Wednesday, December 07, 2011

We all owe Emma West a debt of honour, send her a Christmas card, PLEASE.

The news that English mum of two, Miss Emma West, has been remanded in custody over the Christmas period has shocked even the most hardened patriot.

Two small innocent British children are now deprived of their mother’s love and warm embrace at this special time of year. Why? Because the political/judicial PC fanatics have decided to make an example of an English lady who had finally reached breaking point and used some choice language towards a tram full of ‘enrichers’.

Emma comes from Croydon, a place which was virtually razed to the ground this year by ethnic gangs who rampaged for three days, indulging in an orgy of burning looting and violence, leaving many decent people without homes, jobs and businesses. Most of those apprehended were bailed.

But a young English mother who did nothing more than vent her frustrations has been refused bail not once but twice and will spend Christmas behind bars separated from her small children!
Britain First is asking you personally to do something about this gross injustice.
Imagine if you, or your daughter, were in Emma’s position. Really, sit for ten seconds and think how YOU would cope with being flung in prison over Christmas and YOUR children being taken from you by social services.

A very dark thought, I am sure you agree?

So, let’s do something to ease her suffering and to show brave Emma West that there are still some who reside on this sceptred Isle who do care, and who will offer her our hand in friendship and solidarity even in her darkest hours - and she will have many.

Announcing the launch of the ‘Emma West (Political Prisoner)
10, 000 Christmas Cards Campaign support fund!’

We call upon ALL decent people (not only nationalists) to show their support for Emma and her children and their disgust at the draconian and vindictive treatment handed out to Emma, by sending her a Christmas card and a cheque/postal order to her as she languishes in prison over Christmas.

I know things are tight, but how can we, as patriots, possibly enjoy our Christmas surrounded by family and friends if we do nothing for Emma and her children, separated by the high priests of multiculturalism and her family sacrificed on the high alter of political correctness.

However, the enemies of OUR people forget that a mother’s binding love can never be rent asunder by bigotry, hatred or prison walls.

Please send your Christmas card and personal support gift direct to Political Prisoner and young mum:

Emma West
C/O HMP Bronzefield
Woodthorpe Road
TW15 3JZ

Please, do what you can and encourage your family, friends, colleagues to do the same and keep at it right through advent - it’s the least we can do

Yours sincerely,
Jim Dowson

NWN: We support any and all campaigns that support Emma West in this most dire time for her and her family. Christmas is a time for families and Emma has been deprived of this by the sheer hatred of the multi-racialists, or should we really say the anti-white lobby ?

If multi-racialism is so good, why do they need to enforce it with jail sentences ?

Please do send an extra card this year to a lonely Mum in her hour of need. Even if you just sign it "thinking of you" will suffice.


Anonymous said...

I have located a local T-Shirt printing shop and I intend to get myself a T-Shirt or S.Shirt printed - FREE EMMA WEST - Political Prisoner of the UK. Most towns and cities will have a shop like this. Why not get one made - about £15 or £20 if you can afford it. Spread the word for this young English mother and her two much loved children. (Scot)

Anonymous said...

This country is a joke. Why dont all british join one party ,get some power, then kick out all non british scum and take are country back .

Colonel Wilberforce Buckshot said...

Apparently Facebook have taken down a support Emma West page. Is this true?. The nonce Ian Huntley page is still there I'm told though.

Pip pip

Anonymous said...

Ive seen a black man get bail for shooting my brother in law and the black scum got off . Them judges were told to remand emma to make sure white keep quite. Millwall

Anonymous said...

i say that we should go back to the NF, britain's only racialist party, fuck gri££ins bnp. (TITS)

Anonymous said...

What about them 2 scum black spades raped a white man. filthy niggers .seen hundreds of wogs in bail for rape almost as bad as scum pakis

Anonymous said...

yeah, lets get behind this very brave english mother, cards, letters, money, send ASAP.(TITS)

Anonymous said...

2 many white trash british having little black niglets white trasy whores. Millwall

Anonymous said...

lets get to the 10,000 cards, worldwide support brothers and white sisters.

Anonymous said...

She moře ať risk in jail with all them jigaboos in there . Gets all join oné party and kick the spoons out. Millwall

Anonymous said...

ha,ha, i like millwall's comments, he knows what he's on about. (TITS)

Anonymous said...

Am surprised Jim did'nt invite folk to send him a card too, preferably with your credit card details.

more seriously, I have posted a card to emma earlier.

Anonymous said...

card on its way tomorrow, with a letter.

Anonymous said...

Yes tits ive had enough of black scum mugging off british people . Now we go live to the jigaboo gemini "i sure would-like to be a long way from here" let mě outa here

Anonymous said...

Go on the website ,Daily mail video of 4 black muslims kicking the shit out of that white girl in leicester and shouting "kill the white bitch" never even got nicked for racist behaviour . Watch the white boy cant even throw a punch.i wish i was there, 4 punches,and every muslim out cold, with 9 broken teeth on floor. Millwall

Anonymous said...

Yeah your right she needs a real man he was last . Y.d.

Anonymous said...

Just watched it . Cant bedlivě i never seen nowt on t.v. about this ! If 4 whites did that to 1 black it would be all over the t.v. and they would have got 4 years each .... Owen

Anonymous said...

Maybe just maybe he felt bad about hitting 'women' but personally i think he should have battered em. Entitled to do so.

Wouldnt surpise me to see him get charged in this total arse about face justice system we have

Anonymous said...

Yes you are right mate he was " entitled to battered em ". I would have , and there nót "women". If 4 british people done that to a muslim there would be friedman of RACIST RACIST. Look what happened to poor emma

Anonymous said...

I am sending Emma a christmas card and a cheque for £30.00- please british nationalists send as much as you can afford to this brave lady.

Vic Dakins temper

Anonymous said...

Please just dont send one card, send one a day all the way to x-mas and get your family and pals to do the same. If you have kids, why not get them to send in a home made card or letter, great way of politicizing OUR kids and to prepare them for the Britain THEY will have to deal with. Jim Dowson

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me why i never heard about the 4 muslims beating 1 british girl.? But heard all about poor emma, are the t.v. and papers told to keep quite when whites get attacked/raped/mugged.? ....redneck

ES said...

There is no point sending Emma west money unless you have her prison number. all postal orders must be made payable to 'H.M Prison Services' and the name and number must go on the back. Highly likely the money will go to the prisn funds if you do not have her number, it's happened to me before

Anonymous said...

I only heard about it today thanks to n.w.n. cant belive it werent front page news,or on t.v. +i think emma will get bail," judge in chambers" before christmas

Anonymous said...

Max Keiser: Crazy Cameron suicidal with knife in Euro gunfight!

Anonymous said...

I love you baby stay strong if anyone knows what u goin thru it's me we were in foxley lane together fir depression and all else I'm thinking of u honey, u done nothing wrong I love you Em's xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Told you she would get bail "judges in chambers" i knew it ,now i predict a" nót guilty" as long as she dont plead guilty when they offer a " deal "

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...