Tuesday, September 01, 2009

BNP Membership Leak Case

Ex-BNP man fined over 'names' blog
(UKPA) – 34 minutes ago
A former member of the British National Party has been fined £200 after he admitted releasing membership details online.
Matthew Single, 37, formerly of Brinsley, Nottinghamshire, admitted disclosing the names, addresses and occupations of some 12,000 members in a blog on the internet.
The charges were dropped against his wife, Sadie Graham-Single.
Graham-Single, 30, a recruitment consultant who has one 14-month-old child with her husband and is expecting twins, was not at Nottingham Magistrates' Court.
District Judge John Stobart also ordered Single to pay £100 towards the cost of the prosecution.
The judge added: "It came as a surprise to me, as it will to many members of the party, that to do something as foolish and as criminally dangerous as you did will only incur a financial penalty. It comes as no surprise to me that somebody to do with an organisation that prides itself on Britishness is in fact living off the British people on Job Seeker's Allowance and that is why the fine is so low as to be ridiculous."
Single, an unemployed engineer, was accused last November of leaking the BNP's membership list in an online blog. It contained the names, addresses and contact details of some 12,000 party members. Among those names were current and former servicemen, teachers, doctors and a police officer.
Wife Graham-Single was also accused at the time but the charges against her were dropped. The court heard that the couple had relocated to the south of England and the judge upheld an order preventing their new address being released.
BNP spokesman John Walker said some of the party's members were now considering civil cases against Single and his wife. Mr Walker added: "There have been some real victims in this case. People had their homes attacked and some people have lost their jobs."
It is understood the maximum sentence Single could have received would have been a £5,000 fine.

Copyright © 2009 The Press Association. All rights reserved.


ES said...

£200 fine? I always said that Single was a wrong-un from the minute I met him back in 2004.

Anonymous said...

Single shouldn't have done it, but the judge stating being on Jobseekers allowance was sponging off the British people in the way he did should see him sacked. Hasn't anyone told the wigged cunt that thousands are unemployed due to the inept behaviour of the Labour Party!

Anonymous said...

This is just proof it was a state organised tactic,with Griffins and Darbys blessing.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope that members of the party bring civil cases against Single and that he is also done with contempt of court.

Anonymous said...

What a pair of scum bags and still there "Enough is Enough "web site is still up and running bumming for money how much will these scum bags get from the Zionist press for there whoring tale?

Dr Chris Hill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Matt Single pleads guilty.

So all the conspiracy theories about Griffin releasing the list are wrong?

This has been very confusing.

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

Off topic but worth reading.


Anonymous said...

single ? he should now start looking for a single coffin the lives he has ruined.

Anonymous said...

If Matt was state then he did it well. The shooting incident in Barking was one of the first signs for me.He was also organiser of Basildon when he lived in Chelmsford, why didn't he start a branch in Chelmsford? Big Pete (come Back) had him sussed. Then an incident at the Summer school when i saw him talking to new recruits about guns and Nazi stuff.
Do you remember the incident when a man spat in Shadies face? Thought this was staged to get her sympathy with the membership.

Anonymous said...

so rather than throw the book at Single and his traiterous whore, you have a pop at the judge.
You couldn't make it up.

Anonymous said...

Shadie Graham moved next door to Stigger. If this is true she should have been suspected from the start.

Anonymous said...

gormlas looking pratt he should have gone to jail.

richard chadfield said...

Single shouldn't have done it, but the judge stating being on Jobseekers allowance was sponging off the British people in the way he did should see him sacked. Hasn't anyone told the wigged cunt that thousands are unemployed due to the inept behaviour of the Labour Party!

