Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Sex gang passed young white girls around THOUSANDS of men, claims impregnated teen who would down vodka to 'feel loud and good'

Girl, 13, tells court she trusted one defendant, 59, 'like my dad'

She tells how she would drink a litre of neat vodka before sex

She 'got phone calls from strangers' asking if she wanted to go 'chilling'

Girl saw 'list of men who owed money' at suspect's home where she knew other girls had been

An alleged sex gang was today accused of setting up a abuse ring involving thousands of men with young 'white girls in the middle', a teenager who fell pregnant claimed today.

But one of the alleged victims, 13, told a court that 'no one was raped', saying she thought the men, some of whom were in their late 40s and 50s, were her friends.

She claimed she would sometimes drink a litre of neat vodka before being intimate with the men because it made her feel 'loud and good'.

Previously un-issued photo of Kabeer Hassan arriving at Liverpool Crown Court where he is accused, along with 10 other men, of exploiting five underage girls for sex
Eleven Men Charged Of Grooming Yung Children From The Oldham And Rochdale Areas of greater manchester In Court To Answer Charges . see Story Day One . Pic Shows Qamar Shahzad Outside Court Today

Kabeer Hassan (left), from Oldham, and Qamar Shazad (right), from Rochdale, both deny rape

Speaking about a 59-year-old defendant, who cannot be named for legal reasons, she said: 'He wouldn't hurt a fly. He was one of the nicest people you could ever meet.

'I trusted him like my dad.'

She told Liverpool Crown Court that she would get phone calls from 'strangers' who would ask her if she wanted to go 'chilling'. She said she agreed and was passed around by different men.

The girl became pregnant by one of 11 men alleged to be involved in a child sex exploitation ring, the court heard.
Mahammad Amin, arriving at Liverpool crown court, who was alledgedly part of a paedophile gang that groomed young people.
Eleven Men Charged Of Grooming Yung Children From The Oldham And Rochdale Areas of greater manchester In Court To Answer Charges . see Shows Abdul Qayyum

Mohammed Amin (left), who denies sexual assault, was among the defendants on trial along with Abdul Qayyum (right)

She made the revelation during an interview with officers about the alleged abuse of under age girls - some as young as 13 - between 2008 and 2009.

During interviews played to a jury at Liverpool Crown Court, the girl told officers she had been in a six-month relationship with a man called Billy who she says made her pregnant.

She said she told him at the time that she was 16 and that she decided to have a termination.

The girl told police she slept with Billy and other men after being taken as far afield as Bradford and Leeds, jurors heard.

The Crown says Billy is Adil Khan, 42, one of 11 men from Rochdale and Oldham who deny sex offences. The girl is one of five teenagers the prosecution say were sexually abused by the men.
Eleven Men Charged Of Grooming Yung Children From The Oldham And Rochdale Areas of greater manchester In Court To Answer Charges . see Story Day One . Pic Shows Mohammed sajid Outside Court Today
Eleven Men Charged Of Grooming Yung Children From The Oldham And Rochdale Areas of greater manchester In Court To Answer Charges . see Story Day One . Pic Shows Abdul Rauf Outside Court Today

Mohamed Sajid (left) denies trafficking, two counts of rape and one allegation of sexual activity with a child while Abdul Rauf (right) denies trafficking for sexual exploitation while

The prosecution says a number of men used the girl for sex although she told police she thought they were her friends.

She told officers men would wait until she was sober before they asked for sex.

The girl said she met the men at takeaways in Rochdale and drank vodka upstairs.
Liquat Shah denies two counts of rape

Liquat Shah denies two counts of rape

Addressing allegations the girls had been abused, she told police: 'They have all consented. No one was raped.'

She described being taken to a flat in Falinge, where she said she had sex with a man called Ray who owned the property.

Photographs of Ray"s children were on the walls and his wife was in Pakistan, the girl said.

She told police she would 'neck' a whole bottle of vodka which made her feel 'loud and good'.

The girl said a number of white girls were brought to the flat and she saw a list of men who owed Ray money for using the flat.

During the hearing, Phillip Boyd, defending one of the 11, questioned whether she was mistaken in identifying his client and asked her about how much she would drink on these occasions.

He said: 'There would be occasions when you would be drinking a litre of vodka at one sitting?'

'Yeah', said the girl, who was giving evidence via a video link.

'Neat vodka?'

'Yeah,' she replied.

The girl, who is now 16, said she was drinking heavily 'three or four times a week'.

Kabeer Hassan, 24, Abdul Aziz, 41, Abdul Rauf, 43, Mohammed Sajid, 35, Adil Khan, 42, Abdul Qayyum, 43, of Ramsay Street, Rochdale, Mohammed Amin, 44, Qamar Shahzad, 29, Liaquat Shah, 41, and Hamid Safi, 22, are charged with conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with children under the age of 16.

They have all pleaded not guilty along with a 59-year-old man, who also denies two counts of rape, aiding and abetting a rape, one count of sexual assault and an allegation of trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation. Mr Hassan, of Lacrosse Avenue, Oldham, and Mr Shahzad, of Tweedale Street, Rochdale, also deny rape.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2110933/Sex-gang-passed-young-girls-THOUSANDS-men-claims-impregnated-teen-insisted-No-raped.html#ixzz1oMZzhfy0

NWN: Did you read that ?

'Thousands' of Pakistani men abused these underage white girls.

If this is true, this is an epidemic.


Anonymous said...

The girl is 13 therefore it is rape regardless of any alleged consent. Adults should know better than to rape young girls. These men should and most likely will based on the evidence go to jail for a very long time!

Anonymous said...

If all whites were like me they wouldnt be in this country ,iv battered at least 400 pakis, started in 1977 still doing them today ,done 5 prison sentances for them and cut them up in prison ,i wont stop doing the scum till i die , the whites today are scum paki lovers ,thats why these pakis are rapeing white kids ,ive been banned from all paki shops ,im sick of whites talking to mr paki shopkeeper like there your mates ,When they hate whites, its about time whites get angry ,instead of being soft touch white mugs ,wake up white man ,from the paki basher

Anonymous said...

castrate the filth then deport them to there desert's.fucking sand niggers, bring back capitol punishment for all nonces.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...