Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Black woman to speak to BNP?

'Bonnie' to speak to BNP in St Helens, Lancashire ?

In the Voice of Freedom (109) a 'nom de plume' called David Bailey, who apparently hails from Canada, writes in glowing terms that the BNP learn to accept non-whites into the BNP membership.
David Bailey is who exactly?
Is it Mark Collett, or more likely, Nick Griffin himself ?

In the latest issue of IDENTITY we can see that the policy of accepting non-whites into the BNP has been pushed yet again.
In there, we see a 'Mr. Bill Morton' from Hayes, Middlesex, gushing lyrical about accepting non-whites into the BNP, with his "more please" plea for the accepting of the unacceptable.

Of course, Bailey and Morton are 'pen names' of the agenda that Nick Griffin is pushing. Comments like these would never be published if Griffin didn't agree with their sentiments.

At least, the multi-racial pursuer John Bean uses his own name for this policy in the BNP publications.

It is quite clear that the 'die has been cast', and that Griffin has decided that a BNP will not be permitted to continue as it always has done, as the focus of British nationalism.

It is quite clear the direction that Griffin is leading the BNP.

We hear that a black Ghanian speaker is to lecture about the perils of the E.C. to the St. Helens branch of the BNP this week, and that Nick Griffin will be there to promote this new acceptance of the 'new ideology' now being 'pushed by Mr. Griffin'.

Nick might consider taking the black lady speaker to one of the more 'nationalist' units of the BNP, so that he and she, would get more of an understanding of the true feelings of the ideology of British nationalism.

Monday, October 26, 2009




'Dishonest' Blair and Straw accused over secret plan for multicultural UK

Jack Straw and Tony Blair 'dishonestly' concealed a plan to allow in more immigrants and make Britain more multi-cultural because they feared a public backlash if it was made public, it has been claimed.

The allegation was made after a former Labour adviser said the Government opened up UK borders partly to humiliate Right-wing opponents of immigration.
Andrew Neather, who worked for Mr Straw when he was Home Secretary, and as a speech writer for Mr Blair, claimed a secret Government report in 2000 called for mass immigration to change Britain's cultural make-up forever.

Jack Straw and Tony Blair 'covered up plan to let more immigrants in for political reasons'
It also emerged that:
Home Office Minister Barbara Roche, who pioneered the open-door policy, wanted to restore her Labour reputation after being attacked by Left-wingers for condemning begging by immigrants as 'vile'.

Civil servant Jonathan Portes, who wrote the immigration report, was a speechwriter for Gordon Brown and is now a senior aide to Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O'Donnell.

Labour chiefs decided to brand Tory leaders William Hague and Michael Howard as racists to deter them from criticising the covert initiative.

Mr Neather said there was a 'driving political purpose' behind Labour's decision to allow in hundreds of thousands of migrants to plug gaps in the labour market.

He said the stance was foreshadowed by a report by Mr Blair's Performance and Innovation Unit (PIU) think-tank, which said the nation would benefit from more migrants.
Mr Neather claimed that earlier, unpublished versions of the report made clear that one aim was to make Britain more multi-cultural for political reasons.

'I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended - even if this wasn't its main purpose - to rub the Right's nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date,' he said.

The report, entitled Research, Development And Statistics Occasional Paper No67 - Migration: An Economic And Social Analysis, was published in January 2001 by the Home Office, then run by Mr Straw.

Most of its key statistics came from a PIU team led by Mr Portes. The report paints a rosy picture of mass immigration, stating: 'There is little evidence that native workers are harmed by migration. The broader fiscal impact is likely to be positive because a greater proportion of migrants are of working age and migrants have higher average wages than natives.'

It goes on: 'Most British regard immigration as having a positive effect on British culture.'
Mr Portes remains an enthusiastic advocate of the benefits of immigration. He wrote a report for the Department of Work and Pensions last year rejecting claims that Eastern European workers had stolen the jobs of British counterparts, arguing Britons lacked the skills and motivation.
A former Government adviser told The Mail on Sunday: 'If the Government had been prepared to have an open debate about immigration, we would not have had the problems we have seen with the BNP. But it did not want immigration policy discussed.