01 September 2009 13:00
Actually it is nearly three million who are registared as unemployed due to the treason of the establishment parties. The unemployment figure should hit three million in 2010. This will take us back thirty years to 1979 when enemployment was ,if I remember right, just over three million. The Tory's won the 1979 general election on the theme 'labour isn't working'. So we have just had thirty wasted years.(courtesy of both Labour and Tory) Of course the number of unemployed is far higher because of the way the unemployed are counted. The figure that should be quoted is for what I think they call the economically inactive . This includes people on re-training courses, people who are not entitled to job seekers allowence, people on disability etc etc. This figure is ,I believe nearer six million. When I last checked, admittedly some time ago,job seekers allowence was only available for six months, after that the claimant was means tested and either received nothing or went onto income support. Either way the claimant no longer received job seekers allowence and so was not counted in the unenemployment figures. The unemployment figure is,as I understand it, just those in receipt of job seekers allowence. If you are feeling angry then here is something to make you feel even more angry. A national newspaper(sorry I car'nt remember which one but this is true) a few months ago ran an article headed 'every new job created in Britain since 1997 has gone to foreign labour'. Labour, the British workers party! What a sick joke. They sold out to money decades ago. At least the Tory's are honest enough not to seriously pretend to give a damn about working people. Dispicable they most certainly are but Labour is even more dispicable. Turn your backs to both.
Just to make you feel more angry consider how those who have created this injustice reward themselves. Back bench M.P's on about a £70,000 a year basic and then this is augmented by their expenses. Do you remember expenses? Compare this to what those who have lost their livihoods due to to the incompetance/treason of the M.P's get. Now get angry.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

Matt Single isn't a RED. He has convictions for footy hooliganism and weapons you fucking morons. What he did was bloody stupid, but perhaps he thought the only way he could get back at Griffin for sending his security dogs around to burgle his house and harrass his pregnant girlfriend and steal their property.

He made a terrible mistake that backfired and elected Griffin and Brons with all the publicity. What he should have done is batter the fuck out of Griffin.

If you're in the BNP stand up and be proud, stop hiding like whimps and pussies. Its only a job you may have lost which is nothing to losing this country.

Grow the fuck up and quit being paranoid cranks and crack pots.

golden*nugget said...

Don't taze me man


ES said...

"Convictions for Footy hooliganism"? Yeah, like Chelmsford FC have a Firm. I don't know of any Football hooligans that join UKIP.

Anonymous said...

This just in to my inbox:

Dear Colleague and Fellow Nationalist

Following the news of the conviction of Matt Single at Notts Crown Court on Tuesday for a breach of data protection legislation, we wish to add our voices to unequivocally condemn the malicious act of betrayal by the publication of the BNP membership list in November 2008.

We are appalled by this wanton act which placed and potentially still places those individuals on that list to hostility, violence and retribution. That the act has proven to have been carried out by someone we once valued as a friend and a trusted colleague is a particularly bitter blow.

We believe that Matt Single acted alone and that this was not, as some individuals with nothing more substantial than a very vivid imagination would claim, to be part of a long term conspiracy to destabilise the BNP. Knowing Matt as we have, throughout the past few years, we strongly conclude that his deepening psychological problems led him to perpetrate this act. Whatever the underlying reason, there is no excuse for this monumental act of betrayal and Matt will have to live with the consequences of his folly and criminal deed.

We also wish to remind our colleagues and friends that there are some individuals who continue to peddle the poisonous lie that the "December rebels" (whoever they may be) were accomplices in the publication of the membership list. This is a vile smear and those who peddle such lies are doing so, either because they are pursuing a personal vendetta after having fallen out with one or more of the individuals involved and know full well that they can hide behind anonymous Internet personas or are not in possession of the full facts and have only seen one very biased side of the story emanating from some elements in the current BNP leadership. The smears suit the agenda of the leadership to justify the expulsions back in December 2007. When Matt Single & Sadie Graham were first arrested on suspicion of leaking the membership list, the Party leadership stated that they 'expected further arrests to be made'. As everyone who has followed this painful episode will know there never were any further arrests. This obvious fact did not stop the Party leadership from again making a thinly veiled smear on the BNP website on the 1st September 2009. Just because six people were expelled at the same time (as well as many others) does not mean in any way that the despicable actions, one year later, of one of the six people can be used to attack everyone else.

Those peddlers of poison need to be reminded of the issue of sub judice in that the four of us are continuing the long and costly legal process to defend ourselves against the malicious lies which underlay the civil charges brought against us by Mssrs Griffin and Darby as long ago as March 2008. This is a process which has, to date, cost BNP members over £30,000 in legal expenses; a figure which could easily double in the coming months as the legal process comes to a conclusion. We have been strongly advised by counsel that this conclusion will, particularly in the light of new evidence, to be highly favourable to us as defendants.

