Monday, February 27, 2012

Rochdale BNP - 1992 ?

An excerpt posted on Youtube by some communist/zionist red, via help from some TV company. Another reason to be aware of the controlled mass media.

At that time zionist jew and SEARCHLIGHT leader Mike Luft from Failsworth was the photographer and his sidekick was 'fishface' Steve Tilzey, the convicted kidnapper, and another SEARCHLIGHT operative.


Anonymous said...

And your point is?

Anonymous said...

I would have thought to anyone with more than the one braincell, that this is just a bit of nationalist history.

It shows the collusion between some TV companies and Searchlight.

razors edge fan said...

steve tilzey. red action member and convicted kidnapper

Democratic Nationalist said...

It is 20 years this year since the 1992 General Election in which the BNP stood in Rochdale

Is that Ken Henderson speaking? Because he was the BNP candidate for Rochdale.

By the way, Pete, did you stand for Rochdale as an NF candidate in the 1983 General Election?

GWR said...

Democratic Nationalist said...

It is 20 years this year since the 1992 General Election in which the BNP stood in Rochdale

Is that Ken Henderson speaking? Because he was the BNP candidate for Rochdale.

By the way, Pete, did you stand for Rochdale as an NF candidate in the 1983 General Election?

Yes that is Ken Henderson speaking and yes he probably was the candidate in 1993.

The extreme pressure and physical attacks by AFA/Steve Tilzey and others almost killed Ken who was in intensive care for a week in Halifax.

Yes, I was the NF candidate in 1983, though the current NF forgets stuff like that.

GWR said...


You might like to check some of the earlier stuff on this blog about early BNP/NF stories, including KH standing in Rochdale in 1993,for example;

Democratic Nationalist said...

Thanks Pete. Since you stood for the NF in 1983, do you have the National Front 1983 General Election Manifesto? If so, would you be very kind to send it to Richard Kimber on

Do you also have the entire party political general election broadcasts of the NF? Because if so, would you be able to upload them to YouTube. Thanks.

GWR said...

Democratic Nationalist said...

Thanks Pete. Since you stood for the NF in 1983, do you have the National Front 1983 General Election Manifesto? If so, would you be very kind to send it to Richard Kimber on

Do you also have the entire party political general election broadcasts of the NF? Because if so, would you be able to upload them to YouTube. Thanks.
6 April 2012 04:30


Yes I have a copy of the NF manifesto 1983 called - LET BRITAIN LIVE.

Not sure about the other stuff you mention. I have lots of stuff going back to 1974.

Democratic Nationalist said...

Brilliant. Would you be very kind to send 'Let Britain Live' to Richard Kimber because that would be deeply grateful.

Also, please do upload the NF political broadcasts, it is about time that everyone saw them.

Democratic Nationalist said...

Could you please upload Let Britain Live?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...