Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Steve Whittle returned to jail - Heretical two

The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, formerly the judicial committee of the House of Lords, has refused the H2 leave to appeal. It is the practice of this Court not to give reasons for refusing leave to appeal, whereas it would be considered an error of law for any other court not to give reasons for its decisions. The H2 are now entitled to petition the European Court of Human Rights for leave to appeal to that court, which they could not do before, as would be petitioners are obliged to exhaust all domestic recourse first. Meanwhile, Steve, who was out on bail at a bail hostel in Blackburn which he found fairly agreeable, has been caught on the internet in breach of bail conditions, and sent to Preston goal. He was found by the police using the internet in Blackburn public library [we are no different to China and Burma in treatment of dissidents!!!]. Steve would, as ever, appreciate messages of support to show that the H2 are not forgotten in gaol. His address is:

Mr S. Whittle A8041AA
H. M. P. Preston,
2 Ribbleton Lane,

Monday, June 28, 2010

BNP faces financial turmoil if found in contempt of court
Nick Griffin could have his assets seized if high court rules that leader breached order to amend party's constitution

British National party leader Nick Griffin.
The party's assets could be seized if it is found to be in contempt of court.

Fresh from its disastrous showing at the ballot box on 6 May, the British National party now faces financial turmoil with its assets threatened by court action. The high court is to decide whether Nick Griffin and two other BNP officials should face contempt of court proceedings in which their assets could be confiscated under a "writ of sequestration". The assets include Griffin's MEP salary, investments and pensions and any property that they might own. The case shows that no political party is above the law.

The contempt proceedings were brought by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) after the BNP was accused of failing to remove potentially racist clauses from its constitution. The BNP had been in breach of the Race Relations Act 1976 by admitting only white people to the party, but it revised its constitution in February to say it would allow people of any descent or origin to join, but only if the individual "agrees with or supports or does not oppose or does not disagree with the principles of our party". The BNP has since changed this condition so it no longer applies to applicants but to members exercising voting rights.

However, the principles of the party in this amended constitution are still in terms of promoting indigenous over non-indigenous interests, including maintaining the "integrity of the indigenous British" and "restoring and maintaining" the indigenous British as "an overwhelming majority" (indigenous being defined by those that settled in these islands between 11500BC and 6 July 1189).

It is not difficult to see how this is contrary to the Race Relations Act 1976, because by signing up to the principles, any non-indigenous member would have to give up their racial and cultural identity. The BNP has also not changed its rule preventing new members from attending any party meeting until they have been interviewed by two BNP officials. A court in March ruled that this was intimidatory and directed against non-indigenous applicants.

If the high court rules that the BNP is in breach of the March order and gives permission to the EHRC to issue the writ, then it will appoint four commissioners. Two to three of the commissioners will be "authorised and commanded" to take possession of the BNP's assets. These assets will be kept in the hands of the commissioners until the BNP complies with the order to make its constitution free of racial discrimination.

Not only would this be a bitter pill for the BNP to swallow ideologically, it would also be financially punitive. A commissioner can cost up to £1,000 a day, and if the BNP has its assets confiscated, it will cost them up to £3,000 a day for those assets to be held. The BNP faces a period of financial turmoil.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The future Labour leader caught out ?

Have a look at the racist MP Dianne Abbot getting a grilling off journalist Andrew Neil. The facial expressions are hilarious . Oh, and she has nothing more to say ! This is one for the library.

Friday, June 18, 2010

BNP Leadership Challenge

The Leadership contest is ON!

Following a series of meetings and discussions involving members of the British National Party who believe that we must have a change in the leadership of the Party, it has been decided that Eddy Butler should stand against the current Chairman Nick Griffin MEP this summer.

It is hoped that the campaign will be conducted in a clean manner with honest and open debate on the issues at hand.
Teams will be organised in all regions to get the required number of signatures in order to be nominated as a candidate.