We have each availed ourselves of the many opportunities that exist outside the rigid Party structure, so that we can undertake key roles in the many-faceted battles that need to be fought and, more importantly, to be won to ensure a secure and prosperous future for all time to come for the native peoples of these – our island homelands.

Best wishes

Steve Blake, Ian Dawson, Kenny and Nicholla Smith

Anonymous said...

Try not to laugh when you read the following statement that has been released by Dyfed-Powys Police

Following a complaint received from the British National Party on the 19th November 2008 Dyfed Powys Police, working with the Information Commissioners Office, launched a criminal investigation. The complaint related to the British National Party membership list which had been published on the internet.

The investigation that followed was undertaken with the involvement of other forces and law enforcement agencies within the UK, and advice from the Crown Prosecution Services. Close working with internet service providers within the USA also assisted this investigation.

Det Chief Superintendent Steve Mears said, ‘This offence had wide ranging consequences across the country, and today’s conviction should serve as a lesson to those who flagrantly abuse the Data Protection Act, and demonstrates that law enforcement agencies will pursue them and seek criminal prosecution, where necessary.”

£200 fine serve as a lesson? That is a weekends beer money for some people, especially those in the Teddy Bear market.

The investigation is estimated to have cost a minimum of £50,000. Police received 160 complaints regarding attacks or threats made against BNP members and people like PC Steve Bettley lost their jobs.

To me a £200 fine is not a "lesson", it is more a declaration of open season on the BNP. Especially when the politically appointed Judge stated that some BNP members may have deserved attacking.

Then, when I read that those same people who tried to rip the BNP apart, prior to the release of the list are claiming now that the creature whose name I cannot even mention, SG was innocent, my outrage knows no bounds.

And then when these plastic patriots post links to her under the thumb and penis led excuse for an husband "apologising", I realise just why the BNP Membership Criteria must be drafted in such a way as to never allow these traitors to steal control of the party at the behest of the state who most of them work for.

Anonymous said...

I always knew that matt was a nut-job, he flipped which is of no surprise to me at all. One less nutter which is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

"Then, when I read that those same people who tried to rip the BNP apart, prior to the release of the list are claiming now that the creature whose name I cannot even mention, SG was innocent, my outrage knows no bounds.

And then when these plastic patriots post links to her under the thumb and penis led excuse for an husband "apologising", I realise just why the BNP Membership Criteria must be drafted in such a way as to never allow these traitors to steal control of the party at the behest of the state who most of them work for."

You obviously do not know those that you critise on here and how much work and effort they put in to the BNP over previous decades, not just years.

I stuck with the BNP when there was a fall out in December 2007 even though I agreed with most of the points that were made against Mark Collett and Dave Hannam (it is over these idiots that this whole episode started). However, nothing has really changed in terms of Collett and Hannam (they are still grossly incompetent) and Griffin has in fact only made his position stronger for being far more deceiving than anyone cared to imagine.

They do not claim that SG 'is innocent' of everything, though if a £50,000 police investigation finds her innocent of posting the membership list online then that is a pretty good indication that she knew nothing about it. Not that it excuses her other behaviour i.e. resigner her seat and telling locals not to vote BNP etc. However, I admit that it does not look good for her and because of the close connection (husband and wife) it is fair comment to speculate

You talk about 'plastic patriots' and 'traitors' though you do not know anything about these people or the reasons that they resigned in December 2007 - it was about the inefficiencies and cover-ups at the top of the BNP (e.g. Collett and Hannam trying to bring under-age girls back to hotel rooms - this did happen by the way, and Griffin covered it up). Just because they spoke out about this does not make them traitors!

I have spoken to one of the four mentioned, as I do on a regular basis, and he is gutted that this has now happened, he feels betrayed by Matt and let down by Sadie, and more importantly he knows that Matt betrayed the membership. The guy in question has even been out leafleting for the BNP over the last year, even though Griffin has cost him thousands with a pointless and absurd court case.

