Wednesday, June 12, 2013



Peter Rushton ~ Patriots Subverted: Why Did British Anti-Zionists Fail to Resist The Nakba ?


GWR said...

Peter, either get your bloody hair cut or buy a violin !

Anonymous said...

Kingston council leader quits over child porn arrest.

Anonymous said...

Migrant men more likely to be in work than indigenous British males
More foreign men have found work in Britain since the financial crisis than men born in this country, a leading think-tank has found.

Anonymous said...

Intelligence-gathering by British state out of control

Anonymous said...

Intelligence-gathering by British state out of control

Anonymous said...

Abunimah and Atzmon at the UN

Henry said...

An excellent talk.

Peter Rushton did well to hold it together despite the usual interruptions from Herr Heckler!

Henry Kerby MP is well known in the world of monetary reform for an Early Day Motion (EDM) he put down in 1964 calling for money to be issued by the government and not created by the banks as debt, which is how it's still issued today.

As an EDM is a meaningless indulgence I suppose the purpose of this one was to gain for Kerby some measure of kudos within the nationalist and fascist groups he was infiltrating in his function as a state agent and general traitor to his race.

Let's hope he died screaming.

Aye...Now about that hair!

GWR said...

Peter is an excellent and educated speaker.

He got expelled from the BNP not too long after my good self.

Griffin does not like Graduates !

A threat to him you see.

GWR said...!%2030:11:12.pdf

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...