Wednesday, October 17, 2012


100 nationalists attend JT Memorial event in Preston

The 2012 John Tyndall Memorial meeting organised by Heritage and Destiny magazine in Preston, Lancashire, on 13th October was the most successful yet, with a hundred nationalists attending.

Speakers included Richard Edmonds – for many years the BNP’s national organiser and proprietor of the party’s bookshop and headquarters in Welling – who announced his prospective candidature for the National Front in Croydon North in the forthcoming parliamentary by-election.
Other parties and groups represented at the event included the England First Party, British Movement, the British National Party, Candour magazine and Historical Review Press.
A report follows by Heritage and Destiny editor Mark Cotterill.
Almost 100 Nationalists from a variety of political formations and tendencies gathered again in the old English city of Preston, Lancashire, on 13th October 2012 for the Seventh Annual John Tyndall Memorial Meeting. The commemoration was hosted by Heritage and Destiny magazine.

Some of the hundred nationalists who gathered in Lancashire to remember John Tyndall’s lifetime of poltical activism.
‘JT’, as he was affectionately known by his many followers and admirers, was a former chairman of the National Front, the founder of the British National Party, and the foremost racial nationalist leader of the modern era.
Among the organizations represented at the memorial were (in alphabetical order):  A.K. Chesterton Trust, Blood & Honour, British Movement, British National Party, Democratic Nationalists, England First Party, Historical Review Press, Infidels of Britain, Iona London Forum, National Culturists, National Front, Scottish Defense League, and North West Nationalists (sorry if I’ve missed any out).

Keith Axon, founder member and former West Midlands regional organiser of the BNP, chairing the John Tyndall Memorial Meeting in Preston on October 13th 2012.
The meeting was chaired by Keith Axon, a founder member of the BNP, and former West Midlands party organizer.  Mr. Axon was a good friend and comrade of John Tyndall, and he spoke movingly of JT’s dedication to the cause and of his soul-stirring abilities as an orator.
The meeting started with a minute’s silence in memory of JT, his wife Valerie, Spencer Cartlidge, Jonathan Bowden, Tony Hancock and Jimmy Grundle (and all other nationalist comrades who had passed away since last year’s meeting).  Mr Axon then read out a short letter from H&D’s American assistant editor Martin Kerr, who unfortunately was unable to attend the meeting due to personal reasons.

Steve Frost, national secretary of British Movement, spoke about the early political activism of John Tyndall and Colin Jordan at the 2012 John Tyndall Memorial Meeting in Preston, Lancashire.
The first speaker of the afternoon was Steve Frost, a long standing member (since 1976) of the British Movement, who is now the BM’s national secretary. Steve spoke on JT and CJ – the early years.  He gave much fascinating information on the struggles of the nationalist movement during the late 1950s and early 1960s, when Colin Jordan and John Tyndall forced nationalist ideas onto the agenda despite the violent opposition of “anti-fascists”.  Despite their well-known personal differences that developed during the mid-1960s, CJ and JT continued to meet regularly and discuss nationalist ideology and strategy.

Jez Turner addressing the John Tyndall Memorial Meeting in Preston, Lancashire, on 13th October 2012
The second speaker was Jez Turner, the founder and chairman of the Iona London Forum, and a 12 year veteran of the Royal Corps of Signals. Jez spoke on the efforts to promote nationalist ideas outside of the electoral sphere.  The battle for votes must be accompanied by a cultural struggle, with nationalists contesting the liberal intellectual hegemony.

Steven Smith – organiser of Burnley BNP’s electoral success in 2002-2005
The third speaker was Steven Smith, of the National Front. Steven was the founding organizer of Burnley BNP, and the power behind the raise of the BNP on Burnley Borough Council  an era which has sadly ended following the collapse of Nick Griffin’s party. He spoke on the essential effort required to rebuild a movement that can stand up for White Britons in towns such as Burnley: the front line of our movement where Steven Smith and John Tyndall fearlessly took the battle to the enemy.

