Monday, October 12, 2015

Record attendance at John Tyndall Memorial Meeting

135 nationalists from a wide spectrum of parties and movements attended the John Tyndall Memorial Meeting in Preston, Lancashire on October 10th 2015. All four nations of the United Kingdom were represented with speakers and audience members from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and we also welcomed visitors from the Irish Republic, Canada, Italy and the United States.
[Photographs and video links to follow.]
John Tyndall, former chairman of the National Front during its greatest era of the 1970s and founding chairman of the British National Party from 1982 to 1999, died ten years ago on 19th July 2005.  The meeting opened with a minute’s silence in memory of JT and nationalist comrades who have died during the past 12 months, including H&D subscribers Walter Carr (a veteran colleague of JT’s in the NF and BNP) from the West Midlands, and Leslie Brannan from Basingstoke, Hampshire.
Meeting chairman Keith Axon opened the proceedings with a call for nationalist unity, and the rebuilding of the ‘broad church’ nationalism represented during the best years of both the NF and BNP. This call for unity was picked up by several speakers, and indeed embodied in the composition of the audience, which included a broader range of nationalist comrades than ever before.
Our opening speaker was Andrew Brons, presently chairman of the British Democratic Party, who was Member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire & Humber from 2009 to 2014 and chairman of the NF from 1980 to 1984.  Andrew reminded us that JT had not only forged two political movements shaking the political establishment, and edited the monthly nationalist journal Spearhead for 35 years – a prodigious feat of energy and organisation, but also had produced original insight into political philosophy and economics.  Andrew drew our attention to JT’s book Beyond Capitalism and Socialism, which offered insights and remedies for Britain’s national crisis. Later in life JT regretted certain errors of his earliest years in politics, such as adopting (illegal) political uniforms, which many years earlier Benito Mussolini had warned Sir Oswald Mosley would be a mistake in Britain.
Nevertheless the core of John Tyndall’s political ideology remains embodied in today’s British Democratic Party – the perception that different cultures are created by different peoples, as opposed to the opposite and politically correct deception that peoples are formed by cultures.
Our second speaker was Max Musson, co-founder of the Western Spring website.  Max was a long serving activist and organiser in the NF and BNP, previously in Stoke-on-Trent and latterly in the Bedfordshire area. He worked closely with JT in organising venues for the BNP’s annual rallies, a tremendous task due to determined efforts by opposition forces to deny the party access to hotels and conference halls.  Despite electoral experience dating back to the mid-1970s, Max now sees elections as a waste of time, given the huge disparity in resources between nationalists and our opponents.  The Western Spring project involves not only inculcating nationalist ideas but building an economically viable and self-sufficient structure which will allow us to be a credible alternative to the establishment.  Check the website for details! (Max has now posted parts of his speech online, including apposite quotations from John Tyndall’s The Eleventh Hour.)
Tess Culnane was unfortunately prevented by illness from attending, so our next speaker was Francesco Fontana, a veteran Italian racial nationalist from Turin who volunteered to fight with the Ukrainian independence movement Pravi Sektor (Right Sector).  Francesco gave a controversial account of the anti-imperialist struggle: he sees Putin as an ally in fighting Islamic State and bolstering the Assad government in Syria, but as the enemy of European resistance in the Ukraine.  Moreover from a racial point of view the old Soviet Union encompassed many non-Europeans from Central Asia, many of whom are still around in today’s Russian Federation.  Ethnic Russians are of course our fellow Europeans; Asiatics are not!  H&D has previously published articles from a pro-Putin standpoint so were happy to redress the balance.  We can see that the Ukraine issue, and the broader question of Putin’s Russia and its influence, can prompt different views among nationalists and are happy to present the full range of opinion in our movement.
We then took a lunch break, allowing our audience to browse among many stalls from organisations including Heritage and Destiny, British Voice, British Democratic Party, British Movement, A.K. Chesterton Trust / Candour, Western Spring, Preston Loyal, New British Union, Northern Patriotic Front, Church of the Creator, Telling Films, Counter-Currents / Arktos Press, Blood & Honour, Yorkshire Forum and Heretical Press / Historical Review Press.  Thank you to our hosts for providing an excellent buffet.
After lunch our meeting chairman Keith Axon conducted an auction of nationalist literature and memorabilia donated by H&D subscribers and supporters.  We then heard brief speeches from three guests: Gordon Wilson from Glasgow, national officer of New British Union, the organisation taking the ideas of Sir Oswald Mosley into the 21st century; Michael Smith from Pennsylvania, USA, who brought us greetings from the great European diaspora across the Atlantic, and revealed the truly shocking oppression exercised by the government in the “land of the free” against racial nationalists, notably the imprisoned Rev. Matt Hale of the World Church of the Creator, now the Creativity Movement; and Benny Bullman representing the world-renowned nationalist music organisation Blood & Honour, founded by the great Ian Stuart from Poulton-le-Fylde, just a few miles from our meeting venue in Preston.