If you would like to be part of one of these teams please send you details to:

Details of the team working with Eddy Butler and his candidate for Deputy Chairman will be announced shortly.

This will be a very exciting campaign and a chance for the British National Party to re-launch itself. It is vital that there be new leadership for the BNP for the following reasons:

1. It is essential that we have financial transparency and competence, so that the membership and our donors have faith in how their money is being accounted for and spent.

2. It is essential that spending is kept under tight control. We are facing hard financial times and vast amounts are thrown away on avoidable litigation and on wasteful internal projects. The Party is facing insolvency over the next few months due to a series of imprudent decisions by the leadership.

3. Our resources must be targeted at our ‘front end’ activities – elections, councillor support, local recruitment and organisation.

4. The Constitution must be revised to ensure we have both strong leadership and accountability. At present all power is vested in one man, the Chairman, with virtually no checks, and the Constitution is skewed to make it almost impossible to remove him.

5. There must be a careful separation of powers between the Political Chairman and the Party Administration.

6. The Party has got stale and needs a total revamp. The authoritarian leadership style inhibits new ideas and stifles debate.

7. A new draft Constitution will be written up and publicised and an EGM called within six months of a successful leadership challenge.

8. The aim is to stabilise the Party – to enter the Welsh Assembly and Scottish Parliamentary elections rejuvenated, and with proper local support for the vital round of local elections next year.

9. The Party must be given room to breath internally in order to find new longer term leadership. Next year we will have a full new leadership election under the new fairer Constitution with several fresh candidates who we can choose between in a civilised debate. That new leadership can take us on with confidence to contest the 2012 London Assembly elections and we can face the future with renewed vigour.

Most members agree that Nick Griffin MEP has done a tremendous job these past eleven years in promoting the BNP. This will always be remembered with gratitude. However it is now clear that we need a re-launch.

• Funding has dried up.
• Our financial liabilities are mounting.
• Enquiries to the Party from the public have plummeted.
• Our electoral progress has all but halted.
• Our activist base has lost its enthusiasm.
• There are no new ideas or initiatives from the centre.
• The central machinery of the Party is failing and not functioning properly.
• The local organisation needs rebuilding with a fresh set of eyes.

We do not have the luxury of waiting for several years before the current Chairman feels it is time to leave. After eleven long years Nick has accumulated a massive amount of baggage which makes him less popular with the public than the Party. In bringing the Party forward Nick has become more of a public liability than an asset. It may be unfair but it is nevertheless true. It is inevitable that after eleven long years, the old Chairman will have run out of steam, particularly when due to his European commitments he commutes by car every other week to Brussels or Strasbourg.

Now is the time for change. It has to be now as the Party must be able to revitalise itself ready for the next rounds of elections. Eddy Butler has the experience to do this and to build a team that can bring in stability and unity. Under a new team:

• Many who have left our Party will rejoin.
• Many who enquired but didn’t feel the Party was quite right, will re-enquire and get involved.
• Many people who have felt the Party isn’t quite right and have instead got involved with other parties will join.
• Our donors will have confidence provide the funding necessary for growth.
• By removing the harmful influences and the alien Corporate consultancy culture that infests the upper reaches of the Party, our activist base will be re-enthused.
• By opening up the Party and allowing the talent we have within our ranks to express itself, we will get new ideas and new approaches to old problems.

Eddy Butler has stepped forward to bring in these changes now – to help the Party find its way to a better and more ultimately victorious future. We must have change.

NWN: Butler's details have been removed from this article due to the behaviour of one of his supporters Sharon Ebanks and her actions against NWN.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

'BNP suspension is against party code of conduct'

THREE British National Party (BNP) members from Cornwall have been suspended indefinitely for criticising leader Nick Griffin.