Dr Jim Lewthwaite of Democratic Nationalists, a former Bradford City Councillor, speaking at the John Tyndall Memorial in Preston.
The fourth and final speaker before the lunch break was Dr. James Lewthwaite, an Orangeman and former archaeology lecturer, who was an elected BNP councillor from Bradford City Council (2004-2007) and was a co-founder of the Democratic Nationalists in 2008. Jim spoke about the absurdity of fellow nationalists fighting each other in a dozen different factions.  He suggested that there could be legitimate diversity on the nationalist scene, with different regions adopting contrasting strategies, but pointed out that the fragmentation of post-Griffin nationalism had resulted in the various districts of South Yorkshire alone each going off into separate parties, with the result that there can (for example) be no nationalist candidate for South Yorkshire Police Commissioner!
After Jim’s talk, Chairman Keith Axon announced a break, during which the audience enjoyed a generous buffet and browsed the many nationalist literature and merchandise stalls including Candour / AK Chesterton Trust; British Movement; Bradford Nationalists; Historical Review Press and Heritage and Destiny.
After a thirty minute lunch break, Chairman Keith Axon resumed the meeting. The next item on the agenda was an auction off nationalist items donated by H&D subscribers, including a signed first edition of JT’s Eleventh Hour book – which sold for £100.

Pete Barker of North West Nationalists, former NW regional press officer of the BNP, speaking at the 2012 John Tyndall memorial meeting.
Peter Barker was the first speaker up after the break. An ex-soldier with the Royal Engineers, Peter served in Ulster and Germany. He was the former BNP regional press officer for the North West and was an NF and BNP organizer for Rochdale. He is also the founder of the North West Nationalists website and later blog.  Like others at the meeting; he has been expelled from the BNP for opposing the policies of Nick Griffin.  He spoke on his memories of John Tyndall as an inspirational leader and tireless activist, and addressed one of the most horrific consequence of mass immigration: the infamous Rochdale “grooming” scandal.

Dave Jones, independent candidate in a forthcoming Todmorden Council election, speaking at the 2012 John Tyndall memorial meeting.
Although not scheduled to speak, David Jones – who is standing as an independent nationalist candidate in the forthcoming Todmorden town council by-election – was given a five minute spot to plug his election campaign. David spoke about the potential for nationalists to gain advantages at the polls from the ideological bankruptcy and factional division among mainstream politicians.

Peter Rushton of Heritage and Destiny speaking at the 2012 John Tyndall Memorial Meeting.
The next speaker up was Peter Rushton, who in 2002 became one of the first BNP members purged by Griffin. Mr. Rushton is an assistant editor of Heritage and Destiny, a co-founder of the England First Party, and founder and editor of Mr. Rushton spoke on the need for radical nationalism to combat what he termed the treason of our political and financial elites.  Nationalists must address the roots of Britain’s crisis, and not merely be a more right-wing version of the Tories.  Peter drew attention to the recent book Britannia Unchained by a group of supposedly right-wing Tory MPs – three of whom were themselves the children of immigrants, yet who shamelessly insulted Britons as having a culture of laziness!  Why should Britons be happy to become wage slaves – or fight and die effectively as mercenaries – for an alien-dominated political elite?  Radical nationalists should tear out the roots of this alien domination.
Chairman Keith Axon then called upon meeting organizer – and editor of Heritage and Destiny – Mark Cotterill to say a few words. Mark thanked everybody for attending and supporting the event, which was our most successful yet, with almost 100 nationalists in attendance. Mark pledged that next year it would be over 100!
A collection was then taken to cover the costs of the venue and organizing the meeting. This raised £250, £50 of which was given to Richard Edmonds towards the NFs Croydon North by-election campaign.

