Sunday, February 13, 2011

Well that's the Barnsley by-election BNP campaign screwed !

The above is from a rather unsavoury 'newspaper' published today, and it is also on their website. This story in the SUNDAY SPORT centres on the Kitchen family who have risen to prominence under that arch destructor of nationalism and the BNP - Nick Griffin.

Griffin is 'extracting the urine' here again. How long must it be before some people wake up to Griffins game of trashing the BNP ? He has been doing it since he hijacked the BNP in 1999. As soon as an area 'gets up an head of steam', he tinkers around, and usually 'parachutes' himself into running the area, with the result it gets wrecked.

We at NWN pity the poor lady BNP candidate for Barnsley who will now be the centre of great ridicule.


Anonymous said...

I bet Griffin still wont resign !

Is he surrounded by perverts now including the Reynolds ?

EFPStoke said...

I've just read the comments on the Eddy Butler site about this same story, and some of those comments are calling Griffin stupid for not seeing this coming.

Who do they think they're kidding?

Griffin knew exactly what he was doing by sacking Chris Beverley and promoting Ian Kitchen, that's like swapping Enoch Powell for Weyman Bennett, you can't help but notice the drop in quality!

Griffin clearly understands the effects these changes will have, so the question becomes, why the hell would he want to destroy the Yorkshire group?

Anonymous said...

I hear that Nick Cass has been suspeneded from the BNP.

Guess who issued the ban ?

Anonymous said...

Northwest Nationalists and Gri££in Watch, thanks for posting the links I sent of Kitchen and his old lady in `action' - seems the arse-end of MSM have now used it to great affect in further damaging Gri££in - as I stated earlier, even if Gri££in had been got rid of six months ago, he has terminally damaged the BNP into the political wilderness for eternity.

EFPStokes you ask: "Griffin clearly understands the effects these changes will have, so the question becomes, why the hell would he want to destroy the Yorkshire group?"

Because he is doing what his MI5 controllers have ordered him to do, id est, make sure the BNP is unelectable. Sadly, the BNP is stuffed, washed-up, finished, unrecoverably fucked - and those nationalists thinking otherwise are deluding themselves - but don't dispair, decent nationalists are working on a novel solution.

Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Gri££in has today removed photos from his blog and the main website of yesterday's organisers' meeting that contain images of him with Kitchen!

Anonymous said...

Nick Cass's suspension letter was hand delivered to his house this morning by Linda Kitchen, I'm not joking!

Anonymous said...

There is a strong rumour going around that death threats have been made against Jonathan Bowden, it got something to do with him inviting people with strong views against the Jews as gust speakers to his New Right meetings.

Anonymous said...

Death threat syndrome became common practive in the BNP before i left speak to any decent person who rebelled against griffin i bet they all got strange calls in the early hours.Some of the dubious culprits are now trying to worm their way into the EDL work that one out ?

Anonymous said...

I used to get death threats in the post during the 1990s while in the BNP. No one can guarantee they are not 'genuine' but the main point usually is simply to drive people mad with fear and paranoia.

Actually murdering someone tends to have consequences. It's difficult for the system to ignore murder. This not yet Iraq although it may well become like it!

itk said...

There is a strong rumour going around that death threats have been made against Jonathan Bowden, it got something to do with him inviting people with strong views against the Jews as gust speakers to his New Right meetings.

13 February 2011 22:04

Anonymous said...
Death threat syndrome became common practive in the BNP before i left speak to any decent person who rebelled against griffin i bet they all got strange calls in the early hours.Some of the dubious culprits are now trying to worm their way into the EDL work that one out ?

14 February 2011 08:14

So the two gri££inite clowns from Sheffield who are still causing grief over on the BDF forum are seeking to join the EDL ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Nick Cass's suspension letter was hand delivered to his house this morning by Linda Kitchen, I'm not joking!

13 February 2011 21:58

I hope she was wearing clothing !

Anonymous said...

"Some of the dubious culprits are now trying to worm their way into the EDL work that one out ?"

I totally agree with you, the word is scumbag Stampton is trying to ingratiate himself with the pro-Zionist EDL, I bet he is trying to flog them merchandise?

Anonymous said...

The interesting thing is are the death threats toward Bowden made from the left or right?

Anonymous said...

totally agree with you, the word is scumbag Stampton is trying to ingratiate himself with the pro-Zionist EDL, I bet he is trying to flog them merchandise?

Dont believe all you hear and see, major players are at work the same as many players who saw through comments that people like you make out to split nationalism be it BNP,NF etc this is a new ball game.We have took kids to the street 90% of new street kids were formed by us so put that zionist tag back in your cupboard we do not support them people we use it as a tool just like nick griffin used dosile people to milk their bank accounts except we are not in this for financial gain we are in it for the future of our children.

