Friday, May 10, 2013

UKIP Is “A Political Scam” Says British MEP


The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) is nothing more than a political scam meant to extinguish genuine British nationalism, a British Member of the European Parliament has said.
UKIP recently did comparatively well in local elections in Britain, and has now been widely touted as a new “savior” for British nationalism.
Andrew Brons, elected as an MEP for Yorkshire in 1999 for the British National Party (BNP) but who has since joined the new British Democratic Party (BDP), said in an article published in the Public Service Europejournal that “It is a central principle of marketing that it should not try to change the desires of potential customers but should instead seek to satisfy them or at least pretend to.
“Political parties in a democracy, on the other hand, are believed to have principles and policies to which they are committed; and that they commend by persuasion to the electorate.

“However, it is a problem if the electorate should insist stubbornly on reaffirming its own principles and rejects the principles or base interests of all establishment parties.
“There is always a danger that this electorate will be persuaded to support ‘wild card parties’ or ‘loose cannon parties’ that threaten the policies and interests of the establishment.
“The political establishment in Britain, as in most countries in the west, believes in the destruction of nations and nation states—and seeks to promote a global entity in which there are no independent countries or distinct peoples.

“The media, including the entertainment industry, in all countries promote this vision vigorously but the old loyalties—sometimes in corrupted forms—persist.
“Ethnic nationalist parties in Britain that oppose this globalist vision have had an undistinguished history. However, in the beginning of the 21st century, they—or rather one, the British National Party—started to make progress and gain elected representatives. It had to be stopped.
“Dr Alan Sked, an honest but ultimately globalist academic had established the United Kingdom Independence Party in 1993. It had secured representation in the European Parliament in 1999 and had increased this gradually to twelve MEPs in 2005. There was almost terminal disunity in UKIP during the 2005 to 2009 parliament.

“It looked as though it might face meltdown before 2009. There was a perceived danger that the British National Party, despite its controversial leader, might make a breakthrough at the 2009 European Parliamentary elections.

“This could not be allowed. It had to be stopped. Nigel Farage, a founder member of UKIP had gained the leadership in 2006 and seemed to make a pact with the political establishment and the media.
“In late 2003, three years before he gained the leadership of UKIP, Farage allegedly boasted to his staff that he was going to approach the BBC to warn them that they would have to support UKIP or they would get the BNP. While there is no record of the BBC’s response, we do know that Question Time has invited Farage to appear more than any other elected politician.

“In 2009, before the European elections, UKIP appealed ostensibly to the public but in reality to the media—the only way to stop the BNP is by voting UKIP. The media responded with an aggressive smear campaign against the BNP and a vigorous support programme for the previously ailing UKIP.
“After the European elections, Farage’s party allegedly boasted ‘If it had not been for UKIP, they (the BNP) would have got even more seats’.
“On Good Friday 2010, just before the general election, he told the audience in Any Questions that his greatest political achievement had been: ‘stopping the BNP from ever becoming a large political party’.
“In fact, the BNP did rather better than UKIP in that general election. Its average vote per contested constituency was marginally higher than that of UKIP. It secured a higher proportion of saved deposits than UKIP.

“In seats in which both parties contested, the BNP beat UKIP in many more constituencies than those in which UKIP beat the BNP. That was the reality but the media portrayed the general election as a triumph for UKIP and a disaster for the BNP.
“The leadership of the BNP went into paranoid mode and declared a war against all and any of its internal critics.

“The party then began its terminal decline. And UKIP was to be promoted quite shamelessly by all sections of the media from then on. Farage has appeared on Question Time and Any Questions even more than he did previously.
“The so-called right-wing press has given that party hundreds of column inches. Scandals that ought to have attracted bad publicity for UKIP have been uniformly ignored by all sections of the media.
“An attack on Farage from the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe leader in the European Parliament in December 2012 for failing to attend his Fisheries Committee once during 2011 and 2012 went unreported in Britain. The appalling attendance records of UKIP MEPs in the full parliamentary sessions have scarcely been mentioned. It is a political scam.

“It is almost as though a modern version of a ‘D-notice’ had been sent to every single newspaper and it had been routinely obeyed.
“It is not that Farage can walk on water but simply that his mortality must not be mentioned. As one of his colleagues in the European Parliament said of him, Farage is not so much committed to getting Britain out of the European Union as he is to occupying a place—so that nobody else will.”

NWN: We are glad Andrew Brons has mentioned Dr Sked in the above article. When Griffin was plotting to 'hijack' the BNP in the mid to late 1990s and get rid of John Tyndall.
He was working to de-stabilise  the BNP with Skeds then ally Dr Mark Deavin from within UKIP. 

Griffin bragged at the time, that he could bring UKIP within the BNP sphere of influence 'lock stock and barrel'. 

Of course we now know that Griffins plan all along was to wreck British nationalism. Something he has acheived with help.


Anonymous said...


Harrow Council left with no party in control amid racism row.

Anonymous said...

'Cash incentive' for Harrow Council tenants moving abroad Then Returning when the money is gone!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What kind of 'monster' could write such a poem?

Anonymous said...

Jews on the internet:

Anonymous said...

I wonder just how much that pliant traitor and fool Tony Lecomber knew.

Lebomber certainly knew what he was doing.

Was Lecomber made to help destroy the BNP as 'payback' to the State for not getting a life sentence for
bombings ?

Anonymous said...

A World Run by Monsters, Pimps and Prostitutes.

Anonymous said...

BBC: Heads Will Roll, White House Benghazi Cover Up Exposed.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...