the Royal Anglian Regiment.

"BNP’s Truth Truck Faces down Islamist Extremists in Luton" screams a headline on the BNP's website, for all the world as if Golding had single-handedly confronted an army of scimitar-wielding Dervishes.

The truth of Luton is that just 20 isolated lunatics failed to gain any support at all from a local Muslim population numbering 30,000 - since 99.93% of Luton's remaining Muslims managed to ignore the campaign of publicity and recruitment conducted by the extremists in the weeks preceding.

We think that says a lot for Luton's Muslim community - quite a number of whom were in the crowds cheering the Anglians along, as local news footage clearly shows.

The failure of the extremists to attract any support at all is not something you would know about from the subsequent hysterical media coverage of the affair, much of which would have been more at home on the pages of a BNP publication.

While politicians and community leaders in Luton worked hard (and largely uncredited) to repair the damage caused by the twenty extremists the opportunistic BNP worked just as hard to undo it. On the BNP website Golding brags that he took the Lie Lorry to Luton's largest mosque - an action that could only have been intended to provoke, and might well have resulted in violence.

Not being quite the British Lion he likes others to think he is, Golding "faced down" the Muslim faithful by driving off when some of them made unspecified "threatening moves" towards the Lie Lorry - which, translated, means that people were entering and leaving the Mosque as usual and a nervous Golding got cold feet.

Nick Griffin's grasping reaction to Luton was to fire off another in his interminable series of begging emails, hysterically claiming that the 20 isolated lunatics at the root of the trouble constituted a "horde of Muslim extremists". If a grouplet of just 20 can be extrapolated into a "horde" then we're left wondering if the "well over one hundred people" attending the BNP's Wigan roadshow is a product of the same imaginative thinking.

Taken together with a 2.5% vote loss in Rainhill (St. Helens) ward - in the heart of the North-west - in a by-election on Thursday, not the most glorious week in the BNP's history."

Anonymous said...

I think we can all relax. The likes of Gable and Garside will be getting visits from the old bill.

Anonymous said...

"What were a gang of blacks doing doing in Leigh which has almost no non-whites?"

They were carrying out what the Labour, Tory, and Lib-dim parties tasked them to do - no more, no less.

Just find out who the jungle bunny criminals are and where they live as the bastards have bought themselves and the families a future one-way deportation ticket to the congo.

Anonymous said...

"I think we can all relax. The likes of Gable and Garside will be getting visits from the old bill"

I'm sure the Old Bill will be visiting those two necktie candidates, but not for reasons you're probably thinking, but so the Old Billies can convey Labour, Tory and Lib-dim heart-felt congratulations while having a laugh as trecherous rats Messrs Gable & Garside serve them tea, biscuits and large draughts of Jack Daniels till their snouts resemble Balisha Beacons so they can find their way home while stumbling in the dark.

Evening all .... mind how you go.

Anonymous said...

When is Griffin going to stop all this pathetic pussyfooting around and put the real men back on the streets. Those cunts should be carved up for what they did.

Anonymous said...

When is Griffin going to stop all this pathetic pussyfooting around and put the real men back on the streets. Those cunts should be carved up for what they did.
14 March 2009 22:27

Griffin hasn't got any real men any more.

All he has left are the steroid ridden, drug addled morons who are a disgrace to nationalism and do his bidding like the slavish, slavering, brain dead nutters that they are.

Warren Bennett and others who were calm, strong and loyal men.....Griffin sorted them out alright.
Can't have that now can we?
Gosh decent men and women...must put paid to them.
No money in decency for SNickerarse!

But the cretins surrounding him now are very well fixed to protect Hannam and Collett.

Griffin is the biggest traitor this country has seen.
He ranks alongside Blair and hopefully his downfall will be swift and rapid.

Anonymous said...

So Hall lives in 'Bongs' then ?

Anonymous said...

The black who did this has been bailed to his Liverpool address.

Anonymous said...

Allan fatty Rhodes thought the trouble had been in Leeds not Leigh according to VNN posts.

Drunk again or the funny fags ?

He's another BNP hardman.

Anonymous said...

I am now so cynical I regard attacks on nationalists as just another convenient excuse for demands for money.

What 'Fund' will it be this time?

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Tony has a chinese wife ?

Anonymous said...

Stephen Hall will be as thick as feck.

Tony Ward is a so called Irish BNP member, whatever that means.

The jews will be behind this violent stuff, they always are.

Tony Ward stupidly supported the jews in the past. He has a chinese wife.

Anonymous said...

The police will be letting these filth off without charge, if they get their way.

The police are paid by the Labour govt.

Anonymous said...

These attacks when BNP members were heavily outnumbered happened under Tyndall long before Nick Griffin was even in the BNP - anyone else remember Putney where Ian Dell and Terry Fitzgerald got attacked manning a RV point?

Also Tyndall and his wife got attacked in E London making their way to a meeting there.

Nationalists in small numbers always have been easier prey for cowradly left wing mobs.

Best of luck to all the BNP hurt in that 40 against 4 epsiode

Anonymous said...

Any chance Nick Griffin may offer Tony and the otherr any money raised from the collection to help with cost of repiars to vehicles etc?

It would be a nice gesture,

Anonymous said...

"The black who did this has been bailed to his Liverpool address.

15 March 2009 00:17"

Give us his address

Anonymous said...

"The black who did this has been bailed to his Liverpool address.

15 March 2009 00:17"
'Give us his address'

Or at least a link to where this information is?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

KEITH AXON wrote:-
"IF the men in suits will not join then we will take the hobnail boot brigade.
John Tyndall."

Tyndall was leader and there was still plenty of the hobnail boot brigade left in the BNP when Derek Beackon got elected but it, and they, couldnt stop BNP paper sellers (including Richard Edmonds and John Morse)getting attcked shortly after the Millwall win.

In small numbers the BNP are always vulnerable to attack from large groups of scummy red - but they always were and always will be

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Tony Ward of Liverpool BNP has mix race children half chinese! How can a man be trying to preserve his race and nation when he has destroyed his genotype!

Towards a Higher Man said...

Tony Ward of Liverpool BNP has mix race children half chinese! How can a man be trying to preserve his race and nation when he has destroyed his genotype.

He dosen't have any children.

Anonymous said...

"He doesn't have any children" - That's a result.

Anonymous said...

"The black who did this has been bailed to his address"

"Give us his adress"

As for an idea of his looks, just get a coconut and stick on it a town & Country tyre from a toy Landy, and the finished artistry will have a good likeness of the hammer-weilding jungle bunny. As one 17th centuary American hunting ditty goes "All coons look alike to me".

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...