Friday, September 12, 2014

20th September 2014 – The Northern Ireland Veterans’ Association Service of Remembrance

The Northern Ireland Veterans’ Association Service of Remembrance 2014 will be held at 11.30am on Saturday 20th September 2014 at the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire.

The service will commemorate and remember all those who lost their lives in service of the Crown as a result of the conflict in N. Ireland.

The service will be followed by a parade down to the Ulster Ash Grove for the laying of wreaths. Following the laying of the wreaths, there will be a 15 minute pause before the parade forms up for the return march to the visitor centre during which the guest of honour will take the salute.

 The service is open to all and all Associations are welcome to parade their standards. It would be appreciated if Associations arranging for groups of their members to attend could notify us of numbers and confirm if their standard will be parading.

My late brother  Chris Barker on duty in 1977, Armagh city, Ulster, protecting joint female RMP, RUC and UDR personnel.

 Chris stood for election for the NF many years ago. As did this writer who also served in Ulster and stood for elections many times over the years. 


GWR said...

Fatso traitor Nick Griffin slagged off my then dead brother.

Griffin is a cunt.

Recently the hypocrite has arraigned about supporting our armed forces. Griffin is a cunt.

Anonymous said...


What a difference a year makes!

Anonymous said...

Michelle Obama Claims Upcoming Interview With ‘OUT’ Magazine Will “Shock The World”

Anonymous said...

Michael Gove and the Holocaust

Anonymous said...

EU tells Britain to stop moaning about immigrants and start building them houses instead
EU Commissioner for jobs said migration from eastern Europe good for UK
Laszlo Andor said foreigners pay more in tax than they get in benefits
Hungarian official said answer to strain on services was more investment

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David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...