Anonymous said...

"We have took kids to the street 90% of new street kids were formed by us so put that zionist tag back in your cupboard"

Utter bullshit, why do you allow Israeli flags and Rabbis to address your meetings?

Anonymous said...

Griffin has got to be working for the State.

He is making us a laughing stock, and I for one am not prepared to have that.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Griffin supported traitor Andy Sykes and pushed his promotion in Bradford.

Anonymous said...

if the rw&b is on this year she will have a store of her own personal services. itwould be the only thing that gri££in would make money on.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Griffin supported traitor Andy Sykes and pushed his promotion in Bradford.

Bloody right as well too many for my liking came in around 2006 when we peaked and went downhill thereafter.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that any death threats made to Johnathan Bowden are from art-lovers ?.

ES said...

"Some of the dubious culprits are now trying to worm their way into the EDL work that one out ?"

I totally agree with you, the word is scumbag Stampton is trying to ingratiate himself with the pro-Zionist EDL, I bet he is trying to flog them merchandise?

Gertner you piece of crap, I'll see you in the bar at the next New Right meeting.

ES said...

Why does the very red transport union Bob Gertner is a member of not give him any stick (remember Jay Lee)? Because his comrade Gable has smoothed things over for him. First there was Viner and now Gertner - both playmates of Webster. Has anyone ever seen Gertner with a woman? NO. How much did Webster get paid for appearing in the anti-BNP documentary a few years back?

ES said...

Death threat syndrome became common practive in the BNP before i left speak to any decent person who rebelled against griffin i bet they all got strange calls in the early hours.Some of the dubious culprits are now trying to worm their way into the EDL work that one out ?

Funny that Bob, I thought they fucked you last.

ES said...

Utter bullshit, why do you allow Israeli flags and Rabbis to address your meetings?

I thought that would've been right up your street Gertner, being the Son of a Polish Jew from Lodz.

ES said...

Don't forget Griffin supported traitor Andy Sykes and pushed his promotion in Bradford.

Bloody right as well too many for my liking came in around 2006 when we peaked and went downhill thereafter.

Let's not forget Gertner first supported JT, then NG, then JT again, then BUTTler. Gertner will support whatever faction opposes the Chairman, no matter who that person is because that's what plants like him do - support and aid factionalism. How does he (Gertner) account for his exclusively Jewish name? My God you cranks, wake up! FFS, there is even a Gertner foundation for holocaust denial!!

Anonymous said...

Paul Morris, Eastern Regional Orgainser resigns!

Anonymous said...

ES said... Let's not forget Gertner first supported JT, then NG, then JT again, then BUTTler. Gertner will support whatever faction opposes the Chairman, no matter who that person is because that's what plants like him do - support and aid factionalism. How does he (Gertner) account for his exclusively Jewish name? My God you cranks, wake up! FFS, there is even a Gertner foundation for holocaust denial!!

Gertner you piece of crap, I'll see you in the bar at the next New Right meeting.
After rightously planting your boot up Gertner's tukus you might as well have a tete-a-tete with that mole posing as a British nationalist, the hook-nosed jew Kevin Caroll of the EDL.

ES said...

Let's not forget Gertner first supported JT, then NG, then JT again, then BUTTler. Gertner will support whatever faction opposes the Chairman, no matter who that person is because that's what plants like him do - support and aid factionalism. How does he (Gertner) account for his exclusively Jewish name? My God you cranks, wake up! FFS, there is even a Gertner foundation for holocaust denial!!

My mistake, that should've said, "memorial", not "denial"

ES said...

fter rightously planting your boot up Gertner's tukus you might as well have a tete-a-tete with that mole posing as a British nationalist, the hook-nosed jew Kevin Caroll of the EDL.

Never met or seen the bloke. The EDL do not pretend to be Nationalist - they are a one issue organisation. On the other hand, plenty of evidence suggests Gertner to be a long-term plant, rather than the self-hating Jewish crank his friends and lovers in the Edmonds clique suppose him to be.

Anonymous said...

The Kitcheners' Grannyfannypornogate filth pales into insignificance when compared with the depraved bestial sexual activity videos pisshead John `BNP Gold Card' Walker is wellknown for downloading to DVDs for his extensive uber-perversion porno library.


Fly On The Wall

Wigan's Branch Charlie Boy said...

Griffin has kicked out all the decent nationalist from the BNP.A lot more have left.Mike Newland, Steve and Sharron Edwards,Pete Barker,Chris Jackson,Keith Axon,Mark Cotterill,Ian Hague the former Wigan BNP organiser,The man who built up Burnley BNP Steve Smith.The list is endless. And now he is asking for members to finance the Barnsley by election.