Richard Edmonds, National Front candidate for Croydon North at the forthcoming parliamentary by-election, addressing the 2012 John Tyndall memorial meeting in Preston, Lancashire.
The keynote speaker of the day was former BNP national organizer Richard Edmonds. Richard was one of John Tyndall’s most loyal friends and supporters over thirty years. He was proprietor of the famous BNP bookshop in Welling from 1989 to 1999 and served on the national advisory council of the BNP from 2008 to 2010.  Mr Edmonds is now a member of the National Front, and will be its candidate in the upcoming Croydon North parliamentary by-election, one of the most crime-infested multiracial areas of London.  Mr Edmonds spoke on the challenges facing nationalists as they begin the fightback against decades of disastrous multiracial policies, on which Britons were never consulted, but which were imposed by Lib Lab and Con.  The shameful failure of the Police to deal with members of immigrant communities responsible for the paedophile “grooming” White children is a symptom of the crippling effect of liberal indoctrination.  Nationalists must give the British people a positive alternative: the country that produced the industrial revolution, giving the world most of the inventions that have transformed modern life, must preserve its own identity for future generations.

One of many lucky raffle winners at the 2012 John Tyndall Memorial meeting. Ian Lofthouse of Blackburn takes home a Bavarian beer stein.
After Mr. Edmonds’ impressive speech, there was a Raffle. Twenty items had been donated to the meeting by various comrades and were raffled off.  The lucky winner of a 1930s Beer Stein was Ian Lofthouse from Blackburn. Finally, a football scratch card was won by a Liverpool Nationalist (as it was last year!).

Ken Shapcott of Burnley thanks the speakers, organisers and staff at the end of the 2012 John Tyndall Memorial Meeting in Lancashire.
At the conclusion, meeting steward Ken Shapcott of Burnley spoke from the audience, thanking the speakers and the meeting chairman for making this year’s memorial a success. Ken also thanked everyone for their participation and attendance   and looked forward to seeing them again at future gatherings. He also thanked those comrades who could not attend, but who still supported the event by sending in donations to help with the organizational costs.
Thanks to MiB and LSC Security for their valuable assistance in ensuring that the meeting proceeded in a safe and orderly fashion, despite empty threats on internet forums from “anti-fascists” and fringe so-called nationalists.
So all in all, a very successful and enjoyable day. If you could not attend this year, then make sure you come to next year’s John Tyndall Memorial Meeting, you won’t be disappointed.

Mark Cotterill, Preston, Lancashire
    • Special thanks to Andrew Brons MEP for Yorkshire & Humberside for taking the time out from his very busy schedule to attend, and also to 88 year old Frank Walsh – our oldest attendee – who travelled all the way up from South London, and to 79 year old Dennis Whiting – who travelled all the way up from Kent. These two fine gentlemen should be an example to the many younger nationalists who made feeble excuses as to why they could not attend. Lastly thanks again to the squaddies who attended – you’re doing both your race and nation proud.

    • Thanks to the generous donations of H&D subscribers, we were able to again produce a special four-page Souvenir Programme for the occasion, expertly printed in red/white/black on quality paper. Copies of the programme are still available for £5.00 or $10.00 (including postage) from Heritage and Destiny, 40 Birkett Drive, Preston, PR2 6HE.  Or online via PayPal to –


Anonymous said...

"Thanks to MiB and LSC Security for their valuable assistance in ensuring that the meeting proceeded in a safe and orderly fashion, despite empty threats on internet forums from “anti-fascists” and fringe so-called nationalists."

Threats from so called nationalists !

Anonymous said...

The threat was from Kevin Bryan the NFs deputy chairman.

Anonymous said...

NF Deputy Chairman Kevin Bryan threatens violence at John Tyndall memorial meeting

NWN Admin said...

Kevin Bryan and his 2 mates gun runner and arsonist Ken Kelly had a buffet where cross dresser John 'sweetie' Maude applauded Mr.Bryan and ate the food and left without paying.

Just as Bryan and Kelly did at David Irvings meeting in Rossendale a few years ago.


Kevin Bryan has been bombarding this blog with his messages. But his issuing of threats towards the John Tyndall meeting is a step too far from this loon.

No messages will be published for Mr.Bryan here. He can go and play on Facebook where he belongs and where he spends most of his time.

williamson watcher said...

I think you will find, NWN, that Kev Bryan has been getting a little help in posting abuse from his mate Peter SID Williamson. Williamson is otherwise known as the 'Saltdean sofa soaker'.

Just thought I would let you know that.


NWN Admin said...

You could well be right 'Williamson Watcher'.

