Friday, August 21, 2009

Man and woman charged with BNP membership leak

Friday, 21 August 2009
A man and a woman have been charged under the Data Protection Act after a British National Party membership list was leaked onto the internet, police said today.

Dyfed-Powys Police said the man, aged 27, and woman, aged 30, were due to appear at Nottingham Magistrates Court on 1 September.

The woman is understood to be Sadie Graham, who was expelled from the far-right party in late 2007 after falling out with its leadership.

The BNP called for a police investigation last November after the names, addresses and contact details of some 10,000 of its members were published online.

Party leader Nick Griffin lodged a complaint with Dyfed-Powys, his local force, on the grounds that publishing the list breached human rights and data protection laws.

He described the publication as "a disgraceful act of treachery" by former BNP staff members who were subsequently sacked.

At the time the BNP said the leak was based on its 2007 membership list, although a number of names of people who were not members had been added.

The list, which included details of some members' jobs, was reported to include serving and former police officers as well as members of the armed forces.

In a statement, Dyfed-Powys Police said: "We can confirm that the two people arrested as part of a joint investigation with Dyfed-Powys Police and the Information Commissioner's Office in relation to alleged criminal offences under the Data Protection Act have been charged with Section 55 Data Protection Act offences.

"They will appear in Nottingham Magistrates Court on 1 September.

"The arrests followed an investigation into a complaint received about the unauthorised release of the BNP party membership list."


Anonymous said...

matt single is 38 not 27

Mike said...

He is 38, so who the fuck is the 27year old that has been arrested/charged or whatever? If I wasnt confused before I am how.

Dr Chris Hill said...

How only is Sadie Graham?

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

thisisderbyshire names both Grahem and Singleton according to a post on an opposition site, the media must just got his age wrong.

Anonymous said...

apologies the thick reds got it wrong, it is thisisnottinghamshire as link shows

JPT said...

I've met Sadie and Matt and was very impressed with both.
Publishing the list was a spiteful mistake whether it was them or not.

Anonymous said...

no pity for these pair. pick on griffin & co. not party member's. what have they got to prove picking on ordinary member's?

Anonymous said...

so who was it calling for Sadie to stand for leader?
she's digusting filth.

Anonymous said...


Dr Chris Hill said...

This case is now sub-Judice. Expressing a belief in Sadie and Matt's innocence is completely legitimate, because when the jury enters the court room that is exactly what they should assume, ie. the accused is innocent. So any expression of a belief in their innocence, is completely acceptable and cannot be prejudicial to the case.

Any other comments (especially those that discuss the evidence), fall under sub-judice laws and must be avoided in order to stay within the law; and assure a fair trial.

If Matt and Sadie are guilty then Ali is my lord and master, and I'll let the Prophet Mohamed (all curses to his paedophilic carcass) have his evil way with me.

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

Dont talk like a wanker Hill. Who the hell are you to tell us what to say or not. You Fanny Hill

Anonymous said...

With regards the leaked list case, under Section 55, any person who knowingly or recklessly, without the consent of the data controller, (i.e. the person in lawful control of the database) obtains or discloses personal data or the information contained within such data, is guilty of an offence. Such a conviction carries with it a possible custodial sentence of up to two years.

Dr Chris Hill said...

Dear Anonymous (00:54 hrs),

You said:
"Dont talk like a wanker Hill. Who the hell are you to tell us what to say or not. You Fanny Hill"

I say:
There are laws in this country to protect the right of an accused person to a fair trial. If you don't like our laws then you know what you can do, don't you?

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

With regards the leaked list case, under Section 55, any person who knowingly or recklessly, without the consent of the data controller, (i.e. the person in lawful control of the database) obtains or discloses personal data or the information contained within such data, is guilty of an offence. Such a conviction carries with it a possible custodial sentence of up to two years.

22 August 2009 01:20

You must have read this little gem on Darby's Gri££inite shit-blog.

Do a little research yourself and you will see that the max sentence for breeching this is A FINE only. Don't believe everything you read, especially when the source is lying scum.

Anonymous said...

There is still a lot about this case we don't know, there were allegations that the membership list was passed on to Labour Councillors on Broxtowe council who in turn passed it onto the Reds at Indymedia. Also when Griffin's goon squad illegally took Sadie's laptop did a BNP IT person fiddle with it before it was returned to it's owner? Hopefully some of the truth will come out during the trial. Good luck to Sadie & Matt, you are fighting against the cunning forces of evil, as has everybody who has crossed the one eyed repugnant creature!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I say:
There are laws in this country to protect the right of an accused person to a fair trial. If you don't like our laws then you know what you can do, don't you?

Chris Hill

22 August 2009 02:28
What laws are these you dimwit.The state is run by criminal scum.

Gri££in = pure scum said...

There is far more to this case than we know. Things are going on with regards to Gri££in getting his Euro pay-off by keeping the BNP small and ineffective. This is why Sadie and Matt are being hammered hard. Think about it - Kenny and Nicola are labelled thieves and Sadie labelled with leaking the list - job done, the people that could have saved the BNP stitched up, plucked and fucked. Purged.

Dr Chris Hill said...

