Thursday, February 23, 2012

Doctor who works at North Manchester General suspended from private clinic after allegation of offering illegal abortion based on sex of baby (females)

A doctor accused of offering an illegal abortion based on the sex of an unborn baby has been suspended from the clinic where she works. Dr Prabha Sivaraman, an obstetrician and gynaecologist who works at North Manchester General and a private abortion clinic in Manchester city centre, was allegedly filmed booking a pregnant woman in for a termination despite the reason for the abortion – the child's gender – being explained.

The secret footage was allegedly captured by an undercover reporter, working for a national newspaper, who visited Dr Sivaraman at Pall Mall Medical, a private abortion clinic based on King Street. A spokesman for the clinic confirmed she had been suspended and said the allegations were being investigated. Pennine Acute Trust, which runs North Manchester General, refused to say if Dr Sivaraman had been suspended from her post at the hospital. But Trust bosses plan to meet with Dr Sivaraman to discuss the claims. The M.E.N. understands she was not at work yesterday and trust bosses are investigating the allegations.

A spokesman for Pennine said: “Pall Mall Medical is not associated with North Manchester General Hospital or this Trust. The allegations raised against this doctor following secret filming by an undercover reporter, we understand, relates to their private work in a private non NHS clinic. “We are however investigating this matter and these allegations as a priority and will work with the appropriate national bodies.” The investigation into single-sex abortions was carried out by a national newspaper after concerns were raised that the procedures were becoming increasingly common for cultural and social reasons. Undercover reporters accompanied pregnant women to nine clinics across the country and in three instances doctors were allegedly filmed offering illegal terminations. Dr Sivaraman was allegedly filmed telling a mum-to-be who wanted to abort a female foetus: “I don't ask questions.

If you want a termination, you want a termination”. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said he would report the abortion clinics and doctors at the centre of the probe to the police and General Medical Council. A spokesman for Pall Mall Medical said: “We take the provision of the law concerning terminations very seriously. The clinic does not condone in any way the referral for termination on the grounds of gender.

Our policy makes that completely clear. “All patient consultations are totally confidential between the doctor and the patient. As soon as this concern was brought to our attention the clinic took urgent action to stop any further appointments for terminations. “Our investigation indicates that the allegations made by the Daily Telegraph relate to the actions of an individual and we have suspended clinical contact with Dr Prabha Sivaraman with immediate effect.”

Read more at:

NWN: Once again we are seeing 'third world practices' being brought into the UK and becoming 'normal'. In these foreign countries males are preferred to females. You only have to see, for example; pakistani families arriving at maternity units to see the difference when a male baby is born and a female baby is born. It's sad faces all round if a baby girl is born, and fewer visitors turn up. The exact opposite occurs when a boy is born.

We have highlighted the important salient point in the above story, as it is purposely surrounded by masses of verbiage and text so that the vast majority of British people will not see the relevant fact.

Of course this is blatant 'sexism', which the 'luvvies' usually leap on, but because the practise is being done by 'ethnic minorities', there is a silence.

Check out the below story from India;

Indian Women March against Sex-Selective Abortion

1 comment:


A quicker way to dispose of us demographically,hiding under the term "culture",what was it mo said about burying femail babies alive?