Monday, September 07, 2015

Who planned the immigrant flood ?

Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies. 

Zionist jews behind the invasion of Europe.


Anonymous said...

Syrian Invasion Of Europe - A Day That Will Live In Infamy.

Anonymous said...

Israel to Demolish 13,000 Palestinian Structures.

Anonymous said...

Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel has treated 1,000 wounded Syrians -(ISIS) but refuses to take in refugees because the country is 'too small'
Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was 'not indifferent' to the migrant crisis

But said it must control its borders, against 'illegal migrants and terrorism'
Went on to say it will start building a fence to seal off frontier with Jordan
His political opponents said he had 'forgotten what it is to be Jews'

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Britain stance on Syria proves ‘brazen political hypocrisy’ (Part of the plan)

Anonymous said...

The Era Of Cyborgs Has Begun: 10,000 People Already Have Digital Chip Implants -

Anonymous said...

Global Dispossession.

Anonymous said...

Thousands of refugees reach Germany after Hungary & Austria surrender to exodus.

Anonymous said...

The Left Versus Right Debate Is Brain Dead

Anonymous said...

The actual wave of immigration under the title 'refugees' looks orchestrated indeed.

MSM in Western Europe is clearly hyping up the event, trying to give evidence, that the majority of the local population is willing to accept all these foreigners, when clearly the contrary is the case.

Anonymous said...

Father of the euro fears EU superstate by the back door

Professor Otmar Issing has warned against handing over control of tax and spending before a democratic political union has been established.

Anonymous said...

The EU Referendum, Purdah, Fixing The Rules, Rigging The Outcome.

The name itself comes from the Persian word “pardeh” meaning “curtain” or “veil”, describing the ensuring of women’s modesty from the world of men. In the British political context, the word refers to the non-promoted condition of the policies of government during a “purdah” period.

Anonymous said...

Evidence of Clinton emailing Israel’s Iranian attack plans to reporter ignored

Anonymous said...

British government surveilling 3-year-olds for 'extremism' while defending pedophile elitists

Learn more:

Anonymous said...

The Hope: Churchill & the Jews.

Anonymous said...

Syrian refugee crisis: Liverpool Zionist MP urges local authorities to follow city's example

Liverpool Riverside Zionist MP Louise Ellman says it is 'a matter of simple humanity'( And part of our plan).

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...