'It is not a very honest Government. They knew immigration was a hot issue and they did not want to get into a fight on it.'

The source said Labour deliberately targeted William Hague and Michael Howard when they called for tougher immigration controls.

Mr Hague was accused of 'playing the race card' in 2001 when he said Mr Blair was turning Britain into a 'foreign land'. Michael Howard was called a 'racist' in 2004 after he went to BNP stronghold Burnley, in Lancashire, to denounce Labour's stance on asylum seekers.
A Labour insider suggested Mrs Roche relaxed immigration controls partly in response to the outcry she faced after criticising begging Romanian mothers.

'She was called a scumbag,' said the source. 'She wanted to show she was a genuine liberal.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1222769/Dishonest-Blair-Straw-accused-secret-plan-multicultural-UK.html#ixzz0UztrqGOQ
NWN: Of the four who are involved in this act of treachery, pictures above,only one of them is not jewish. Can you guess who it is ?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Jeered, scorned and ridiculed - still BNP's Nick Griffin milks his moment in spotlight on Question Time

Nick Griffin was booed, jeered and mocked by a hostile television audience on the BBC's Question Time last night.
But the British National Party leader's priceless air time still left the Corporation facing accusations of 'publicity-seeking' naivety.
Senior Labour figures warned of racist attacks in the coming days, leaving the BBC with 'blood on its hands'.

Heckled: Nick Griffin's controversial appearance on Question Time, where he was mocked and jeered

Mr Griffin ran the gauntlet of 1,000 angry protesters who had laid siege to the Question Time studio at Television Centre in West London.

The 50-year-old, who has a criminal conviction for inciting racial hatred, was loudly booed as he went before the cameras under tight security.
Facing angry heckling, and at times looking shaken, Mr Griffin:

Repeatedly refused to give his views on the Holocaust, drawing attacks from Jewish members of the audience.

Claimed that Winston Churchill would have joined the BNP.
Was branded 'disgusting' by one black member of the audience.
Was forced to deny he had said that black men 'walk like monkeys'.
Was laughed at when he admitted meeting Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and claimed the organisation was 'non violent'.
Was jeered by a lesbian member of the audience who told him: 'The feeling of revulsion is mutual'.
One Asian member of the audience called for a whip round to pay for him to go and live at the South Pole where he could enjoy a 'colourless landscape'.
The BBC was forced on to the back foot over the decision to invite Mr Griffin on to the show.

David Dimbleby, who chaired the session, tried to calm audience unrest by insisting that the programme 'won't be the Nick Griffin show'.

But he refused a request to take an audience vote on the rights and wrongs of the decision.
Unrest: Anti-BNP crowds protested against the appearance of Griffin during the show at BBC HQ

The panel Lib Dem home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne, Conservative shadow cabinet member Sayeeda Warsi, Justice Secretary Jack Straw, Dimbleby, Griffin and Bonnie Greer
Baroness Warsi, the Tory panel member, said: 'If you look at the audience and reaction outside, people are outraged by his views and he has been exposed for what he is.'
Justice Secretary Jack Straw said the evening capped a 'catastrophic week for the BNP'.

They were joined on the panel by Lib Dem home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne and black poet Bonnie Greer.

More...Three policemen injured and BBC in lockdown as hundreds protest over BNP leader's Question Time showdown
DOMINIC CARMAN: A deeply disturbing encounter with the BNP's Nick Griffin - and the wife who thinks he's an oddball

Mr Huhne said Winston Churchill would be 'rolling' in his grave if he could hear Mr Griffin speak today.
Earlier Mr Griffin's appearance provoked angry scenes outside Television Centre. Three police office officers were injured and six protesters arrested.