Dear Anonymous (23:30)

You said:
"There is far more to this case than we know. Things are going on with regards to Gri££in getting his Euro pay-off by keeping the BNP small and ineffective. This is why Sadie and Matt are being hammered hard. Think about it - Kenny and Nicola are labelled thieves and Sadie labelled with leaking the list - job done, the people that could have saved the BNP stitched up, plucked and fucked. Purged."

I say:
You're dead right! But if you realise that, why not stand up and be counted. Hiding behind anonymous made up tags, such as 'Griffin=Pure scum' is cowardice.

Chris Hill

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

I wonder what retire senior South African police officer Lance Stewart's involvement in the Sadie affair was? He runs Griffin's internal policing set up, I bet he learnt a few dirty tricks while serving for 30 odd years in Johannesburg? He was the one checking through the internal conversations on the BNP's SKYPE system in a hope of incriminating Sadie, Steve Blake, Ian Dawson, Kenny and the others. Add to this that Griffin has convicted criminals acting as attack dogs to smear Racial Nationalists he deems a threat, planted all over the country, he's running quiet a sophisticated covert operation?

Gri££in = pure scum said...

You're dead right! But if you realise that, why not stand up and be counted. Hiding behind anonymous made up tags, such as 'Griffin=Pure scum' is cowardice.

Chris Hill

I AM STILL in the BNP and I keep my head down quietly like so many others in the party waiting for the right oppotunity to get rid of that scum at the right time. If I 'come out' now as it were I would simply be purged like so many others. The Decemberists got their timing all wrong and we must learn.

time to ask questions said...

very good point chris,why are incompetent people put into paid positions ? enquiries and new members details are not being passed on ? red white and blue on its 10th anniversary was poorly attended ? the current structure of the party wants no more than 10,000 people on its books where it should be more like a 100,000 ? who's zooming who and who is shafting who ? Note most of the stories on the main website these days are copied from the daily mail ? things are definately not right at the minute in the BNP camp.

Anonymous said...

'I AM STILL in the BNP and I keep my head down quietly like so many others in the party waiting for the right oppotunity to get rid of that scum at the right time. If I 'come out' now as it were I would simply be purged like so many others. The Decemberists got their timing all wrong and we must learn.'

And you will go on waiting for ever achieving nothing. Griffin has got you neutralised. Can't you see that?

Dr Chris Hill said...

Anonymous (13:13 hrs) You said:

"If I 'come out' now as it were I would simply be purged like so many others. The Decemberists got their timing all wrong and we must learn."

I say:
That's just it, they didn't plan the uprising against Griffin at all, they simply wanted to modernise the party from within. Collett's antics were getting so bad it was no longer possible to ignore them. They had a duty to bring those actions to the attention of the grassroots membership, and that's what they did. Now in my view they didn't act soon enough, Collett and co got away with far too much for far too long.

Many may say: 'as paid officials of the party they had a duty to be loyal to the Chairman', and I agree, but only in so far as that did not get in the way of their duty to the membership. When there is a clear chose between loyalty to the chairman and a duty to the grassroots membership (who after all own the party and whose membership dues pay their wages)then there should be no question which duty must come first.

Had more people stood up to be counted in Dec 2007 Griffin might well have seen sense. Remember this was initially an attempt to modernise and democratise the party not remove Griffin.

His new status of MEP makes Griffin almost untouchable as Chairman now. As a nation we are fast running out of time, BNP members can't sit around waiting for what they may think is the right time, because while they're doing that our last change of survival is being lost.

I beg you, if you really believe what you say then stand up now to be counted. We just might still win. Keeping silent should no longer be an option.

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

Griffin will become increasingly disinterested in the BNP. It's probably already happening with the big pay cheque arriving from Brussels. Human nature. He'll hang on for the title BNP to get re-elected but the fire has gone out.

On top of that a Tory government and UKIP will pull the rug from a party which has only got where it is because Labour has not even been subtle about what it's doing.

Too many people are clinging like babies to the name BNP. Socially dependent a lot of them if you ask me.

If you don't like Griffin why cling on?

Anonymous said...

One can only wonder why Chris Hill thinks he is a Nationalist he has been involved for about five years and his knowledge of Nationalist politics is zero.

Dr Chris Hill said...

Anonymous (23:45 hrs) Said:

"One can only wonder why Chris Hill thinks he is a Nationalist he has been involved for about five years and his knowledge of Nationalist politics is zero.

I say:
I have never describe myself as a Nationalist, I'm simply a man who wants his country back.
I'm now in my 11th continuous year of unbroken BNP membership.

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

Griffin has stiched the membership up. Him and six job Darby hold all the ACES, oh and of course your money.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Chris Hill is a Nationalist.

Jew-loving is incompatible with Nationalism.

And old Fanny Hill (Lancaster) does seem to love his Jews.

Dr Chris Hill said...

Dear Anonymous (16:35 hrs),

Your comment left me speechless.
I don't normally engage in abusive language, but in your case I'll make an exception:

"Go drown yourself you thick anti-Semitic bastard"

Chris Hill

Henry said...

@Fanny Hill

That's "Mr. anti-Semitic bastard" to you son.

Now go back to dreaming about Mohels who kiss little Jewish boys on the dick.


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...