Our next speaker was Richard Edmonds, a senior colleague of John Tyndall on the Directorate of the National Front and later as National Activities Organiser of the BNP – most famously as proprietor of the BNP’s bookshop and headquarters in Welling, Kent which was received worldwide publicity after the party’s first councillor Derek Beackon was elected in 1993.  Richard Edmonds is now a member of the National Front Directorate.
Richard quoted the French dystopian novel Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail, which forty years ago predicted the tide of alien refugees now threatening to overwhelm Europe.  Only last week the British Home Secretary Theresa May described the threat to Britain from mass immigration: as Richard pointed out, she and other mainstream politicians have been rather slow to recognise this threat, which the NF has been warning about for decades.
The challenge to our corrupt establishment from newly elected Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was seen by Richard as another positive development: in particular the long overdue call for withdrawal from NATO, whose incessant interventions and provocations in wars around the world have helped create the 21st century refugee crisis.
Next up was another movement veteran – Steve Frost of British Movement, who was right-hand man to the late Colin Jordan, Britain’s foremost national socialist.  Steve recalled that Colin Jordan and John Tyndall had been close colleagues for many years, and remained in regular communication long after they had moved into separate areas of political struggle: JT involved with successive political parties, while after a brief appearance in the electoral arena, CJ concentrated on the development of a national socialist ideology.  This ideological challenge has never been more relevant, with the very existence of Europe and Europeans now under threat from cultural pollution, racial miscegenation and literal physical invasion. BM stands for uncomprising resistance to this betrayal.
Jez Turner of London Forum was our penultimate speaker.  He reviewed an exciting year for nationalists, which included the two White Man Marches in Newcastle and Liverpool, and the outstanding victory over the ‘anti-fascist’ mob in Dover, at a rally organised by the National Front and supported by several other groups.  Jez’s own London Forum came under a remarkably hyped level of attack from the Mail on Sunday and Searchlight magazine, a curious alliance of the Tory press and old-style Jewish Communists.  He has also built international contacts and spoke at a recent Golden Dawn rally in Greece.  Closer to home, an example of the treacherous double standard that we face was exposed by the march against the Shomrim, an officially recognised and sponsored Jewish police force.
After his address to the meeting, Jez was presented with a commemorative badge by a fellow veteran of the Royal Corps of Signals.  While veterans were celebrated inside the meeting, assorted friends of IRA terrorism were making threatening phone calls and using social media to put pressure on the meeting venue.  One renowned ‘anti-fascist’ keyboard warrior even took time to publish news on Twitter about H&D‘s Peter Rushton collecting guests in a car from Preston station.  Quite why this was regarded as an important item of news to be broadcast on the World Wide Web is a mystery!
Peter Rushton was the meeting’s concluding speaker.  He paid tribute to two welcome legal victories for nationalists in the past few weeks: the dropping of all charges against the Newcastle marchers who were disgracefully arrested for burning an Israeli flag in March this year (two of whom, Michael Woodbridge and Garron Helm, were present at the meeting); and the long overdue release of the German lawyer and political philosopher Horst Mahler, who has at last been freed after serving more than six years in prison for political crimes.
The Orwellian suppression of truth and justice across Britain and Europe is finally being challenged. Moreover the destructive liberal “consensus” represented by David Cameron’s ruling Conservative Party is increasingly exposed as a betrayal of Britain’s heritage: social liberalism’s cancer has eaten away or moral and cultural foundations, most obviously through mass immigration, while the simultaneous “free market” liberalism of deregulated international capitalism has subverted our economic foundations.
Check back here soon for links to video from the meetings speeches, which in a week or two’s time will also be available on DVD.


Anonymous said...

EU Commission, NYC Mayor vow to combat “Anti-Semitism”

Anonymous said...

A Nation of Liars

Anonymous said...

The Holocaust™ and the Phony Six Million

Anonymous said...

Colin Jordan’s Letter to ‘British’ (Jew) MP Gerald Kaufman

Anonymous said...

British Movement News Round-Up

Anonymous said...

“It would be futile to attempt to discuss the question as to what race or races were the real founders of all that we understand by the word humanity. In the present time the answer is simple and clear. Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science and technical skill, is almost exclusively the product of the Aryan creative power. He is the Prometheus of mankind, from whose shining brow the divine spark of genius has at all times flashed forth, always kindling anew that fire which, in the form of knowledge, illuminated the dark night by drawing aside the veil of mystery and thus showing man how to rise and become master over all the other beings on the earth. Should he be forced to disappear, a profound darkness will descend on the earth; within a few thousand years human culture will vanish and the world will become a desert.” -Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Anonymous said...

The US Has Ceded Control of Major Cities to the UN

Anonymous said...

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CASH-STRAPPED Britain is spending nearly £100,000 a day tackling the migrant crisis in Calais,

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...