Saturday, June 08, 2013

Bill Gates was at Bilderberg meeting yesterday......

here's one that was not on the list of BILDERBERG 2013. 

But some claim to have pics of him driving into the meeting in a limousine.

He just happens to be speaking in London today, on an area of policy that the BILDERBERGERS were rumoured to be discussing yesterday.  The issue of 'foreign aid' by the UK and others.

Why don't people like Gates give more of THEIR wealth, if they feel so passionate about it ?

LIVE VIDEO NOW 5PM Saturday 17.05>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Anonymous said...

Live feed as gone down.

Wonder why?

Anonymous said...

The live video feed was on for almost 2 hours then went down.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Prince Charles isn't listed either but he has been there getting his and the Queens orders.

Anonymous said...

Why don't people like Gates give more of THEIR wealth, if they feel so passionate about it ?

Because they are not stupid, unlike the white working class.

PS if you want to reduce the worlds population, why do these cunts want to give money and encourage the niggers to breed ?

Lou minarty

Anonymous said...

It didn't take gates long to do the BILDERBERGs bidding.

Less than 24 hours !

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...