Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to destroy the BNP name forever

Griffin has already destroyed the BNP internally, now he is making sure that 'post- Griffin' the BNP name will be destroyed as well. This sort of stuff will resonate across the British public rather like a reputation about a dirty restaurant . People will refuse to use the restaurant again - ever. Stories like the above plus the BBC TV programme that is supposedly being aired this month, will just put the 'tin hat' on it all.

We at NWN said 10 years ago that we thought Nick Griffin was 'working for the state' . We here got loads of abuse and threats. The NWN founder received telephone threats to himself and his wife. He was even driven out of the phone book.Banned from Stormfront and VNN.

It's nice to be proven right, but haven't Griffin and his 'helpers' laid waste to the nationalist movement ?

The 'State' bragged about what they were going to do in February 1999. Within a few months, Griffin launched his BNP leadership campaign, supported then by people like Tony 'bomber' Lecomber and Dr.Mark Deavin.

Have we seen any stuff like this before ?

You betcha ! The National Front in the 1980s.

And guess who was at the centre of things then ?


Anonymous said...

Can we have 3 guesses ?

No I only need the one guess.

Anonymous said...

Dont forget Pat Harrington was also there in the 1980s.

There was a gay clique including Griffin,Harrington,Anderson and a few others.

Anonymous said...

I once bumped into Pat Harrington at a railway station.To say that blokes gay radar was going off was an understatment ! It gave me the creeps of the spy who wanted to shag me and i bet Darby has had a bit of bum fun to keep his paymasters happy over the years.

Anonymous said...

is there still anyone apart from his clique who likes gri££in now?

Anonymous said...

Some police barely literate: lawyer
Sep 13 2011Add a commentRecommend inShare.0 Some police officers are "barely literate" because the educational requirements to join the service are so low, the lawyer reviewing police conditions has warned.

Tom Winsor said many criminal barristers "speak in contemptuous terms" of the quality of police evidence that is sometimes provided to them, and he claimed educational standards have fallen "significantly" since the 1930s.

But Home Secretary Theresa May rejected his comments, saying the police officers she spoke to on the streets are not illiterate, but are "committed and dedicated to getting on with their jobs".

Addressing police superintendents at their annual conference near Kenilworth in Warwickshire, Mr Winsor told them: "You may say that the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) will knock that out, but the CPS are overworked and are they the best? Well we can discuss that too."

He went on: "It seems to me that public safety is critical and we want the most all-round effective police officers. So I ask again, should it be higher, the entrance standard?"

Earlier, he asked the officers: "Why is the entrance test for a police constable now so low? The educational requirements, why are they so low?

"We looked at the basic questions, one of which is, 'You find a purse in the street, it contains a £5 note, four 20p pieces and five two pence pieces, how much is in the purse?' That's the standard.

"We've looked at the educational standards for the police from 1930 and 1946 and I can tell you they are very, very significantly harder."

Mr Winsor added he found it "astonishing" that officers had told him it was the result of trying to make forces more diverse.

"The answer that I was given, both by a former commissioner of the Met and by a serving national officer of the Police Federation, was it was lowered so as to get more diversity among the applicants," he said. I find that astonishing because if I was of that background I'd be insulted."

Read More http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-news/breaking-news/2011/09/13/some-police-barely-literate-lawyer-100252-29416587/#ixzz1XrUCtOB5

Anonymous said...

There was a gay clique including Griffin, Harrington, Anderson and a few others.
...... a few others such as Nick Wakelyn and Nicola Vincenzio aka Nicky Crane - the latter was a VERY close friend of Gri££in and Brown-Hatter Harrington - and died died of AIDS/HIV in 1993, aged 35 years.

Anonymous said...


When Gri££in was liveing in London

he used to invite male friends to his flat, have a few drinks and let them stay over. one incident when a
nationalist from the South East stayed over Gri££in went in to his bedroom naked and got in to bed with him. To which Gri££in was told to fuck off. In the morning at breckfast Gri££in tried to play thing's down by saying that last night '' i got that drunk that i forgot what room i was sleeping in and got in bed with so & so ''. yeah i wound how many times ha has done that with Harrington and Darby? Bet they did'nt turn him down.

NWN Admin said...


