Friday, September 11, 2015

Kuwait & Israel Admit They Refuse to Take ‘Refugees’ Because Migrants Don’t Assimilate

Media labeled Hungarian Prime Minister 'xenophobic' when he expressed similar concerns
Kuwait & Israel Admit They Refuse to Take 'Refugees' Because Migrants Don't Assimilate

While Europe is preparing to take in potentially millions of migrants from African and Middle Eastern countries, politicians in Israel and Kuwait admit that their policy of refusing refugees is because the migrants fail to assimilate and pose a huge threat to social cohesion and democracy.
Appearing on Middle Eastern television, a Kuwaiti politician stated, “In the end you cannot accept people from a different ethnicity, culture and environment.”
Striking a similar tone, an Israeli politician asserted, “We’ll bring in a million Africans, half a million Filipinos, 2 or 3 million Chinese, and that’s the end of it for Israel.”
Asked why it posed a threat to allow a million Africans into Israel, the politician responded, “It’s threatening because this will no longer be a Jewish state….our country is a Jewish state, a Jewish and democratic state.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also asserted that Israel does not have the demographic depths to absorb fleeing migrants.
However, prominent European voices like Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, have been denounced as xenophobes by other politicians and the mass media for expressing similar concerns.
“We shouldn’t forget that the people who are coming here grew up in a different religion and represent a completely different culture. Most are not Christian, but Muslim…. That is an important question, because Europe and European culture have Christian roots,” wrote Orban.
The New York Times responded by characterizing Orban’s statement as a “xenophobic response”.
It’s interesting that countries like Kuwait and Israel can assert (and rightly so) that opening the floodgates to vast numbers of unassimilated immigrants is tantamount to national suicide, but when European leaders make the same argument, they are castigated as xenophobes and racists.


Anonymous said...

But yet jews are at the forefront of screaming nazi at white people who don't want these immigrants into their countries.

Jews have been at the forefront of multi-racialism for white countries only.

They have been at it since during WW2, working away to what we see now.Like John Tyndall described them as; maggots burying away at a decaying body.

Anonymous said...


Sgt Alexander Blackman was ‘Marine A’, a veteran Royal Marines commando who shot a dying Taliban gunman in Afghanistan in 2011, and is believed to be the only British serviceman to have been convicted of murder on the battlefield. He and his family and friends believe he is the victim of a miscarriage of justice, and are launching a fresh appeal against his conviction and life prison sentence. They aim to have his conviction reduced to manslaughter. For anyone who wishes to contribute to the legal fees for Sgt Blackman and his wife Claire, a fighting fund - ‘Justice For Sgt Blackman’ – has been set up, spearheaded by thriller writer Frederick Forsyth.

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