NF function in Lancashire - 21st. January 2012?
We have been reading about a 'function' in Lancashire by the NF for today.
No idea if it's true, but it wouldn't surprise us.
We understand that Richard Edmonds is invited and is the special guest according to rumour.
Pete Barker of NWN spoke on the same platform as RE last October at the John Tyndall memorial meeting in Preston.
RE was quite reticent with PB and he has known him for well over 30 years.
No doubt RE was cognisant of the fact that he sold out racial nationalists over the last few years in his support for Nick Griffin and the BNP.
Chris Jackson and Kev Bryan both, at last, left the BNP because of Griffin and latterly RE's actions.
We have to say that we are certain that if this is the way the NF has decided to do it's business these days, they won't get anywhere.
For us, it looks like the ban that was placed by Griffin and Lecomber in 2001 is still in place against PB and NWN.
When we read of some of the filth that is allowed to attend meetings at NF gatherings, we despair, we really do.
The thing is, if these 'ne'er do wells' were of any import, we would not bother or complain. But these people are just 'the mates' of one or two ex BNP and now NF officials.
The NF for it's own reasons has decided to keep within it's own environs.
We have no problems with that here at NWN, but when it continues to follow the dictat by the traitors Griffin and Lecomber we have only so much patience. Especially when the activity is supposedly on our doorstep.
Is NWN and PB banned by the NF and if so why ?
The NF haven't even been bothered with the fact that their weblinks on this page are obsolete.
We have tried to help them.
The NF are just knuckledraggers NWN.
PB is not banned by the NF. This was debated a year or so ago.
The NF are just a name. They will never get anywhere.
why refer to yourrself in the third person, Pete?
Bit 'high & mighty' wouldn't you say?
Your bitterness couldn;t be more obvious.
The only things missing from your posts are a tantrum and some tears.
Let me start you off 'Nobody loves me...everybody hates me.....I've got no mates'
Not for publication like....just for laffs - at you.
I cant find the bones of your article let alone the meat.Could it be that someone got out of the wrong side of the bed.Or is it actually saying Richard is a race traitor.Just about everyone in the bnp sold out the white race.When griffin and his friends in the anti white race industry were plotting the officially mixed race bnp.Edmonds was hatching some sort of a plan about local units staying white and only allowing white members.Yours whitehammer.
Rise of the Peking Pound: China buys 10% stake in Britain's biggest water company
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2089538/China-buys-10-cent-stake-Britains-biggest-water-company.html#ixzz1k8ggBYMX
Just to let it known that PB was not banned from attending, if PB wishes to attend future Rochdale meetings he needs to ask CJ.
Blair signed 'secret deal' to hand over Gibraltar to Spain and end UK's 300-year control
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2090845/Tony-Blair-signed-secret-deal-Gibraltar-Spain.html#ixzz1kQAoOXMt
Jewish Imperial News.
Even David Icke understands the our threat
The NF web site looks like a mong is in charge - what a show up - its like a loney is running the last dregs into the ground.
Vikram Dodd
guardian.co.uk, Friday 27 January 2012 22.30 GMT Article history
Stephen Lawrence's mother says No 10 must do more on race• Cameron 'not doing enough to tackle racial prejudice'
Trust set up to help deprived youth has money problems.
No 10 added that "a new action plan to tackle hate crime" would be unveiled soon, building on "one of the strongest legislative frameworks anywhere in the world", as would "a new approach to the integration of local communities".
Lawrence said the trust was facing a cash crisis and needs to plug a £150,000 shortfall by the end of March.
• Donations to the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust can be given:
• By credit card or paypal at the trust's JustGiving web page click here justgiving.com/slct/donate
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• By cheque, made payable to Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust and sent to 39 Brookmill Road, Deptford, London SE8 4HU.
Bush & Obama? Israeli assassinations and US Presidents Featured.
Hungary Court Hears Wiesel’s “Holocaust Lies” In Controversial Case.
President Wladimir Putin has become the hero of the New Age.
• By cheque, made payable to Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust and sent to 39 Brookmill Road, Deptford, London SE8 4HU.
28 January 2012 01:38
Nationalist shouldn't (0* post envelopes stuffed with dog and cat shit to the above address (0*
Fly On The Wall
Must-see links worth archiving at:
28 January 2012 01:52
28 January 2012 20:53
Well done, posters.
Fly On The Wall
Michael Gove criticised for awarding £2.million public funds to organisation he advised Education secretary made decision to give taxpayers' money to organisation that he had promoted as an adviser since 2007
CST (Community Security Trust)
Richard Edmonds voted in favour of allowing non-whites into the BNP. I was there, only 7 of us voted against and Edmonds wasn't one of them, in fact he made a speech supporting the motion making the BNP multiracial.
A mate went to that meeting in Bacup and he said it was crap, only about 30 people there, most not even from Lancs, same old faces, same stuff about the BNP, over and over again. Everyone knows Griffin's a crook, we don't need to be told over and over again.
Last NF meeting I went to had Tess Culnane as speaker and she criticised National Socialism in her speech. I was the only one he didn't give her a standing ovation so I vowed never to go again.
The NF seems so 'cheap'. Their literature is so tacky, the Britain First publication is like something from the 1970s done by a local branch. Meetings with all these printed union flags you get from Poundland sellotaped around at dodgy angles, same old speeches, same old boring speakers. Being in the NF is like driving around with a 'Buy British' sticker on the back of your car, it's well past its sell by date.
Feel yourself lucky you weren't invited to that meeting NWN, you might have felt obliged to go!
"Private Army": the CST
Me and Andy Gray organized the aborted NF visit by Terry Jones back in December 2010.
We created more publicity for the NF than they had had in years and after the success of the Kingstanding march organized by Andy we felt the NF was on a roll. The NF leadership shit themselves!!.
One top person it is alleged feared his wife would leave him if he supported the Terry Jones visit. It is also alleged that Special Branch made threats causing the NF to not only refuse to be associated with the Terry Jones visit but to even deny any knowledge of it.
Funny but Andy and me heard nothing from Special Branch or anyone else for that matter which is surprising since it was well publicized that we set the whole thing up using my WN contacts stateside..
Later it came to light that others within the NF were now actually claiming the credit for the Terry Jones invitation. Talk about duplicity.
Andy and I both quit the NF.
"To be precise, I’ve ceased to believe in the six million figure, the planned extermination programme and the mass killings in gas-chambers.”
Kev Bryan called for nationalist unity at the Edmonds meeting in Bacup.
Is he sincere or an hypocrite ?
Andy Gray is a well-known Northamptonshire drug dealer and addict who should be booted out of nationalism.
Why are you telling us this you cunt ,why would we want to send cash for that nigger ? why not send cash to dobson and Norris ? you fucking nigger lovers white trash, or like fly on the wall said ,send dog and cat shit 88
Well said fly on the wall ,you are spot on ,clever man ,and you make me laugh ,good on you mate, I just read your reply to my comment on 18/1/12 ,,if only all whites were like you (and me ) we would take our country back,,,fly on the wall for are leader ,,,,,,,,,,,88,,,Lolist blackneck,,,and millwall bushwacker
Kev Bryan is a gobshite. Chris Jackson ought to know better.
Who else has seen those 2 shitbags bus driver Dave Howard and pet shop shit cleaner Tommy Williams in Sheffield and slagging off nationalists including Steve Cartwright from Glasgow ?
They are still creating grief in the nationalist community on the BDF - BNP forum.
Poofter Howard uses the name THE FONZ.
THE FONZ was the name of Henry Winkler a communist jew.
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