Sunday, February 05, 2012

Over 150 at Rochdale 'Infidels' demonstration in spite of awful weather

Today, 4th February 2012, BPP activists attended the Rochdale 'Infidels of Britain' demonstration. Turnout was about 150 but about thirty supporters arrived late, just as the demo' was winding up.

The demo' finished before planned due to ridiculous police (GMP) restrictions which meant that the activity was held in a sidestreet next to Rochdale Town Hall where we were surrounded by police and steel hoardings. This, combined with grim weather conditions including snow cut the demo' short and everyone was forced, at pain of arrest, by the police onto ageing double decker buses they had hired from a private company and taken to the train station and escorted onto our trains.

Infidels leaders pledged to the police that the next time they would be hearing from them would be when they held a flash demo's in the town without giving any advance notice at all.

The rally welcomed supporters of White Nationalist organisations and supporters of none. Even though the police messed us about on this day, it's shown that White Nationalism can be united and can still have a street presence without pretending to support alien ideologies and alien occupiers in this country.

There are some images of the demo here;


Anonymous said...

Good one lads!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done to the SDL, BPP & NWI, a real display of nationalist unity/solidarity.

The hostility of the police is what nationalists have come to expect from Cameron's street puppets.


Anonymous said...


1/ Fire-bombing Christian churches in Alabama.

2/ Columbine School shooting massacre

A few months ago, a series of Christian church burnings occurred across the state of Alabama which made national headlines. If these criminal acts would have been committed by the KKK, Nazis, or nationalists; the uproar would have continued for eons. But once it was discovered that this violent rampage was the handiwork of three satanically-inspired Jewish teenagers, the matter was dropped like a hot potato (Alabama Church Fires: The Real Story).

Likewise, a massive cover-up has surrounded the infamous 1999 Columbine school shootings. Initially, we were told that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold – acting alone – went on a murderous spree because they were harassed by jocks and bullies. But the reality of this situation was far different.

For starters, the Zionist-controlled corporate media never once mentioned a very dramatic Jewish connection to Columbine. First, it seems Dylan Klebold’s mother – a woman named Susan Yassenoff – religiously attended her local synagogue and was schooled in the Temple (schul). She also attended Temple Israel, while her father, Leo Yassenoff, was also an influential member of the Jewish community and actively a part of Temple Israel.

Similarly, Klebold’s accomplice – Eric Harris – also had strong Jewish ties. In Salon magazine, Harris is quoted as telling a teacher: “My mother is Jewish!” he announced proudly to the entire group. Then he raised a fist into the air, “Dreydle power!” Harris also dated a Jewish girl and operated a pro-Jewish website where he railed against neo-Nazis, racists, and those who persecuted Jews. Yet similar to the Alabama church burnings, this information relating to their strong Jewish ties was never reported in the mainstream media.
But wait, the links get even more pronounced. In a secret notebook discovered after the Columbine massacre, Eric Harris wrote about a potential plan where he’d flee to Israel because of their lenient anti-extradition policies.

Furthermore, it seems the notorious Trenchcoat Mafia (whom Klebold and Harris belonged) had quite a number of Jewish members, and was very anti-Christian in a vile, Talmudic sort of way. In fact, in the Klebold-Harris diaries, homemade videos, and on Internet postings, these teens were exceptionally abusive toward anything related to Christianity. And, if one remembers correctly, this same type of attitude was shared by the three Jewish Alabama church arsonists, who also despised Christians.

Cont., ......

Anonymous said...

Cont., ...

In addition, anyone that researches the Columbine shootings will soon discover that there were undoubtedly more individuals involved than just Klebold and Harris. We know this with complete certainty because over 100 bombs and/or explosives were discovered inside Columbine high school, including: 48 carbon dioxide bombs, 27 pipe bombs, and 11 1 ½ gallon propane containers, as well as 40-plus gallons of flammable liquid and two duffel bags containing 20-pound liquefied petroleum gas tanks.” In addition, “Each of their cars contained two 20-pound propane tanks, another 20 gallons of gasoline, pipe bombs [grenades], clocks, and other combustible liquids.” (Source: Judicial-biz)

Ask yourself: could two high-school kids trudge this much firepower and pyrotechnics into a school unnoticed, not to mention their additional firearms? They had such a huge arsenal of explosives that a SWAT team was afraid to enter the building! Plus, over 50 different eyewitnesses claimed to have seen additional participants in this massacre other than just Klebold and Harris.
This information is striking because if we hearken back to the Alabama church burnings, it was uncovered that the Jewish arsonists actually used “specially designed thermite, or incendiary magnesium” to set their fires. In both instances, is it plausible to imagine that these teenagers in both Colorado and the rural South had the resources, expertise, and access to such weapons of destruction, or could they have been assisted by another source, such as the ADL? Before answering, remember that the actual OKC bombers all resided at a place called Elohim City, which was verifiably proven to be infiltrated and monitored by both the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center. And what did Andreas Strassmeir and his cronies ultimately end up doing? Answer: blowing-up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Lastly, when one considers the numerous direct Israeli links to the 9-11 World Trade Center bombing (i.e. controlled demolition), a pattern seems to be emerging.
Coincidence? I think not.

by Victor Thorn

Lifted from WING TV - posted by:
Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Well done to the lads from our region that travelled up.

Anonymous said...

Soon to be followed by the Rochdale GOYIM protest.tee hee hee

Anonymous said...

Jews don't want blacks in their cemetary (must watch)

Anonymous said...

'Jewish Indiana Jones' Rabbi Menachem Youlus admits to Torah scam and faces jail
Duped investors into believing he found scrolls at Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen Holocaust camps

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Patriotism and Prejudice in Oz.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised to see Griffin there holding thr flag. Thought he was state.

Anonymous said...

NYPD charge another Jewish man with anti-Semitic threats.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Jews don't want blacks in their cemetary

Can't blame them for that one, WHO WOULD!

Anonymous said...

Today, 4th December 2012,

So you managed to travel forwards in time.....or you don't know what day of the week or month of the year it is.

Just what we need another 'intelligent' Nationalist!!!

IT Support said...

Keep it up !
it support rochdale

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...