Monday, September 22, 2014

  Zionist jewish arsonists torched car of Salford Rabbi who spoke out over Israeli military action in Gaza

Firebugs poured petrol over Ahron Cohen's Volvo estate before setting fire to the vehicle outside his home in Broughton, Salford

Rabbi Ahron Cohen
Arsonists have torched the car of a Salford Rabbi who has spoken out over Israel's military action in Gaza.
Firebugs poured petrol over Ahron Cohen's Volvo estate before setting fire to the vehicle outside his home in Broughton, Salford .
They first attached a makeshift fuse to the fuel tank, but when it failed to ignite they returned a few minutes later and used a can of petrol to start the fire.
Firefighters extinguished the blaze outside Mr Cohen's home on Welbeck Grove in the early hours. No one was hurt but the car was destroyed.

  Police are now investigating the arson, the latest in a series of attacks on Mr Cohen's house and car over seven years.
The Volvo 940 has previously been scratched and had its windows smashed, while eggs have been thrown at his house.
The grandfather says he has angered some amongst the local Jewish community by his outspoken views over Israeli government policy and its actions against Palestinians. He spoke only two weeks ago at a pro-Gaza demonstration in Rochdale.
Earlier this month, the M.E.N. reported how another Jewish man who criticised Israeli military action quit Salford after his home in Higher Broughton was vandalised.

  Property manager Mr Cohen described the latest attack as 'sad' and said it could have killed someone had the car exploded.
But he added he was willing to meet his tormentors. He told the M.E.N: "It's a shame they have to resort to any form of violence. I'm quite happy to sit and talk and explain my views.
"They can explain theirs. If we don't agree, we can agree to differ. They have to understand that if everybody resorted to violent activity the world would be a very terrible place to live in. People are entitled to discuss their views but it has to be done in a civilised manner."
Explaining his views on Israel, he said: "Imagine if a group of foreigners set up a state in Lancashire. I don't think it would be a lot different to the reaction of the Palestinians to the formation of the state of Israel.
It's been a disaster, a festering sore that goes back 100 years."
A neighbour, who declined to be named, said: "His views have angered a lot of people around here. A lot of families have boys in the Israeli army."

NWN: No doubt the police will not be flagging this as a priority crime. No one will be arrested or charged without a doubt.


antifascist said...

Can you imagine the anger felt by Zionists when a RABBI disagrees with them?They can't rely upon calling him an "anti-Semite",they can't wheel out "THE" holocaust nor start wailing about concentration camps!
Without their usual armoury to rely upon they are left speechless as they have no actual FACTS to rebut what he has stated.So out comes the petrol bombs and the half bricks,the last resort of the bully who can't win an argument with an honest man!

Anonymous said...

Nation of Cowards: What else can you fairly call a people who attack a population of refugees confined to a small space surrounded on every side by fences and machine-gun towers, a population with nowhere to run? No, that is not put strongly enough. Not just attack, but use the latest and most ferocious weapons from the American arsenal to slaughter more than 2100 people, including more than 500 children, destroying along the way a major portion of the housing, businesses, and institutions of a poor people.

Anonymous said...

Transport for London has reportedly refused to run adverts from a British Zionist group which compared the Gaza Strip's Hamas to the Islamic State because they are "too political".

The Zionist Federation (ZF) planned a £12,000 campaign for London billboards and transport in the aftermath of the Israeli-Gaza conflict.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

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nwn admin said...

Anonymous said...

Israel has very technologically advanced submarine that are made for her by the Germans. She can deliver these nuclear weapons wherever she wants. She has made clear to all of the countries in the world, particularly the west, that if she fails to exist, she is going to take everyone down the tubes with her through the use of nuclear weapons.

27 September 2014 00:43

This is the so called SAMSON OPTION that jewish writer Seymour Hersh wrote a book about some years ago. The biblical Samson brought the whole building down killing himself and everyone else.

Anonymous said...

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