Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ex-Stasi Agent Hired to Censor “Xenophobic” Facebook Posts

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German government cracks down on dissent against migrant influx

Paul Joseph Watson
September 16, 2015
The German government and Facebook are working with an organization led by an ex-Stasi agent to oversee a new program that will identify “xenophobic” posts made on the social networking website and punish people who make them with fines and jail sentences.
The German Minister of Justice Heiko Maas met with Facebook this week to form a special task force that will work to remove comments from the website that “call for hatred” against migrants.
The organization will be overseen by Network Against Nazis (Netz gegen Nazis), a group led by left-wing activist Anetta Kahane.
Although Kahane now describes herself as an “anti-racist,” she was intimately involved in another dark period of German history, working as a Stasi informant under the codename “Victoria” from 1974-1982.
The Stasi, which liaised with the Soviet KGB, was the official secret police of the former Communist government of East Germany. Its role was to spy on the population and to use its vast network of informants to hunt down political dissidents. Numerous Stasi members were prosecuted for their crimes after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
Last week, Chancellor Angela Merkel vowed to tackle “racist” comments made on social media sites, describing them as “sedition” and demanding that Facebook take action.
“25 years after the German reunification, former DDR citizens, along with their West German brothers and sisters, are to be monitored by former Stasi cadres,” notes the German website PI News.
A report in Bild also confirms that ‘Network Against Nazis’, led by Kahane, will be involved in monitoring Facebook for “racist” and “xenophobic” comments, as well as “refugee-baiting” remarks.
Those found guilty will be hit with fines of around €5000 euros or 120 days in prison.
While European governments roll out the red carpet to potentially millions of future migrants, authorities are cracking down on dissent. Last week, an anti-migrant demonstration set to be held in Warsaw was banned on the grounds that it was “driven by out-of-place hatred.”
Anti-migrant sentiment is building across Europe, partly as a result of the mainstream media’s failure to report on the negative impact that the influx of unassimilated foreigners will bring, as is documented in the video below.


Anonymous said...

What has the 'octoroon'-in-power in store for us?

at least 80 personnel working for the London's Metropolitan Police have travelled to Israel for a 'tactics and strategy' training.

"when your police come back, you become their enemy"

Anonymous said...

Now VIP abuse murder probe is on the brink of collapse: Scotland Yard won't say it believes key witness's claims
Internal probe launched into running of £1m Operation Midland inquiry
Scotland Yard will not say publicly that it still believes witness account
Police plan to outline a new approach to the case as early as next week
Met suggests for the first time that future of operation could be in doubt

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