Friday, February 25, 2011

BNP Leadership Challenge Meeting

A meeting was held in London Last night to discuss the forthcoming leadership challenge. The meeting was attended by twenty one invited activists from London and the South East of England.

Three of those attending threw their hats into the ring as the possible challenger. The member chosen to be the challenger and his deputy will not be named until June for fear that they will be suspended or expelled for daring to take on Mr Griffin. A number of other issues were discussed, including one member who has decided to challenge Mr Griffin in the courts for the illegal decisions made in his name.

A fund was immediately started to assist the member with his legal costs.

Serious concerns were also expressed with regard to individuals Mr Griffin has chosen to surround himself with. Some have sexual perversions whilst others have been arrested for serious criminal offences. The national press are having a field day.

The other serious concern related to the fact that more and more members of Solidarity, some of whom are not even members of the British National Party, have been promoted to senior positions in the party and it is feared that Mr Griffin is working to some sort of agenda.

A speaker informed the meeting that other meetings are being held all over the North of England with the express purpose of removing Mr Griffin from his position as Chairman of the party because of his bizarre behaviour and refusal to answer questions relating to the many allegations of financial irregularities that are being posted on various websites. The meeting ended with a glorious buffet laid on by one of the members and a feeling that the British National Party can still be saved, but only with the removal of Mr Griffin and his band of ne'er do wells.


Michael Barnbrook

NWN: While Michael Barnbrook is not regarded as a true racial nationalist, we acknowledge that unless and until the crook Griffin is ousted, the nationalist movement will get nowhere. Griffin has been placed at the head of the BNP at the behest of the 'State' so that we are kept emasculated . Once Griffin is gone, we can then move forward. There are moves right across the Country with the one aim - get rid of the despot !


Anonymous said...

To think 2 years our new group was going so strong.We had a great dedicated organiser who was winning over a lot of left,right and middle of the road voters.Lots of new members.We had a full slate of candidates to stand in this years local elections now we have none ! Organisger ousted as griffin saw him as a threat,no more group and plenty of lapsed members,no contact from the useless RO (put there by griffin) for anyone to takeover running our group which is now sadly defunct.How many people up and down the country have seen this happen under MEP state asset nicholas griffin ?

Anonymous said...

Sadly these are the dregs that have ruined the BNP the internet/facebook warriors who have very little to do in their sad lives.!/sam.cash2?sk=wall

EFPStoke said...

Mike Barnbrook has earned his place in nationalist history with his continued fight against the crooked, masonic politicians we are currently ruled by.
Perhaps with Griffin out of the way, we can afford him the publicity his actions so richly deserve.

GriffinWatch said...

What Barnbrook with his half chap grandchildren? Shame on NWN for publishing this.

We all want rid of Griffin, but not for liberal twats like M.Barnbrook

Anonymous said...

So someone leaves the BNP £108,000 in a bequest and the party fails to put a tribute to the person on the website ? This is unacountable income,a bonus to you and me where has it been invested ? or has it been shared out amongst the shareholders of griffin plc ?

NWN Admin said...

25 February 2011 08:55

GriffinWatch said...
What Barnbrook with his half chap grandchildren? Shame on NWN for publishing this.

We all want rid of Griffin, but not for liberal twats like M.Barnbrook

25 February 2011 10:18

We never said we supported M.Barnbrook ! We did say he wasn't a racial nationalist.

What we also did say was that we are glad that all 'shades of opinion' right across the Country have had enough of Griffin and want him to go.And that they are doing things about it.

Until the whole of the BNP and others rises up against Griffin, he will sit tight on 'his wage'.

We will need a crowbar to prise Griffin out.

Anonymous said...

Griffin will only go when he asks us to buy the party back say at £500,000 either way him and darby have done well out of infiltrating nationalism nice work if you can get it taking a salary from 3 sides.

Anonymous said...

The man who donated £109,000 to the BNP is not mentioned on the party web site because he requested not to be. As for Barnbrook it seems he wants a Britain 'irrespective of skin colour', what a piece of scum

Anonymous said...

If we keep arguing about shades of Nationalism, we'll never get anywhere. I consider Mr Barnbrook as a mercenary, on our side but not quite with us ideologically.

Anonymous said...

Michael Barnbrook, face stark reality - the BNP is politically damaged beyond recovery - Gri££in has permenently toxically contaminated the BNP with kiddy fiddlers, drug importers, drug dealers, cocaine addicts, crack addicts, steriod addicts, convicted crooks, convicted thugs, known police informers, a looney convicted of possessing explosives, a known state witness who framed white nationalists, known porno movie actors, swingers, overt homosexuals, known infiltraitors, known zionists, and sub-educated mumblers, etc. etc.