EFPStoke said...

I've just read Eddy Butlers site, and I'm in despair.
We keep hearing that Griffin is a tool, well, we know this. We keep hearing about the suspensions and resignations, well we bloody well know about those too.
What I want to know is when Eddy and his group of supposed reformers,are going to get off their arses and do something!
All we get is empty rhetoric, well sorry guys, but that won't get us an inch nearer where we should be heading, and that's gathering up these refugees from the terminally ill BNP, and fighting that tubby freemason for the number one nationalist position in this country.

So many quality nationalists at a loose end, so many national officers but no-one's doing anything, time to cut the chat and front up.

Anonymous said...

EFPStoke said... So many quality nationalists at a loose end, so many national officers but no-one's doing anything, time to cut the chat and front up.

EFPStoke, don't dispare, hang on, while I type, a small band of dedicated honest nationalists are putting together a unique legal political solution. Can't say more than that, other than all former BNP members stay in touch with each other till all is revealed.

Anonymous said...

EFPStoke, don't dispare, hang on, while I type, a small band of dedicated honest nationalists are putting together a unique legal political solution. Can't say more than that, other than all former BNP members stay in touch with each other till all is revealed.

I hope so ive been sat politically dormant for 2 years although i have been taking to the steets so feel i am still making a contribution in some way.I just hope you guys have a list saying "your names not down your not coming in" for the tossers that brought the BNP to its knees and caused all the problems.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious yet tragic.

This is precisely why Griffin is still in office, (apart from the money!), it is his task to ensure that the party remains outside of mainstream credibility.
In the average household the Brand BNP is tarnished beyond repair - The Zogmedia and Griffin have seen to that.

We can still have a game-plan.

It remains for us to salvage something of nationalism and act.
People knock the EDL, but they have achieved more in one year than we have in ten. They may be deluded by the Israelis but they have no Griffin at the helm.
I hope that a movement will emerge from the EDL, a political wing - exposing Islam first, as the Achilles heel of the establishment - (their most retarded idea - forcing us to live near Moslems!)- When Islam has been exposed and ridiculed enough and peoples minds are ready - then move on to challenge the foreign owned government and banking system.

Griffin and his treachery will become a long forgotten cul-de-sac of history.

Anonymous said...

Sid williamson has died.

Anonymous said...

Well done, Northwest Nationalists and Gri££in Watch- shortly after you began exposing the Kitchens cock-buster, Ooooops, I meant block-buster Gannyfannyporno videos, Gri££in claimed the Kitchens' behaviour was a private matter of no concern of anyone else, however, not even Gri££in can piss against that much politically damaging storm winds he never saw coming - Horatio Gri££in must have been holding his telescope to his miggy eye - silly cunt.

By the way, ship mates, seems Admiral Gri££in's former cabin boy, Eddie the Butler, is now trying to claim all the glory for bringing down the Kitchens - another silly cunt.

Someone should inform Enis Dalton, BNP Candidate for Barnsley, that if she has any sense she should stand down and send her BNP membership card to Gri££in together with a note telling the treacherous MI5 bastard to shove it up his arse, because she's on a severe political hiding to nothing if she insists contesting an unwinnable fight for the BNP.

Again, Well done, Northwest Nationalists and Gri££in Watch, and KEEP DICKING NICK.

Fly On The Wall

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... I just hope you guys have a list saying "your names not down your not coming in" for the tossers that brought the BNP to its knees and caused all the problems. - 19 February 2011 05:51

Anonymous, we've got that issue well in hand - our list of traitors and spoilers names is comprehensive.

Sid Williamson said...

That's a lie..I'm pleased to report I'm not dead!

Sid Williamson

Anonymous said...

Sid Williamson said...
That's a lie..I'm pleased to report I'm not dead!

Sid Williamson

19 February 2011 18:48

Which is a shame really !

Your comments on the web when you wished people such as the late John Wood dead amongst others,

shows you up for the worst kind of scum that nationalism attracted under Griffin since 1999.

Anonymous said...

Sunday 20 February 2011
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Body found on Saltdean beach
Published on Thu Feb 03 11:12:20 GMT 2011

A DEAD man was found on Saltdean beach by a dog walker on Tuesday February 1.

Sussex Police were called to the scene opposite the Lido in Longridge Avenue at 8.05am.

The man was aged in his 40s, His death is not being treated as suspicious.

East Sussex Coroner’s Office is dealing with the case and an inquest will be held at a later date.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...Body found on Saltdean beach.
WTF is the stiff's relevence to British nationalism if it's not Sid Williamson, Gri££in, 5IMon Darby, or Trevor Phiklips ?


Fly On The wall

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...