Saturday, January 14, 2012

EDL demo in Leicester 4th.February 2012

If this is an indication of a switch of policy by the EDL then NorthWestNationalists (NWN) supports this demonstration by the EDL.

The flooding of the UK with foreigners was not caused by the muslims.The muslims are a symptom of the evil unleashed on the United Kingdom and is totally opposed by the British people.

We, the British people, were never asked if we wanted a multi-racial society.


Durotrigan said...

Good video. Much better than many of their previous efforts.

NWN Admin said...

Looks like YOUTUBE have pulled the vid.

oh dear !

Colonel Wilberforce Buckshot said...

Shocking and disgusting according to jew tube and hence removed. Why are we not surprised?.

Anyone have a copy?.

Pip pip

Anonymous said...

We can't keep letting these non white's battering are people ,them pakis were jumping on that white lads head ,but not a word about it on the t.v or news papers and that white girl battered by 4 pakis "not a racist attack" if white people did that it would have been front page news , and we would get 4 years prison ,I know because I got 2 years in wayland prison because I dared to fight back when attacked .lm sick and tied of are people sitting back doing Nothing .thank-you e,d,l, for doing something , so let's all stop arguing and join force's and turn up on 4th Feb and show enough is enough . Loyalist black neck

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...!


Anonymous said...

North West Infidels demo 4th feb greater Manchester,town/city TBA!

Anonymous said...

A Birth, A Death, A Point Of Entry For Evil.

Anonymous said...

Rastamouse most-complained about children's TV show after sparking racism row.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Jew tube taken off are video ,what a fucking liberty , is there anywhere we are allowed to see what's happening to are people ,niggers ,pakis and scum jews are allowed to put what they like on jewtube ,but whites must keep quite at what's happening to us ,as we might just rise up in leicester on 4th Feb ,and with north west infidels holding a march on the same day is it a wonder why we white mugs will never beat the niggers,pakis and scum jews,as they all stick together while we all argue amongst arselfs ,spreading rumors ,just what the jews want ,I thought we all had the same goal , I'm sick of all this bitching ,no wonder were the soft touch country. Loyalist blackneck

Anonymous said...

Pax Judaica To Replace Pax Americana Which Replaced Pax Britannica.

Anonymous said...

" A Global Regime"

Anonymous said...

The English Defence League, as admitted by their "Leader" is receiving funding by Israel. Is this acceptable by Nationalists.

Anonymous said...

Do we let ANYONE in? Disbelief of judge.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Lady Michele Renouf On Israeli Murder Of Iran Scientist -

Anonymous said...

It's about time someone gave England funds we give enough out ,I don't give a shit if its from wog land,paki land or jewboy land ,how much did we get? To much worrying what other people are doing ,when we should be sticking together to stop the muslims taking over this once great country,all help is welcome ,we can sort the jews out after the musies ,,,,,,,,,,,88

Essex Patriot said...

It's about time someone gave England funds we give enough out ,I don't give a shit if its from wog land,paki land or jewboy land ,how much did we get? To much worrying what other people are doing ,when we should be sticking together to stop the muslims taking over this once great country,all help is welcome ,we can sort the jews out after the musies ,,,,,,,,,,,88

The Jews actually financed Hitler too

Anonymous said...

Essex Patriot said "It's about time someone gave England funds we give enough out"
Too fucking right - England's deep in financial shit due to greed of zionist-jew bankers yet that useless cunt of a Secretary of State for International Development marxist MP tory zionist-jewboy Andrew Mitchell, wants to give away even more billions of ££££s of English taxpayers' hard-earned cash in foreign aid to every crooked rich nigger, paki and asian wanker with a begging bowl - I nominate Mitchell to head the queue when English nationalists start putting White race traitors like Mitchell on trial for their lives for committing high treason.

Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Well said fly on the wall ,you talk sense ,shame all British don't think like you (and me ) what a great country it would be then , good on you mate. 88

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...