Three officers were injured during the fracas as the BBC prepared to film Question Time
At one stage, around 25 people stormed inside the West London building as they attempted to find the Question Time studios.
Flares were let off and women dragged kicking and screaming back outside by security guards.
Mr Griffin, meanwhile, was smuggled in via a side entrance by up to 40 dark-suited security guards.
Inside, he attacked Mr Straw saying his own father was in the RAF in the Second World War, while Mr Straw's was arrested for refusing to fight.
Disgust: One man takes Mr Griffin to task over his politics
A black man in the audience was cheered when he confronted Mr Griffin.
His voice shaking with emotion, the man said: 'For just one minute could you not think of the benefits my parents brought to this country and other parents from an Asian, Indian or Pakistani background have brought?
'No, all you're thinking of doing is trying to poison politics and poison the minds of people in this country. The vast majority of this audience find what you stand for to be completely disgusting'
Mr Griffin smirked when he was asked whether he denied the Holocaust but refused to answer detailed questions on the issue. Of his previous comments, he said: 'I can't explain why I used to say those things.'
He acknowledged that the BNP had been a 'racist and anti-semitic organisation', but claimed it had changed under his leadership. 'I am not a Nazi and never have been,' he said.
He was wearing the poppy he rarely removes. He says he wears it in protest at the poor treatment of soldiers injured in Afghanistan.
A policeman tries to control the crowds as the show is filmed
Enlarge Shimal Thakrar, 33, from Edgware in London, said: 'It certainly wasn't as controversial as had been made out beforehand. The guy couldn't stand his ground at all.
'He contradicted himself throughout. He had no consistency. It was a needed debate. But he's not a politician.'
Mr Thakrar said the audience hissed and booed during the filming and shouted 'Liar' and 'Get out the door,' at Mr Griffin.
The BBC had received more than 1,000 complaints ahead of the broadcast.

Senior Labour politicians predicted that black and Asian people would face a violent backlash in the coming days.
The BBC insisted it had no choice but to offer an invitation to the BNP following the party's success in the European elections.
But critics have accused the corporation of being naive and driven by a desire to boost ratings.
Higher Education Minister David Lammy, one of Britain's first black ministers, said ordinary people from ethnic minority backgrounds would face violence as a result.
He added: 'This is a seminal moment for the country. I am very worried about the days that will follow.
'Many people across the country, black and white, will be appalled that Nick Griffin has been given a platform on the BBC's flagship current affairs programme for his terrible racist views.
'Many others, a long way from Broadcasting House, will be left very scared.'
However Mr Lammy acknowledged that the mainstream parties had to accept some of the blame for the rise of the BNP.
Former Home Secretary David Blunkett criticised the BBC for 'publicity seeking'.
'To spend the first ten minutes of the Six O'Clock News covering their own decision and the consequences of putting the leader of the BNP on Question Time, was a total distortion of news priority and a deliberate promotion of their own publicity-seeking decision,' he said.
BBC Director-General Mark Thompson yesterday defended the decision to offer an invitation to Mr Griffin.
Mr Thompson said the Government should change the law if it did not want the party to appear on news and current affairs programme.
He said: 'Censorship cannot be outsourced to the BBC.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1222331/BNPs-Nick-Griffin-jeered-appears-Question-Time--BBC-faces-Question-Time.html#ixzz0Uin5H3P2

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

BNP membership list

BNP membership list leaked again ! ! !

BNP membership list appears on Wikileaks

List of thousands of names of BNP members, along with addresses and phone numbers, published on Wikileaks

Nick Griffin, the BNP leader, is due to appear on Question Time on Thursday.

A detailed membership list of the British National party containing names, addresses and telephone numbers was published on the internet this morning.

The list, which contains thousands of names, was published on Wikileaks, a website that purports to be a clearing house for information to be published anonymously.

A Guardian analysis of the data suggests the BNP had 11,560 members as of April this year, including one peer and several doctors and military personnel. The party appears to have benefited from a surge in female recruits, with one in eight party members now women.

The list reveals that the highest concentrations of members are in Leicestershire, Lancashire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire, while membership is growing fastest in places such as Wiltshire and East Sussex, outside the party's traditional heartlands.

Wikileaks said this morning: "The lists have been verified to be accurate in all cases examined by Wikileaks, however it should not be assumed that every person with a BNP membership number is a current member of the BNP."

The party's leader, Nick Griffin, said he could neither confirm nor deny that the list was up to date.

