Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Have a look over at our small forum.

Just like this website/blog, we aren't fans of the mess Nick Griffin has made of the BNP and British nationalism. We aren't big fans of the EDL, due to their pro zionist stance either. But some of the other new groups such as the 'Infidels' do show some potential.

British nationalism needs some sense of direction which is sadly lacking at the moment.

Ideas need to be discussed and thrashed out. So why not join and 'throw your views into the ring' so to speak ?


Anonymous said...

Get ta fuck ya tossers were not a fan of you by the look of your shite site ya got no fans apart from the odd peadophile and gobshite

Anonymous said...

You bunch of wankers stop talking shit all you do is moan about everyone if you think you can do better why don't you put your NAME up ? answer : your cunts

NWN Admin said...

Some anonymous poster posted a couple of posts using far too many swear words and criticising us for not using our real names in the NWN forum.

Strange people about aren't there ?

We aren't publishing these posts as we are having a clampdown on foul language. Binned.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off cunt instead of moaning about ,griffin ,edl ,jews ,etc,etc why don't you do something ? You are a silly old man ,fuck off and watch your child porn ,your website is boring (like you) why don't you take out the swear words then print comment ? Oh no We must not moan about you only your allowed to slag off griffin edl jews ,etc ,etc ,you two faced cunt

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should re consider your ban on foul language?

Those who write such drivel only expose themselves immediately.

Applying discipline to them might mean their rubbish appears credible, if only for a short time.

Such people need to be encouraged over the cliff towards which they seem determined to rush.

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should re consider your ban on foul language?

Those who write such drivel only expose themselves immediately.

Applying discipline to them might mean their rubbish appears credible, if only for a short time.

Such people need to be encouraged over the cliff towards which they seem determined to rush.

28 March 2012 23:46


You mean like the 3 above ?

There seems to be a concerted effort by some weirdos to post stuff like the above on here and GRIFFINWATCH.

Nope, we are not going to allow anymore posts by these idiots. They will have to get their 'jollies' off elsewhere !

Anonymous said...

Have the hard cases from "covert tatics" been reduced to juvenile/infantile smears?!?

How sad....

Joe Ewens said...


Anonymous said...

If you were at a demo and the uaf were there do you shout ,"go away " ? "down with the uaf" ? "booo " ? "shame on you" ? "bad people" ? "you cads " ? "we don't like you " ?" Naughty uaf " ? "leave us alone " ? "you are wrong" ? "we don't agree with you"? "please don't shout at us " ? Well that's not what I hear at demos ,I hear angry nationalists swearing like Mad ,should We all calm down and not vent are anger ? When I'm angry at someone I fight, if I can't fight I swear and abuse them its what angry lads do ,We have enough "polite "people in this country that's why blacks keep comeing,time to get angry if you don't like it f@@k off

Anonymous said...

So doing a load of swearing is going to get us to power and kick out all the foreigners ?

Anonymous said...

No its the way people release there feelings ,its hate with anger something most whites in this country don't have which is why We will never kick the foreigners out and they will keep comeing if I want to say "fuck off back to your own country",that's my right as "FREE SPEECH" what would you say "please leave my country " ? that's why they are laughing at us its not working time to get angry ,you speek your way ill speek my way ,

Anonymous said...

Thunor if you look at the CUNTs site it has recently been updated as "Back and under new management"

I have a feeling who the new management is as one idiot has been caught snooping about the net a bit of late and isnt very good at it.All will be revealed.

Anonymous said...

Instead of releasing your feelings of hate and anger by doing something entirely useless - ie swearing on this blog and elsewhere - why do do something useful?

Like hard work!

Like the boring, time consuming task of leafleting.

Like actually thinking about what Griffin and friends are doing... and then realising that they are damaging our cause...and then doing something about that.

Thinking might be difficult, but do try.

Anonymous said...

I've done lots of leafleting and paper sales and lots of demos so that shows what a know it all arsehole you are ,and I don't need a prick like you to tell me how to "think" about griffin ,and how I should talk,i know your type well you are the first one to run away when the fights start with the uaf ,you would leave your fellow nationalist on the floor getting a kicking ,where as my type would stand firm and help any fellow nationist in trouble We don't need your type at demos your useless ,there's more to this fight than putting a few leaflets through letterboxes this country is soft enough without more mugs like you telling us "how it should be" try thinking about that you wimp

Anonymous said...

Yes there is more to this fight than putting a few leaflets through letterboxes...and space prevents the listing of everything that is part of this fight...


aimless swearing is NOT part of this fight.

Aimless swearing just brings us into disrepute. Nobody supports us because of obscenity on this or other nationalist blogs. They support nationalism for entirely different reasons. Some or many may tolerate obscenity, but they are not converted to our cause by it. However, some at least might be put off.

I note that your latest post contains almost no obscenities.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have never been to a demo ,as you are wrong ,I was at the ira march in liverpool ,nationlists smashed there coaches ,then followed them trying to attack but too many police so We swore and abused them so much police stoped there march ( job done ) what would you have said ? Boo to the ira ,down with the ira ,? It makes you sound soft ,at demos all,nationalists swear its a way of venting your anger ,if I could I would rather attack the uaf ,if you think nobody supports that then We don't need that type as they are too soft ,that is why this country is known as "SOFT TOUCH ". its time to get tough mate ,and demos are better than sticking leaflets in letterboxes ,and We need angry men not "SOFTYS" and sorry mate sometimes angry men swear ,if you have been to a demo did you tell everyone to stop swearing ? Or did you put cotton wool in your ears ?

Anonymous said...

See, now you you using some good arguments...rather than just shouting obscenities on this blog.

Direct action does have a role to play. And that direct action can be 'robust' to say the least.

But then swearing in that situation would be a calculated act to gain a desired effect.

Gratuitous swearing on this blog achieves nothing for our cause.

Continue have shown you can do it, so now carry on.

Anonymous said...

I told you I am a very angry man when persons wind me up and I can't "get at them " swearing helps me blow off steam that's my way ,just because you don't agree don't make you right , as for your cheeky remarks about my brain being able to "think" let me tell you not everyone who swears is "thick" i came from a very poor background on a very bad council estate and at 21 years old I got 6 years prison for a racist GBH SECTION 18 , i am now 49 and live in a big house in a posh area ,have 4 grown kids who are doing well , so I "Think" my brain has done quite well for me ,so never think people can't "think " just because they swear, you have your way I have mine and swearing is my way to release my anger ,sorry about that mate !!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...