Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lib Dems/UAF organise anti-BNP rallies

An anti-British National Party rally is set to take place this weekend after the far-right party won a Kent council by-election.

Liberal Democrats in Sevenoaks organised the protest following the BNP’s shock success at Swanley St Mary’s with a 76-vote majority last Thursday.

Supporters will be meeting at 11.30am on Sunday (March 1) at Swanley train station before leafleting around the ward.Fears over unemployment and the economic crisis were blamed for allowing the BNP to win one of Labour’s ‘safest seats in Kent’.

The ‘whites-first’ party has hailed it a "historic success" after winning its first seat south of the River Thames.

Protest Outside Manchester Town Hall -Stop the BNP Euro-Election Meeting 28/02/09 12 noon

The BNP have announced on their website that they intend to have a meeting addressed by Nick Griffin in Manchester Town Hall this Saturday 28/2/09.

We have called an emergency protest to stop them.

There should be no platform for fascist parties like the BNP anywhere in Manchester.

We need everyone who is dedicated to opposing fascism and racism to come to Manchester Town Hall, Albert Square on Saturday at 12 o'clock to link arms against the BNP.


Anonymous said...

We'll just have to make sure we leaflet right behind them

Anonymous said...

The fact the Lib-Dems failed to even put up a candidate in Swanley makes holding a rally a very arrogant thing to do. If the Lib-Dems really believed in democracy and lived up to their name then they would challenge the BNP at the ballot box.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of childish anti-democratic bastards!

Anonymous said...


I hope the BNP leaflet

Anonymous said...

Bad losers, they better get used to losing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...



Nationalists need to take photos and vidios of them, and put names to their faces, and do likewise with those UAF traitors.

Anonymous said...

Ye Bad losers, they better get used to losing,lab.con.lib,the onley protest they have in their mind is,I ,we/might loose our comfy little paid jobs fo life boys and the gravy train of expensies £££££££££££££.

keith Axon.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...