"The allegation is that it is complete as of April this year," he said. "We have no way of knowing that as yet, but it might be possible that the new list is a concoction of the old leaked list combined with inquiries up until April. As everyone knows, inquiries are often made out of curiosity or even hostility, and cannot be taken as an indication of membership or support."

He said the leak was part of a "hysterical media-driven anti-British National party campaign which is growing in intensity as the party threatens the corruption and treason of the old Westminster parties".

The BNP's leadership was alerted to the leak yesterday and said it appeared to have been timed to undermine the party ahead of the appearance of its leader, Nick Griffin, on Question Time on Thursday.

The far-right map of Britain: BNP membership by constituency The publication of the list represents the third significant time the details of the BNP's membership have been made public. In November 2008, a list of members' names, contact details and in some cases jobs and hobbies was leaked by disgruntled members said to have become frustrated that the party had become too soft under Griffin.

In December 2006, an undercover investigation by the Guardian revealed that the organisation's members included Simone Clarke, then a ballerina for the English National Ballet.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just why is the BNP now getting an 'easy ride' ?
It is getting really embarrassing now, as to why the BBC and many other organs of the 'Mass Media' are giving the BNP almost 'carte blanche' to come out with their rhetoric?
I mean come on, Mark Collett ?
The guy is a public relations disaster.
He has TV film giving it the right arm, and praising Hitler. But the BBC allow him and some other new guy to spout unchallenged.
The BNP have become indistinguishable from UKIP, EDP, EDL and right-wing Tories.
Surely it's not as simple as turning their ire on 'the muslims'?
Or is it because we have now got all these 'relly nice people', who have joined in the last 12 months ?
Frightfully nice now the BNP, dont'cha know . What what !

Friday, October 09, 2009

Manchester 10th.October 2009 - EDL rally

The above image is from an Asian magazine here in the UK, called Asian Image, and calls for large numbers to oppose the English Defence League (EDL) in Manchester.

This blog is very wary of the EDL, and would need to know it's real 'bona fides' before commenting much further about them. Any group that flys the Israeli flag, outside Israel, needs to be watched.

Just what the EDL is about we will await and see, but we don't expect them to be the 'knight in shining armour' our Country desperately needs.

But if large numbers of Asians rampage throught the city centre, will the above magazine suffer Police arrests ?


The English Defence League offer this video;

Thursday, October 08, 2009

"Will the last British nationalist in the BNP please turn the light out ?"

After the last post here on NWN blogsite about the BNP welcoming in non-whites into the BNP , we now see yet another 'white flag' of surrender has been raised within the BNP.

The following excerpt was taken from the main BNP website. A growing number of nationalists have been aware of the 'BNP sell-out' for a while now, but this latest example reinforces the zionist drift in the BNP under Griffin.
It's very hard to differentiate now between the BNP, UKIP and the EDL !

Here is the excerpt;

"As it is whites and European Jewish communities under attack from the nexus of western elites and Muslim extremists, the BNP must set up committees to liaise with our Jewish communities for mutual defence against this imported Jihad."

In the picture above about the US zionist lobby AIPAC. How long will it be now, before we see Nick Griffin crying at Israels Yad Vashem ? Not too long we think ! He will no doubt link up with Snr.Fini .

Friday, October 02, 2009

BNP to welcome blacks and asians within two months

Well that's it then !

The end of the BNP.


Just as that article by the Police in the Express said it would, in February 1999.


Nick Griffin was the 'wooden horse' !

I (John Tyndall)will endeavour to give my own up-to-date 'take' on the situation. It is one which necessarily requires a certain amount of repetition, over which I hope readers will bear with me. The repetition must begin with some words quoted in these pages in our March 1999 issue. They come from a report in The Express newspaper published on 18th February of that year, and they read:-'Scotland Yard and MI5 are planning a huge covert operation to break up violent racist organizations. The Express has learned that intelligence officers will infiltrate far Right groups such as the British National Party.'Other officers will tap telephones, open mail and scrutinise bank accounts and medical records. "We plan to close down these organizations by using every administrative device available to us," said a Yard source.'


A few months later, Nick Griffin hijacked the BNP from John Tyndall.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...