Saturday, October 03, 2015

Europe must accept millions of immigrants every year forever says Jew George Soros

World Affairs

Photo of George Soros

George Soros

George Soros is Chairman of Soros Fund Management and Chairman of the Open Society Foundations. A pioneer of the hedge-fund industry, he is the author of many books, including
The Alchemy of Finance, The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What it Means, and The Tragedy of the European Union.

Rebuilding the Asylum System

NEW YORK – The European Union needs to accept responsibility for the lack of a common asylum policy, which has transformed this year’s growing influx of refugees from a manageable problem into yet another political crisis. Each member state has selfishly focused on its own interests, often acting against the interests of others. This precipitated panic among asylum seekers, the general public, and the authorities responsible for law and order. Asylum seekers have been the main victims.
The EU needs a comprehensive plan to respond to the crisis, one that reasserts effective governance over the flows of asylum-seekers so that they take place in a safe, orderly way, and at a pace that reflects Europe’s capacity to absorb them. To be comprehensive, the plan has to extend beyond the borders of Europe. It is less disruptive and much less expensive to maintain potential asylum-seekers in or close to their present location.
As the origin of the current crisis is Syria, the fate of the Syrian population has to be the first priority. But other asylum seekers and migrants must not be forgotten. Similarly, a European plan must be accompanied by a global response, under the authority of the United Nations and involving its member states. This would distribute the burden of the Syrian crisis over a larger number of states, while also establishing global standards for dealing with the problems of forced migration more generally.
Here are the six components of a comprehensive plan.
First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly – a principle that a qualified majority finally established at last Wednesday’s summit.
Adequate financing is critical. The EU should provide €15,000 ($16,800) per asylum-seeker for each of the first two years to help cover housing, health care, and education costs – and to make accepting refugees more appealing to member states. It can raise these funds by issuing long-term bonds using its largely untapped AAA borrowing capacity, which will have the added benefit of providing a justified fiscal stimulus to the European economy.
It is equally important to allow both states and asylum-seekers to express their preferences, using the least possible coercion. Placing refugees where they want to go – and where they are wanted – is a sine qua non of success.
Second, the EU must lead the global effort to provide adequate funding to Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey to support the four million refugees currently living in those countries.
Thus far, only a fraction of the funding needed for even basic care has been raised. If education, training, and other essential needs are included, the annual costs are at least €5,000 per refugee, or €20 billion. EU aid today to Turkey, though doubled last week, still amounts to just €1 billion. In addition, the EU also should help create special economic zones with preferred trade status in the region, including in Tunisia and Morocco, to attract investment and generate jobs for both locals and refugees.
The EU would need to make an annual commitment to frontline countries of at least €8-10 billion, with the balance coming from the United States and the rest of the world. This could be added to the amount of long-term bonds issued to support asylum-seekers in Europe.
Third, the EU must immediately start building a single EU Asylum and Migration Agency and eventually a single EU Border Guard. The current patchwork of 28 separate asylum systems does not work: it is expensive, inefficient, and produces wildly inconsistent results in determining who qualifies for asylum. The new agency would gradually streamline procedures; establish common rules for employment and entrepreneurship, as well as consistent benefits; and develop an effective, rights-respecting return policy for migrants who do not qualify for asylum.
Fourth, safe channels must be established for asylum-seekers, starting with getting them from Greece and Italy to their destination countries. This is very urgent in order to calm the panic. The next logical step is to extend safe avenues to the frontline region, thereby reducing the number of migrants who make the dangerous Mediterranean crossing. If asylum-seekers have a reasonable chance of ultimately reaching Europe, they are far more likely to stay where they are. This will require negotiating with frontline countries, in cooperation with the UN Refugee Agency, to establish processing centers there – with Turkey as the priority.
The operational and financial arrangements developed by the EU should be used to establish global standards for the treatment of asylum-seekers and migrants. This is the fifth piece of the comprehensive plan.
Finally, to absorb and integrate more than a million asylum seekers and migrants a year, the EU needs to mobilize the private sector – NGOs, church groups, and businesses – to act as sponsors. This will require not only sufficient funding, but also the human and IT capacity to match migrants and sponsors.
The exodus from war-torn Syria should never have become a crisis. It was long in the making, easy to foresee, and eminently manageable by Europe and the international community. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has now also produced a six-point plan to address the crisis. But his plan, which subordinates the human rights of asylum-seekers and migrants to the security of borders, threatens to divide and destroy the EU by renouncing the values on which it was built and violating the laws that are supposed to govern it.
The EU must respond with a genuinely European asylum policy that will put an end to the panic and the unnecessary human suffering.

© 1995-2015 Project Syndicate

NWN: No doubt this is what Barbara Lerner Specter was referring to with her hateful comments on television and now on Youtube. We can't say we weren't warned !


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[from From: ... appropriately enough? hmmm. . . ]

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Anonymous said...

World Jewry Has Engineered Four Revolutions

The first was the English Revolution in 1649 which was financed by Jews from Holland. Oliver Cromwell committed Regicide, the killing of the Christian king, in order to facilitate the return of the Jews to England. That's how much control and power the Jews had over Oliver Cromwell, a much vilified man in history. The Jewish role is never told. As the Jewish financiers dictated, Cromwell opened the doors for the return of the ousted Jews to England in 1656. With their foot in the door the International Jews bribed William of Orange and promised to help place him on the throne of England in exchange for helping them secure a charter to establish a Bank of England. In order to justify the bank charter, wars between France and England were instigated.

With this power behind them, World Jewry initiated, financed, and agitated the French Revolution in 1788. Again, this resulted in Regicide, killing of the Christian monarchy. King Louis was publically beheaded in the street, as was his queen, Marie Antoinette. This time the Jews managed to subvert the established Christian order. The profit to the Jews was enormous, both financially and personally. In 1789 all civil disabilities against the Jews in France were lifted and the great emancipation of the Jews took place.

The third Revolution is the one that this page is all about, the Bolshevik/communist revolution, not just in Russia but other places as well. The Bolshevik Revolution, which communism sprang from, was financed by Jewish bankers, mainly from the United States, led by Jacob H. Schiff of the Jewish Banking house, Kuhn, Loeb Co., right in New York City. Jews gained prominent roles in the Soviet Government. Lenin himself was part Jewish. For the third time Regicide of a Christian ruler was perpetrated by the Jews with the bloody assassination of Nicholas II and his wife and children.

The fourth revolution was the Spanish Civil War of 1936, once again, financed by Jews, this time Bolshevik Communist Jews. Franco of Spain, with the assistance of Germany, was able to successfully oppose the communist takeover of his country but not before thousands of Christians were massacred. The Jew Rosenberg (Moses Israelsohn) headed murder teams called the "World Revolutionary Movement Purification Squads." What did they need to "purify?" Their "job" was to "purify" Spain of Christians, mainly priests, nuns, choirboys, women and children. Madrid officials estimate that one tenth of the population of Spain was murdered by the communist Jews by 1939.

A fifth revolution is now under way

It's called the

New World Order

Headquartered in the United States of America, where over half of the world's Jewish population resides, Jewish Zionists such as Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Timothy Geithner, Peter Orscag, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol and others are pushing their Zionist agenda to create a New World Order where Jews will dominate and rule. The Israel Lobby known as AIPAC is the organizational apparatus of the 5th Revolution now in the making.

How will they do it?

The way they've always done it...

With your money!

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