Sunday, June 27, 2010

The future Labour leader caught out ?

Have a look at the racist MP Dianne Abbot getting a grilling off journalist Andrew Neil. The facial expressions are hilarious . Oh, and she has nothing more to say ! This is one for the library.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"BNP leader Nick Griffin grooms his daughter to replace him"

EXCLUSIVE Mail on Sunday

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What's Gri££in up to this time? He was in court yet again on Friday, either he is in contempt of court or he hasn't paid any money to the EHRC from last time, hence they are after seizing party assets. It will be interesting to see if the party has any assets to take or does it all belong to Dowson?

"EHRC Court Case Update from Nick Griffin"

Anonymous said...

Who realy is this man!!!

Anonymous said...


Nemesis said...

The real face of black racism. The middle class black socialist has 'nothing more to say' on what was in effect a racist statement (racism as defined by the modern PC brigade that is) that denigrated white people, specifically white mothers.

Where are the reactions of the PC lobby to this?

Their silence is deafening.

Anonymous said...

If the EHRC go to the High Court to seize BNP assets it will be interesting to see what the party owns or doesn't. I bet any money all that equipment in Belfast belongs to Dowson? It was the same situation with the Truth Truck. I wonder what date has been arranged for the hearing in London? Incidentally the incompetent lawyer that Gri££in was using behind the scenes during the first court hearings against the EHRC was Dowson's, she f**ked it right up and it's cost this party an utter bloody fortune!!!!!!! And the case still isn't settled yet!!!

Anonymous said...

"BNP faces financial turmoil if found in contempt of court

Nick Griffin could have his assets seized if high court rules that leader breached order to amend party's constitution"

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...