Tuesday, April 28, 2015

And they are still at it, importing foreign immigrants !


International hunt for nurses

Date published: 27 April 2015

Hospital bosses are flying out to the Philippines and across Europe to help fill nursing vacancies.

Pennine Acute NHS Trust says it has been forced to cast its net far and wide to find “high calibre” staff.

Despite local recruitment campaigns, the local NHS is struggling to fill vacancies. The trust, which runs Oldham Royal, North Manchester General, Fairfield in Bury, and Rochdale Infirmary, must fill 216 qualified nursing posts. There will be a recruitment open day in May to attract A&E nurses, as well as a large event for health care support workers in May or June.

Kimberley Salmon-Jamieson, deputy chief nurse at the Trust, said: “We currently have over 4,000 nurses and midwives across our four sites and in community services. We currently have 216 qualified nursing post vacancies.

“In the last six months we have held two successful events for newly-qualified nurses. Despite this we still have vacancies across our nursing workforce.”

Last time local NHS bosses held recruitment sessions in the Philippines several nurses were recruited and continue to be employed by local hospitals.

NWN: This is how they close down hospitals. They say they cannot get the staff. Then they close the facility down at night and weekends. Then A&E get's cut and moved to another hospital then they close down the hospital. If there is a shortage of nurses then train up our own people.. Simple.


Mr Commonsense said...

Hear ,here ! !

Anonymous said...

Train our own nurses!
The NHS made it as difficult as possible for our own people, but where willing to employ foreign nurses with dubious nursing qualifications.

Anonymous said...


"For a start, last year’s UN figures showed that the annual death rate for would-be invaders was less than 1.5%. To put this into some kind of perspective, the number of Africans who die annually trying to reach Europe is around the same number killed each year by a hippopotamus. These are just the recent figures that have whipped Whites into a self-hating frenzy — in 2012 an African was six times more likely to be killed by a hippo than die while trying to enter Europe.

What do these illegal male African immigrants do once they have safely arrived on European soil? Well, according to statistics, in Denmark they have a crime rate 73% higher than the Danish male population average. In Finland they will form 2.2% of the population but commit 21% of rapes. In Germany they will commit crimes five times more often than natives. In Greece they will be responsible for half of all criminal activity. In the Netherlands their youth will be responsible for 63% of juvenile crime. In Norway, they committed all assault rapes in 2007, 2008 and 2009. They comprise 69.7% of the Swiss prison population, and have a crime rate 600% higher than the Swiss average. In Sweden they will commit 25% of all crime, and are five times more likely to commit a sex crime than natives. In England they will commit a third of all sex crimes. In Italy they will be responsible for 40% of rapes."



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