Parliamentary candidate James Fitton, who stood in the St Austell and Newquay constituency, has also accused the party of breaking its own constitution after he was suspended. Two other members, Peter Mullins, from Liskeard, the party's former regional organiser for the South West and Simon Bennett, from Camelford, who designed and maintained the BNP's website, have also been suspended.

In a letter from party bosses, Mr Fitton is said to have been suspended for a "serious breach of BNP code of conduct" but the letter does not state any specific reason – something Mr Fitton says is against the party's own constitution.

He said: "Myself and two others in Cornwall have been suspended along with a member in Torbay and there's been members suspended in the East and West Midlands."

Section 9.9 of the BNP constitution states: "The individual member concerned should, as soon as practically possible thereafter, have in writing details of the alleged offence."

Mr Fitton also accuses the party of bending the rules to suit its own needs, after a member who joined in February became sub-region organiser for Devon and Cornwall in April.

Party rules state that members are on probation for two years and are unable to attain any positions within the party during that time.

All three members of the party have been vocal in their criticism of Nick Griffin in recent months and the party's attitude towards Cornish members.

Mr Bennett, a member for five years, has accused Mr Griffin of "entrenching himself" as the leader.

"There's been a vast majority of members up for removal, there's a climate of fear. But the truth is more important," he said.

Mr Mullins said: "There is a pyramid structure within the party and at the apex is Nick Griffin. What he says happens. He doesn't do democracy and it's virtually a dictatorship."

"They've kissed goodbye to the whole of Cornwall and literally thrown us in the bin."

Both Mr Mullins and Mr Bennett recently attended a meeting in Leicestershire, where a vote was carried to support Eddy Butler, from Essex, as a potential challenger for the leadership.
Too many foreigners in Premier League hinders England in World Cup - Beckenbauer !

Der Kaiser crushes 'route one' England
Tue Jun 15 08:48AM

A day after the German paper Bild roared "the tournament is ours", legend Franz 'Der Kaiser' Beckenbauer slammed England and derided Fabio Capello's side's brand of football.

Every paper has an evil looking Beckenbauer unleashing his astonishing and unprovoked attack on Capello's side, describing their play as "kick and rush" (pictured, right), "route one" and "back to the bad old times".

"What I saw from the English in their 1-1 draw against the USA had very little to do with football. It looked to me as if the English have gone backwards," he sniped.

Ever one to blow his own trumpet , Beckenbauer remains confident Germany will win the World Cup, and rounds off his damning appraisal of England by turning on the Premier League.

"The English are being punished for the fact that there are very few home-grown players in the Premier League as they use foreign players from all over the world."


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nick Griffin abuses BNP membership list

Taken from Nationalists online


"I now have the proof that the person who did in fact send out the emails to members and ex members breaking the data protection act and abusing the trust of the BNP members was none other than Paul Golding.

Can all those who have received one of these spiteful emails unsubscribe within the email sent, and then resubscribe. Follow the steps to resubscribe and the address of the sender will appear on your screen as...

Almost Finished...

We need to confirm your email address.

To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you.


Add us to your address book

The above address belongs to Paul Golding who is also charged with sending out ALL begging emails from which he collects a 5% cut of everything the duped members pay.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Helen Thomas tells jews to go back to Poland or Germany

Helen Thomas (born August 4, 1920) is an American news service reporter, a Hearst Newspapers columnist, member of the White House Press Corps and author. She served for fifty-seven years as a correspondent and, later, White House bureau chief for United Press International (UPI). Thomas has covered every President of the United States since the later years of the Eisenhower administration, coming to the forefront with John F. Kennedy. She was the first female officer of the National Press Club, the first female member and president of the White House Correspondents Association, and, in 1975, the first female member of the Gridiron Club. She has written five books; her latest with co-author Craig Crawford is Listen Up, Mr. President: Everything You Always Wanted Your President to Know and Do.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Secretive Bilderberg Club ready for protests - Bilderberg group to decide fate of Euro

Spanish prime mininster Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero is expected to open this year's meeting of the Bilderberg club, near Barcelona

Splash! Could that be the sound of Lord Mandelson hitting one of the Dolce hotel’s four pools? Or Robert Zoellick of the World Bank? Paul Volcker of the US Economic Recovery Advisory Board? Or merely the euro taking another dive?