What's needed is a unique organization with unique solutions - and, as I've previously stated several times on Northwest Nationalists and Gri££in Watch, good people are right now working on its creation.

When it's set to go you will be officially informed through Northwest Nationalists and Gri££in Watch - the only two British nationalist websites nationalists can trust.

Best wishes to all nationalists.

ES said...

Bob Gertner for Chairman (and his pickled foreskin for deputy)

ES said...

What's needed is a unique organization with unique solutions - and, as I've previously stated several times on Northwest Nationalists and Gri££in Watch, good people are right now working on its creation.

With like, two members you mean?

Anonymous said...

Michael Barnbrook, face stark reality - the BNP is politically damaged beyond recovery - Gri££in has permenently toxically contaminated the BNP with kiddy fiddlers, drug importers, drug dealers, cocaine addicts, crack addicts, steriod addicts, convicted crooks, convicted thugs, known police informers, a looney convicted of possessing explosives, a known state witness who framed white nationalists, known porno movie actors, swingers, overt homosexuals, known infiltraitors, known zionists, and sub-educated mumblers, etc. etc.


Surely this list is politics by another name?

Anonymous said...

gri££in won't go even though there are more people not rejoining. if they don't get counillor's elected or reelectedthis year that will leave just a hand full left. the year after could leave them with none, the one eyed bastard would have distroyed the party more then any commie could have done.

Last Chance said...

IMO "State" trying to keep an emasculated BNP running. The strategy seems to be to promote various groups headed by pseudo-nationalists, for example, Eddy Butler, Richard Edmonds and Michael Barnbrook. Now there is Andy Mcbride, who up to a few days ago was so close to Griffin that he was in danger of disappearing, trying to run the South East as an independent BNP with its own bank account. IMO all these groups will have the same controller co-ordinating them!

Sledge said...

Eddie, get in touch, i've lost your number.

Anonymous said...

Richard Edmonds is now writing on Butlers blog. It's not that Butler has changed, it's Edmonds that has changed.

It didn't take him long to throw John Tyndalls ideas out of the window. JT was hardly cold.

Anonymous said...

ES said... What's needed is a unique organization with unique solutions - and, as I've previously stated several times on Northwest Nationalists and Gri££in Watch, good people are right now working on its creation.

With like, two members you mean?

26 February 2011 10:55

Eddie Stampton, you could make a positive contribution to nationalism if you weren't such a stupid prick. Where ever you go you need no introduction because your congenital imbecility always preceeds you, like shit-house smells wafting downwind. I know you're wire up wrong but I'll try making it simple as possible for you.

To form logical opinions or give intelligent answers (OK - I know - that's you totally fucked already -but I'll persevere) a person first needs some basic facts to work on and perhaps chuck in a few pertinent questions.

For a change, Stampton, try using your head for thinking, not battering your play pen - now fuck off and be a good boy.

Anonymous said...

Michael Barnbrook BNP Sleazebuster and his mixed race grandchildren

Anonymous said...

"Sledge said...

Eddie, get in touch, i've lost your number."

Eddie's lost it as well.

Anonymous said...

"gri££in won't go even though there are more people not rejoining. if they don't get counillor's elected or reelectedthis year that will leave just a hand full left. the year after could leave them with none, the one eyed bastard would have distroyed the party more then any commie could have done"

The BNP will be left with no counillors on May 6th this year.This is when the real pressure will mount on Griffin,even the loyal of loyals will started to wake up.

Anonymous said...

Griffin will never let go,he now looks at the party as his business and will take it down with him rather than hand it over.

Anonymous said...

21 people for a meeting, is that it, the great pusg to topple Griffin, he must be laughing

ES said...

Sledge said...
Eddie, get in touch, i've lost your number.

Eddie Stampton, you could make a positive contribution to nationalism if you weren't such a stupid prick. Where ever you go you need no introduction because your congenital imbecility always preceeds you, like shit-house smells wafting downwind. I know you're wire up wrong but I'll try making it simple as possible for you.

To form logical opinions or give intelligent answers (OK - I know - that's you totally fucked already -but I'll persevere) a person first needs some basic facts to work on and perhaps chuck in a few pertinent questions.

For a change, Stampton, try using your head for thinking, not battering your play pen - now fuck off and be a good boy.

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