Express Group now openly promoting the English Defence League
The promotion (see the Daily Star report below) which the billionaire Zionist Jew Richard Desmond is giving to the English Defence League via the Express Group component of his ever-growing media empire would seem to challenge the ‘official’ position of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and its Community Security Trust that Zionist-Jewry in Britain is firmly opposed to the EDL and its ‘Islamophobic’ policies.
Desmond has always been a bit of a maverick. He built his fortune on pornography before selling up to raise the capital to buy the Express Group, which includes the Daily Express, the Sunday Express and the Daily Star. Last year he bought Channel 5 TV. Recently he withdrew his publications from the Press Complaints Commission, to which all major national and small local newspaper groups belong.
But his backing of the EDL should not be seen a genuine split within the Jewry.
Throughout history, wherever they have settled, the Jews have always played both ends against the middle. They are not bothered by the concept of a principled, unified and consistent approach to any issue — except one: the survival and advancement of the Jews. In all other matters they are are entirely morally pragmatic and often deliberately contradictory.
Their policies and tactics guided by one question only: What, for the moment, is good for the Jews?
Thus it is that they want to promote immigration and race-mixing among the goyim (non-Jews) in Britain — and indeed among all white European peoples and nations — but also want to make Britain an uncomfortable place for Muslims, except those who are willing both to accommodate themselves to the Jewish domination of Britain’s ‘Establishment’ and abandon the Palestinians to Israel’s genocidal ethnic cleansing.
So they operate a ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop’ routine which confuses the Goyim, be they indigenous Anglo-Saxon-Celtic British, or any one of several hundred varieties of ethnic aliens who have been encouraged (by the Jews) to invade and settle in our homeland since WW2.
This is just one aspect of the topic....
“Jewry’s Race Policy: ‘Racism for US — Multi-Racialism for YOU’.”
....which I will be exploring during my address to the next meeting of the New Right association to be held in London from 1.00pm next Saturday, 12th February.
Martin Webster.
P.S.: In connection with Jewish backing of the EDF, you might care to go to:
The promotion (see the Daily Star report below) which the billionaire Zionist Jew Richard Desmond is giving to the English Defence League via the Express Group component of his ever-growing media empire would seem to challenge the ‘official’ position of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and its Community Security Trust that Zionist-Jewry in Britain is firmly opposed to the EDL and its ‘Islamophobic’ policies.
Desmond has always been a bit of a maverick. He built his fortune on pornography before selling up to raise the capital to buy the Express Group, which includes the Daily Express, the Sunday Express and the Daily Star. Last year he bought Channel 5 TV. Recently he withdrew his publications from the Press Complaints Commission, to which all major national and small local newspaper groups belong.
But his backing of the EDL should not be seen a genuine split within the Jewry.
Throughout history, wherever they have settled, the Jews have always played both ends against the middle. They are not bothered by the concept of a principled, unified and consistent approach to any issue — except one: the survival and advancement of the Jews. In all other matters they are are entirely morally pragmatic and often deliberately contradictory.
Their policies and tactics guided by one question only: What, for the moment, is good for the Jews?
Thus it is that they want to promote immigration and race-mixing among the goyim (non-Jews) in Britain — and indeed among all white European peoples and nations — but also want to make Britain an uncomfortable place for Muslims, except those who are willing both to accommodate themselves to the Jewish domination of Britain’s ‘Establishment’ and abandon the Palestinians to Israel’s genocidal ethnic cleansing.
So they operate a ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop’ routine which confuses the Goyim, be they indigenous Anglo-Saxon-Celtic British, or any one of several hundred varieties of ethnic aliens who have been encouraged (by the Jews) to invade and settle in our homeland since WW2.
This is just one aspect of the topic....
“Jewry’s Race Policy: ‘Racism for US — Multi-Racialism for YOU’.”
....which I will be exploring during my address to the next meeting of the New Right association to be held in London from 1.00pm next Saturday, 12th February.
Martin Webster.