That is the thing about the Bilderberg group’s top secret meetings: you never know quite what is going on behind the police checkpoints.

Across the world, secretaries to the rich and the powerful have blocked out the next three days in their bosses’ calendars for their annual gathering, this time at the Dolce in Sitges, one of Spain’s most exclusive resorts.

Times Archive, 1977: An exclusive club
On Thursday, 120 people will gather in Torquay. Henry Kissinger will be there, so will Helmut Schmidt, Baron Rothschild and Mrs Thatcher

Bilderberg talking shop opens in Torquay

Normally, every minute of their working lives is accounted for but, each year, a couple of hundred of the world’s financial elite and the more business-friendly members of the political class disappear from view; supposedly to save the planet from the dangers of parochialism, the nationalist genie.

It is all terribly confidential — breathe a word about it and you’re out of the club — but the Bilderberg watcher Daniel Estulin claims to have a copy of the agenda. The big question this time around is whether the euro will survive. “They are afraid that the countries in trouble will leave and the euro will fall apart,” said Mr Estulin. “The biggest nightmare is if EU members return to nationally orientated policies.”

That would certainly explain why the keynote address is being given by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the Spanish Prime Minister. The Piigs — Portugal, the Republic of Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain — are of concern to the Bilderbergers. After all, the club was set up in 1954 by a Polish exile, Joseph Retinger, to create a European bulwark against the spread of communism. It provided the germ of the European idea; Franco-German reconciliation, the entry of West Germany into Nato, the Maastricht treaty — all were cooked up in annual fireside chats.

Now, according to Mr Estulin’s information, the Bilderbergers are nervous that the erosion of the euro could nudge the world back into recession while public services cuts could trigger unrest and radicalise the political climate.

Plenty to talk about at the Dolce, then. The Bilderberg protesters, sure that they can smell a good oldfashioned capitalist conspiracy, will be holding fringe meetings in the town. The hunt will be on to find a chambermaid ready to ransack hotel litter bins for evidence that evil work is afoot. It has been easier to get nuggets of information out of Bilderberg since hotel staff started to read Dan Brown and talk about the illuminati.

Could it be, though, that the Bilderbergers are simply having fun, away from their spouses, on their annual jamboree? The secret of Bilderberg could be that there is no secret. Certainly, the hotel offers plenty of distractions for stressed CEOs: qi-gong courses, excellent fish, fine wines and bicycle tours.

Henry Kissinger, 87, the former US Secretary of State, and David Rockefeller, 95, the former chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, are the elder statesmen of Bilderberg — but the leaked invitation list reveals that the gathering is made up primarily of elderly white gents.

Remember Richard Perle, 68, George Bush’s erstwhile Prince of Darkness? He could perhaps form a Prince of Darkness sub-group with Lord Mandelson. Paul Wolfowitz, 66, formerly of the World Bank? Mario Monti, 67, EU commissioner for the single market between 1995 and 1999?

Only the possible attendance of George Osborne, 39, the British Chancellor, will reassure hotel staff that they are not dealing with a Saga Holidays tour. Other members of this clandestine coven include Queen Sofia of Spain and Queen Beatrix of Holland. No doubt their views will be sought on the Swedish royal wedding later this month. Is it right, for example, that a young princess should marry her personal trainer? Fortunately, the Dolce has a team of personal trainers on hand ready to chip into the debate.

Last year Bilderberg held its meeting at the Nafsika Astir Palace hotel in Greece and apparently failed to spot how close their host country was to melting down. Watch out, Spain!

The weather forecast is for three days of sunshine — time for the Bilderbergers to slink out of the shadows.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...