When Gri££in was liveing in London

he used to invite male friends to his flat, have a few drinks and let them stay over. one incident when a
nationalist from the South East stayed over Gri££in went in to his bedroom naked and got in to bed with him. To which Gri££in was told to fuck off. In the morning at breckfast Gri££in tried to play thing's down by saying that last night '' i got that drunk that i forgot what room i was sleeping in and got in bed with so & so ''. yeah i wound how many times ha has done that with Harrington and Darby? Bet they did'nt turn him down.


The walking into another males bedroom 'while very drunk', and wearing noting other than an erection, was fairly commonplace behaviour by Nick Griffin apparently.

floda said...

Gri££in's solicitors Charles Henry& co failed to pay the 20k to the court as required so the enforcement continues. The end for the BNP is nigh. Hope they sieze his villas's and his flat for a start.

Anonymous said...

The walking into another males bedroom 'while very drunk', and wearing noting other than an erection, was fairly commonplace behaviour by Nick Griffin apparently.
So that explains how Brown-Hatter Harrington's piles are regularly rasped off - Jackie never took kindly to her one-eyed sack of jew shit's rectal adventures with his bum chum.

Anonymous said...

Degrees of Darkness in the Absence of Light.


Watchers in the sh*t said...

Anonymous said...

is there still anyone apart from his clique who likes gri££in now?

What about Dave Howard? Has he completely dropped Nicky now?

Give Griffin enough rope said...

The administrators have entered BNP HQ this morning.

blueboy said...

Watchers in the sh*t said...
Anonymous said...

is there still anyone apart from his clique who likes gri££in now?

What about Dave Howard? Has he completely dropped Nicky now?

16 September 2011 06:43

Dave Howard like Alan Rhodes and John Jock Shearer have swanned off to nacker up the EDL now.

Not heard about Tommy Williams yet.

JCopia said...

Capture flash video and audio from any website to your computer

Anonymous said...

Fatty steroid turdeater scatman Martin Reynolds may very well be Griffins new play toy.Fatto Reynolds will never be as hard or as well built as that big bastard ex griffin joyboy Nicky crane but he could have taken over as Griffins play thing-can you imagine the stink and filth that happen at their private partys ? there must be that much turd being dropped on faces and smeared on fat bellys that it looks like the sewage works when the workers are on strike! The depraved traitor perverts!

Anonymous said...

The administrators have entered BNP HQ this morning.

16 September 2011 14:58

blueboy said...
Watchers in the sh*t said...
Anonymous said...

is there still anyone apart from his clique who likes gri££in now?

What about Dave Howard? Has he completely dropped Nicky now?

16 September 2011 06:43

Dave Howard like Alan Rhodes and John Jock Shearer have swanned off to nacker up the EDL now.

Not heard about Tommy Williams yet.

16 September 2011 15:01

They like to dish it out but cant take it back can they?

Wingeing like little girls over on the griffinite VNN.

Anonymous said...

PALESTINE: the world's next nation

The jews have been destroying Britain with ever bolder moves so if you want sweet revenge by giving the parasitical nation-destroying money-grabbing jews a hard political kick in the nuts you can do so by voting for Palestinian statehood by signing a petition being presented the UNITED NATIONS on Tuesday - to date over 900,000 people have signed the petition.

Over 120 nations from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America have already endorsed this initiative, but Israel's right-wing government and the US are trying to block it. Europe is still undecided. Only a massive public push now could tip this key bloc to vote with the rest of the world for this momentous opportunity to end 40 years of military occupation.

US-led peace initiatives have failed for decades, while Israel has confined Palestinians to ever-shrinking areas, confiscated their lands and blocked their independence. This bold new initiative could be the best opportunity to jump start a resolution of the conflict. There are just 4 days to persuade Europe and the UNITED NATIONS to endorse the Palestinians statehood bid, and make clear that citizens across the world support this legitimate, non-violent, diplomatic proposal. Please sign the petition and send this to everyone -- try making 1 million:


Copied and posted by

Fly On The Wall - to everyone who signs a big thank you.

PS. Please copy and e-mail to everyone you know - again another big thanks to those who do.

PSS. Last but not least:

FUCK GRI££IN - the jews' cock puppet

Anonymous said...

Bang bang the mighty fall.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...