P.S.: In connection with Jewish backing of the EDF, you might care to go to:
This is a short clip from the speech given by the EDL’s religious advisor, Rabbi Nachum Shiffren. In this, during a ‘Freudian slip’, he blurts out the truth concerning Jewish racism. I think he gave this speech at the EDL’s pro-Israel rally held last year outside the Israeli Embassy in Kensington, London.
A week before that rally the EDL held an anti-Muslim rally in Leicester and the “anti-fascist” rabble led by Searchlight mobilised against it. For some reason Searchlight did not mobilise its supporters against the EDL’s pro-Zionist, pro-Jewish rally outside the Israeli Embassy. I e-mailed Searchlight via its web site to ask why. Guess what? I didn’t get a reply!
I am grateful to Sean Hadley of GriffinWatch (
Date: Wednesday, 9 February 2011 11:55
To: Martin Webster
Subject: EDL To Go Political
Daily Star – Wednesday 9th February 2011 - 9:2:2011
EDL To Go Political
by Steve Hughes & Emily Hall
THE English Defence League is set to break into mainstream politics with a bid to get MPs in Parliament.
It wants to field official EDL candidates in national and council elections.
The move is an attempt to increase the organisation’s political influence, just like the BNP under Nick Griffin.
The party’s boss Tommy Robinson said: “We aren’t ruling it out. I think this country needs a party that’s not afraid to say things some would consider unpopular.
“My hope is still that the Tories will take a tougher stance.
“We are a single issue group and at the moment we would rather have a dialogue with the other political parties – but that could change.”
Mr Robinson, 28, real name Stephen Lennon, whose group now has 74,000 Facebook followers, predicted the EDL would have more online supporters than the Tories, Labour and the Lib-Dems by the end of the year.
He said the organisation’s main aim was to outlaw the Koran then adapt it to fit in with British society.
He said the only way to do this would be to force Muslims to realise the words of their holy scriptures are outdated.
He said: “They have got a responsibility to sort out their religion. They have to reform their religion so it fits in.”
Mr Robinson also revealed that he wants to appear on BBC1’s Question Time. And the EDL boss said that, unlike bumbling BNP leader Nick Griffin, 51, he would be a surefire hit on the show.
The BBC was blasted for allowing Mr Griffin on to the panel in 2009 and thousands of people protested outside the studios.
But Mr Robinson claimed the EDL was now so popular he would get supporters outside the venue if he appeared.
He said: “Nick Griffin got two million votes and he’s an MEP but he didn’t have anyone supporting him when he went on Question Time.
“Get me on Question Time. I’ll have 10,000 people turn up to support me.” Meanwhile a row was brewing last night over the EDL’s latest planned march, which officials claimed would cost £1million to police.
The protest is planned for March 19 in Birmingham after two Muslim councillors refused to stand up in honour of a war hero at a ceremony.
MPs have called for Home Secretary Theresa May, 54, to ban the event, which falls on the same day Wolverhampton Wanderers play Aston Villa.
In the Daily Star phone poll yesterday, 98% of readers said they agreed with the EDL’s policies.
EDL are a one trick pony, atleast Griffin can discuss wider issues given the chance.
Read all about it in the daily one trick pony Express.
But Griffin has done what the EDL have - just banging on about the Muslims ! There is no difference.
They are both serving the zionists.
the edl are zionist puppets.
It's the leadership that's the problem with this organisation, most of the followers are nationalists, it's just a handful that are followers of the multiculturalism of Tommy Robinson, or whatever his bloody name is.
The EDl are beung used by Desmond.Robinson said himself that they want to put pressure on the Tories to curb the growth of militant islam, thats all. The zionists think that they can do this through the EDL, they dont want immigration stopped,just the islamic treat curbed.The zionists must be laughing. Even though i dont agree with everything Griffin says, he was right about the EDL being a zionist puppet
Very interesting editorial in Searchlight this month!