There are probably only 10-12 internet freaks who Griffin has got to spread the poison about the rest. They are also no doubt unemployed (by choice) who have nothing better to do than defame decent people. By all means attack the guy who did the deed yet not anyone who knows him!

For God's sake nationalists fall out way too much - we need all decent people to be pulling in the same direction. You, me, most of those who were expelled back in 2007 (except of course the two who were charged), and the remaining decent nationalists in the BNP. If we keep losing decent people we have no chance.

Anonymous said...

Laws should be tightened to give judges the option to jail people found guilty of serious abuses of personal data, the UK's Information Commissioner has said.

Christopher Graham said penalties under the Data Protection Act were "pathetic" and urged tougher laws by next April.

His comments came after a judge said it was "ridiculous" he could only fine a former British National Party activist for leaking its membership list online.

Mr Graham is preparing a dossier to present his case to ministers.

Anonymous said...

The time has come for Kenny Smith, Nichola Richie and Steve Blake to give public statements condemning what Matt and Sadie did and to state that they regard them as traitors to nationalism and that they were duped into believing Matt and Sadie when they said they did not put the membership online.

Only by completely cutting all ties with the scumbags and condemning what they have done in a public manner can we be sure that Kenny, Nichola and Blake are innocent of any involvement in what Matt and Sadie did.

If they refuse to issue a public statement condemning Matt and Sadie then we have to assume that they knew what Matt and Sadie were doing, that they were involved in it as well and that they still support what Matt and Sadie did.

No doubt there will be morons who will still defend them.

It appears that in some sections of nationalism, loyalty to our people and the cause of nationalism are secondary to their 'friendships' with traitors.

Walsall BNP said...

"The time has come for Kenny Smith, Nichola Richie (sic) and Steve Blake to give public statements condemning what Matt and Sadie did and to state that they regard them as traitors to nationalism and that they were duped into believing Matt and Sadie when they said they did not put the membership online."

Really? Says who? This reads very much like that gobshite Lee Barmy Barnes version of justice. The same gobshite who thinks that asking potential members of an organisation which will not look after their legally enshrined human rights is perfectly normal. Doh!

BTW and shows how much the poster really know there was a statement issued a few days ago where Blake, Dawson and the Smiths DID in fact distance themselves from Single and Graham. If you didnt get a copy of that email it probably means YOU werent important enough in the nationalist movement to receive it. If the poster is indeed the deranged Medway Mauler AKA Lee John Barnes (LLB HONS) no surprises there then. Barnes is a liability to every single nationalist- a headcase and self opinionated stain on the movement.

Essex BNP said...

"The time has come for Kenny Smith, Nichola Richie and Steve Blake to give public statements condemning what Matt and Sadie did and to state that they regard them as traitors to nationalism and that they were duped into believing Matt and Sadie when they said they did not put the membership online."

U a dickhead or something? Read the earlier posts you muppet and you will exactly their public statement. I know the 4 are not traitors but dedicated nationaliusts who worked for the BNP on a pisspoor wage. If you want to expose traitors look no further than the man behind Freedom and the BNP's printing outfit. This man is skimming thousands every month from decent people to keep in him his hedonsist lifestyle. Why not ask the BNP treasurer to let you see the invoices Collett presents to the party each month. You wont get far of course but worth digging.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that some lowlife are even linking the other four (and in some cases more people like Bev & Dave Jones) with this sorry episode. Talk about guilt by association - a classic Griffin trick.

Every single person I have spoken to about this do not believe that anyone else is involved other than Matt or Matt & Sadie.

Griffin has always tried to smear people he has fallen out with e.g. see www.spearhead.com

Anonymous said...

I think that the Information Commissioner and the Police are to be congratulated for bringing a prosecution. The Judge in the case also recognised the seriousness of the offence but was hamstrung in sentencing by the fact that the traitor Single was on JSA. I use the word traitor carefully for Single went far beyond legitimate criticism and internal debate. He attacked not only Griffin but ordinary BNP members. As a result of his actions many had threats and harassment. Others had problems at work - in some cases leading to the loss of their jobs. No one should act as an apologist for him or seek to minimise or excuse what he did. He should be shunned by all decent Nationalists and I hope he will eventually pay the appropriate price for his evil actions.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...