Thursday, April 09, 2015

Roma gypsies are great says Labour Party idiot


We must stand together to celebrate region's diversity, says Crime Commissioner

Date published: 09 April 2015

Tony Lloyd, the region’s Police and Crime Commissioner has called on Greater Manchester’s communities to stand together against hate and discrimination.
Mr Lloyd was speaking as the world marks International Roma Day on Wednesday 8 April. The day celebrates the history and culture of the Romani community and raises awareness of the issues facing Roma people across the world.
Mr Lloyd said: “Greater Manchester prides itself on its rich culture and diversity, welcoming people from all backgrounds with open arms. There is a real sense of community spirit running through every borough and every neighbourhood of Greater Manchester and the Roma community is an integral part of that.
“International Roma Day is an occasion to celebrate the diversity and strength of our communities and recognise the contribution Roma people have made to our society past, present and future. It’s also an opportunity to build understanding of the Romani culture, promote unity, tolerance and respect throughout our communities and make a renewed commitment to bring together people from every background, every race, every religion.
“By standing together we can send a clear message to those who seek to divide us that we will not allow them to spew their hatred here – they are not welcome in Greater Manchester.”

NWN : This idiot is the Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester . Has he not seen the crime figures for this group particularly in the London area ? 
Just what contribution have Roma made to our society past,present and future ? The idiot Lloyd has made this up, cobbling together a few cliches. And why has this newspaper not questioned him on this lie ?
Mind you these Roma have helped to swell the numbers trying to sell the BIG ISSUE ! These Roma have only turned up these past few years.


Anonymous said...

Flying Columns and the Golden Pinocchio Awards.

Anonymous said...

Lloyd is a bought man !!!

Anonymous said...

Bailiffs visit parents who took child out of school

Parents hit with £1,200 bill after taking teenage son on holiday during school term

Anonymous said...

Child sex abuse reports rise by more than 60% in wake of Operation Yewtree and Rotherham investigations

Police have seen a surge in number of child sex abuse cases since 2011
In South Yorkshire the figure rose by 577 per cent over the last four years
Comes after 1,400 children were found to have been abused in Rotherham
Despite the rise in reported cases the number of arrests made decreased
Critics described the ratio of arrests to reports as a 'national scandal'

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Top Saudi cleric denies issuing fatwa 'allowing husbands to EAT wives if they are hungry'

A SAUDI religious leader has denied reports he issued a fatwa telling husbands they can eat their wives if they are hungry enough.

Anonymous said...

When we're told "Brits" are fleeing UK I ask myself where they are going to, since Australia, Canada, NZ, South Africa, USA, etc etc are getting the same treatment and may turn out to be a worse choice than staying in a White racial homeland.

Here's an atypical post by what seems to be an Australian resident:

"...I think Whites are already a minority in Australia. ..."

Iceland, then?

Or just accept the unpleasant prospect of a fight now sooner than later?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...