"Many people have discussed where the English Defence League is going. Will it remain a street-based organisation that continues to hold provocative and often violent marches across the country or will it become more political and set itself up as a political party? The police certainly seem to think the latter. A recent briefing from the National Domestic Extremism Team noted that the EDL was likely to become a political party before too long.
This month’s Searchlight reveals how the police are failing to deal adequately with the threat from the English Defence League. While the unit dealing with the EDL is different from the one running the undercover operation, Chief Superintendent Adrian Tudway has run them both.
We have recently produced a briefing for the Home Secretary on police shortcomings concerning the EDL. With wider issues emerging around the monitoring of extremism and the monitors themselves, including the incorporation of these specialist units into the Metropolitan Police Service, it is perhaps an appropriate time for the Government to reassess how it defines and deals with extremism."
Official approval for the State run EDL!
"Has Richard Desmond decided to back the English Defence League?"
it reported its activities in an uncritical manner and noted that, in a phone poll of readers the previous day, 98 per cent of respondents had "said they agreed with the EDL's policies".
Ivan Lewis, shadow Culture secretary, said: "Newspapers have a right to cover whatever they want in a democracy within the constraints of the law and their code of practice."
An umbrella organisation of so called European Nationalist political parties made a trip to Israel last December and visited the Knesset as guests. The group European Freedom Alliance is a Neo-Con front. Most of the big so called European Nationalist parties appear to be onboard. Here is an interview with just two of these deluded men! I bet Gri££in wished he was onboard, these parties avoid him in the EU parliament.
Some people might find this strange but the BNP had sleepers for years working for the opposition then came to light to take it down about 2 years ago.We had some dubious enquiries about this time who we never contacted but they always seem to contact us about meetings etc.Now since the launch of the EDL these enquirers seem to be everywhere where the EDL are concerned going everywhere and putting names,times,places everywhere on facebook.Last week one EDL division was attacked due to an infiltrator who we had knowledge of trying to join the BNP who makes all the hallmarks of a snide.The EDL is not state its the state that infiltrated the BNP that now sees the EDL a bigger threat than the BNP that are jumping ship to cause chaos in the EDL.
Robinson claims he can get 10,000 supporters mobilised for Question time. Well why didnt they turn up at Luton. Looking at you tube i can see no more than a thousand there. I think he has let a few lines in that rag the star go to his head. Does he honestly think Cameron made his speech because they are scared of a few footy holigans types. Does he think that the great British public are going to vote him into Parliament. I think he is in for a hard knock if he believes his own hot air
Bev is such a pathological liar. She's claiming that my account there "Ted Maul" was banned by her when I asked to have it deleted on the same day!
Her poxy little UK forum is getting fewer and fewer visits and posts. Practically 3/4 of the posts there are made by her! Ugly grotbags look-alike.
Her poxy little UK forum is getting fewer and fewer visits and posts. Practically 3/4 of the posts there are made by her! Ugly grotbags look-alike.
FYC who used to contribute some good posts hasnt been on there for ages the same as the good contributors who used write on the green sparrow all vanished.Sadly its how the BNP has become anyone with an I.Q.bigger than a ping pong ball is a danger and not wanted.
Robinson claims he can get 10,000 supporters mobilised for Question time. Well why didnt they turn up at Luton. Looking at you tube i can see no more than a thousand there. I think he has let a few lines in that rag the star go to his head. Does he honestly think Cameron made his speech because they are scared of a few footy holigans types. Does he think that the great British public are going to vote him into Parliament. I think he is in for a hard knock if he believes his own hot air
I was there, there was easily 6000
I was there, there was easily 6000
Didnt you know internet nationalism brings with it physic powers ? everyone on VNN has this remarkable gift.He must have heard it on the BBC who quoted 1000/1500 were there and we all know el beeb never lie ?
“I wanted to be sure they were not the BNP, we would never work Holocaust deniers or Nazis. They wave Israeli flags, they support the Jewish people. They want Jewish members. We are happy to work with them to save England from the millions of Muslim invaders. We want to work as a united front.”
Common Purpose is the creepy organisation behind it.
A very interesting video.
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