BNP effectively trashed - job done 'Agent Griffin'- Nick Griffin wrecks yet another nationalist party after wrecking the NF and the ITP in the 1980's
BNP election results - May 2013
British Democrats lose councillor
posted by: Nick Lowles | on: Friday, 3 May 2013, 13:36The BDP went into these elections with one county councillor. They now have none. Graeme Partner won Coalville ward, Leicestershire, in 2009 for the BNP. He then became an independent, before switching back to the BNP. However, he then decided to re-stand for the newly formed British Democratic Party.
He should really not have bothered. He came fourth with just 215 votes
Labour - 1294
UKIP - 825
Tory - 476
Brit Dem - 215
Lib Dem - 84
Posted: 3 May 2013 | There are 0 comments |
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Burnley is now BNP-free
posted by: Nick Lowles | on: Friday, 3 May 2013, 11:45This is the news we have been waiting for. Burnley is now BNP-free for the first time in 11 years.
And not only has the BNP failed to hold its one remaining county council seat but their candidate appears to have come fourth and last.
This is brilliant news.
Posted: 3 May 2013 | There are 2 comments |
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The collapsing BNP vote in Warwickshire
posted by: Nick Lowles | on: Friday, 3 May 2013, 10:41Here is a comparison between how the BNP vote in Nuneaton and Bedworth yesterday and in 2009:
Bede 21% (2009) 7.1% (2013)
Camp Hill 30.9% (2009) 9% (2013)
Nuneaton Abbey 13% (2009) 6.6% (2013)
Nuneaton Wem Brook 22.2% (2009) 4.7% (2013)
Arbury & Stockingford 22.4% (2009) 9.8% (2013)
Poplar 17.8% (2009) 11.0% (2013)
Posted: 3 May 2013 | There are 0 comments |
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South Oxhey heartache
posted by: Nick Lowles | on: Friday, 3 May 2013, 10:21The BNP have poll just 3.6% in South Oxhey ward, Three Rivers. They won it in 2009. How times have changed!
Posted: 3 May 2013 | There are 1 comments |
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BNP vote collapses, even without UKIP standing
posted by: Nick Lowles | on: Friday, 3 May 2013, 10:11The problems for the BNP have been graphically illustrated in Nuneaton Camp Hill, where the BNP polled 9% of the vote. And this is without UKIP standing.
In 2009, the BNP polled 30.9% in this ward.
Just for information, HOPE not hate delivered a campaign newspaper through every door in the ward.
Posted: 3 May 2013 | There are 0 comments |
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Humiliated but consistent
posted by: Nick Lowles | on: Friday, 3 May 2013, 09:44
The results are further humiliation for the BNP but at least they are consistent.
NWN: We couldn't find anywhere else to glean all the info regarding the total collapse of the BNP under it's 'chief wrecker' Nicholas Griffin. How the remaining clowns cannot see the track record of Griffin we have no idea. We here saw him for what he was, way back in 2001.
If the BNP get between 15,000/20,000 votes today across the country i would be very surprised ! To you few idiots that still back Griffin WISE THE FECK UP and open your eyes what the man has done ?
Apologists for Israel take top posts at BBC.
The first thing Northwest Nationalist badly need's to do is stop quoting that Zionist bastard Nick Lowles.One wonders has this become a "Love not Hate"blog.
Idiot Lowles.
Graham Partner never switched back to the BNP and has spent the last six months nursing his mother, only started printing leaflets on Tuesday afternnon of this week and was not over keen on standing at all a few weeks back.
Anonymous said...
The first thing Northwest Nationalist badly need's to do is stop quoting that Zionist bastard Nick Lowles.One wonders has this become a "Love not Hate"blog.
3 May 2013 21:32
Are you stupid or what ?
Did you read the above article and comment ?
That was the ONLY source we could find for the crap BNP results.
A new political party has been registered in Northern Ireland.
The Protestant Coalition's website states it is an "anti-politics, political party" whose priority is "the empowerment of the PUL (Protestant Unionist Loyalist) community".
The party's electoral profile lists the party's leader as James Dowson.
Mr Dowson, a former British National Party fundraiser, is currently on bail over protests connected to the union flag's status at Belfast City Hall.
On its website the coalition said it has "no political ambitions" and is constituted for three years.
I wonder if the guy who is having a go at you NWN reads or has read SEARCHLIGHT.
It's the 'thickies' that have held us back in my opinion.
Most supported Griffin for years and always have to complain about something.
What news of Johnny peeps.
Philly Nears Bankruptcy, Decides to Cover Sex Changes for City Workers.
Why are so many highly intelligent people so liberal?
Let the red scum do the collating.
It matters nothing.
It's the message that is the real message.
Griffin has screwed us and the BNP.
Well done Agent Griffo, the way is now cleared for the UKIP to act as chief establishment safety valve!
Something quite appropriate about the picture.....NG with Mickey Mouse and a Russian Tank. Yankee consumerism and Red force with NG happy in their company.
What news of johnny peeps.
I fear someone has done a Brutus on poor Johnny.
Brighton Council adopts new 'MX' title for its transgender population
'Mx', short for 'Mixter', is a gender neutral title
Council's policy committee approved plan yesterday
Move follows report into services for trans people
Read more:
This is cool!
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