Williamson has been sighted for years lurking around this blog and Griffinwatch blog since he left nationalism in disgrace a few years back.

See here, this is Williamsons IP address and ISP;

Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 90.216.172.# (Easynet)
ISP Easynet
Continent : Europe
Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
State/Region : East Sussex
City : Brighton
Lat/Long : 50.8333, -0.15 (Map)
Distance : 208 miles
Language English (U.K.)
Operating System Microsoft WinNT
Browser Internet Explorer 9.0
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
Javascript version 1.3
Resolution : 1366 x 768
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit Oct 18 2012 7:54:05 pm
Last Page View Oct 18 2012 7:55:13 pm
Visit Length 1 minute 8 seconds
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Out Click Griffin Watch - The New Griffin File
Time Zone UTC+0:00
Visitor's Time Oct 18 2012 7:54:05 pm
Visit Number 773,056

'SID' Williamson is a mate of Kevin Bryan and Ken Kelly and the rest of them who helped Griffin trash the BNP. So it wouldn't surprise us that they are still at it causing trouble.

All of them were linked to the disgusting CUNTs group that was led by Williams and Howard in Sheffield. And they all did Nick Griffins dirty tricks against Griffins enemies.

Looks like they still are.

Anonymous said...

Stop taking things so personal will yer, you sound like Joey.

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...

Stop taking things so personal will yer, you sound like Joey.

19 October 2012 01:15

Have you been threatened by these idiots too ? No thought not.

How much more personal can you get than the poison and threats over the last 11 years from these idiots ?

NWN Admin said...

Stop taking things so personal will yer, you sound like Joey.

19 October 2012 01:15

Ah !

Just checked.

The comment above was posted by Pete SID Williamson.

Details here;

Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 90.214.102.# (Easynet)
ISP Easynet
Continent : Europe
Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
State/Region : East Sussex
City : Brighton
Lat/Long : 50.8333, -0.15 (Map)
Distance : 208 miles
Language English (U.K.)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 7.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; (R1 1.6); .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Javascript version 1.3
Resolution : 1024 x 640
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit Oct 19 2012 1:04:09 am
Last Page View Oct 19 2012 1:18:06 am
Visit Length 13 minutes 57 seconds
Page Views 3
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Out Click 6 comments:
Time Zone UTC+0:00
Visitor's Time Oct 19 2012 1:04:09 am
Visit Number 773,229

Anonymous said...

On Wed night members of the National Front planned to attend the Rochdale Full Council meeting.
Myself and Peter Greenwood who stands in elections every year in Rochdale planned to go into the public gallery and ask Council leader Colin Lambert why another 49 arrests for grooming and people trafficking in Rochdale have not been made public.
Not only were we refused entry to the Town Hall the rest of our group were also refused permission to hold a peaceful protest outside the Town Hall.
The Police gave us 20 minutes to leave the area.
With that in mind we then went to Heywood and held demos outside the 2 takeaways where the grooming took place.
Greater Manchester Police tonight Colluded with Rochdale Council to prevent members of a legally constituted Political party from asking a legitimate question in the public question time section of the Rochdale full Council meeting.
Just another example of democracy in action.
Kevin Bryan

NWN Admin said...

The above report has been allowed.

An earlier post this morning of 11am by Bryan was full of abuse and lies and has been saved for future reference. Maybe Mr.Bryan hadn't recovered from his drinking binge of last night.

Or maybe his close friend Peter SID Williamson has muddied the abusive messages so much, we are having trouble working out just who is sending out the threats to break up the John Tyndall memorial meeting.

Why these 2 can't just keep to their own Facebook group and desist from posting threats, on here and elsewhere, we have no idea.

Bryan go somewhere else and keep your threats to yourself!

Anonymous said...

Dont miss the point on the demo thread, The NF have been given a tip off that there have been another 49 arrests in Rochdale, not just muslims but also north africans and eastern europeans. Not just grooming but also massive people trafficking. We have had this from a very good source. The Police refused to comment ad did the Observer when i called them. This news has not broke yet and could be a major coup. At least the NF have it before Griffin.

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