Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Meeting 29th August 09 in the Midlands

“The BNP must be reformed – Support the Reform Group.”

Latest News. Archive and Links.

The Reform Group of the British National Party came into being because many members, particularly established members, were concerned by the way the Party was run.
The current leader, Nick Griffin has, and the founder leader, John Tyndall had, enormous talent in some directions but it seems none in others.
This has meant the Party has not been developed in a balanced manner. Reform Group members do not believe the propaganda put out in the Party literature that the Party is doing well.
In particular, we mention the large number of activists who are leaving the Party and being replaced by inexperienced people with little idea of our policies and the enormous pressure that can be put on activists by the State.

The Reform Group gives the following points where we differ from the official party doctrine:

1. We believe the Party should have a Constitution and structure that is normal for an association. This would mean that the principal party officials would be elected and that there would be Annual General Meetings when all members could propose resolutions and vote. In particular, the Treasurer would be elected by the members and the Auditor would report to the members. There would be an end to the current ‘dictatorship’ whereby the Party Chairman appoints all officials of the Party.

2. We believe that the Party should not waste resources on fighting Euro-elections. If we won seats in these elections, the MEPs would have no power. We believe that the purpose of the BNP is to gain power. It is MPs at Westminster that have the power to make laws. All our resources should be used to gain MPs.

3. We believe that the Party should be organised as strong, semi-autonomous, local constituency associations responsible for their own funds.

4. We believe that we should make every effort to unite the various nationalist parties and encourage members who have left the BNP to rejoin. (It should be noted that the main reason for the existence of the various parties is the fact that many people could not work with John Tyndall and now with Nick Griffin. There are not great difference in policy between the groups. A new Party Chairman is required that has a rounded personality and the ability to get on with all members.)

The Reform Group mounted a Leadership Challenge in 2007. Stood aside to allow another group to stand in 2008. It is proposed that a strong challenge will be made in 2009. See Archive for details.

"We hold our land in trust from our forefathers for our children and our children’s children."


GriffinWatch said...

They have G.W.s full support.

Dr Shipman voted Tory. said...

What aload of Bollocks!!

Anonymous said...

Who pray is Jackson and publish 100well known Nationalists names that would support this adventure!!

Dr Chris Hill said...

Chris Jackson, unlike Griffin, is certainly a man of integrity. However whether he's the man needed to lead the party on a permanent basis I'm not sure of.

The one thing I do know is that the current constitution is a total nonsense, and needs reforming ASAP. However the idea that we should not fight European elections is madness!

And given:
(1) The worst economic crisis since the war.
(2) Islamic terrorists bombing in London.
(3) Numerous stories in the newspapers about Britain becoming an Islamic state within 40 years.

Etc Etc

we should be doing a hell of a lot better than we are.

Griffin is unable (or unwilling) to build a democratic party with a mass membership and should stand down as Chairman.

Our cry should be: "Come back Sadie Ian, Steve, Keeny, and Matt, we need you to lead us".

Chris Hill

Yes I know the last part isn't going to happen, but it should.

Henry said...

"UK's Biggest Jewel Heist Linked To Israel"

Top Israeli officials have been linked to Britain's biggest ever jewelry heist, in which gems worth up to $65 million (£40m) were stolen.

According to an Israeli report, three former senior officials in the Israeli army were the main share holders of the company responsible for guarding the Graff Diamond jewelers in central London, where the robbery took place.

The Universe Security Group (USG) has been in charge of the security of the store, after a group of Balkan robbers -- dubbed the Pink Panther gang -- carried out an armed raid on the same store in May 2005, taking off with 1 million pounds worth of diamonds.

Nahum Admoni, former Mossad chief and Maj. Gen. Uri Sagie, former chief of intelligence in the Israeli army, reportedly resigned from the leadership of the London-based group, just two months before the heist.

Another primary share holder of the security company is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's special adviser, Isaac Molho.

The police have meanwhile arrested a 50-year-old man in connection with the robbery, but only described him as a 'minor player' in the act.

The August 6 raid, which had all the makings of a blockbuster movie, was carried out by two smartly dressed men, who had disguised themselves professionally with make-up layered on latex masks, Metropolitan Police footage showed.

In just minutes, the leading men drew handguns, grabbed a female member of staff and headed for the exit with 43 pieces of jewelry including rings, bracelets, necklaces and watches.

They fired warning shots, jumped into a waiting blue BMW and abandoned their hostage, speeding through Mayfair. No one was injured in the incident.

An international man hunt has been in progress ever since, with insurers offering a 1 million-pound reward for information leading to the capture of the thieves and the recovery of the jewels.

Graff on New Bond Street was previously attacked by the notorious Pink Panther gang in 2003 in what until now was reportedly Britain's previous most expensive jewelry robbery, worth 23 million pounds.


I'm sure Nick Griffin....and Chris Hill will blame it on Muslims.

Anonymous said...

No one is listening.

Yesterdays men.

Anonymous said...

Covert web site claims there is no leadership challenge as the time has long gone.

Are they correct?

Is Jackson challenging this year? Or next?

Anonymous said...

This looks old as it mentions if we won MEP's. Is this genuine or a rave from the grave.

Anonymous said...

The BNP are a Two man Party. Gri££in and Darby. The greedy bastards are robbing the party left right and centre.

My Vote will go to Jackson its time for a change and when that happens we need the POLICE FRAUD squad bringing these two BASTARDS to book!

Anonymous said...

I hope this is not Jackson Blog.

Anonymous said...

Those nice folks are Hoaxing again!

Sean Hadleys Snake said...

The thing that makes me laugh the most about these pathetic challenges, is that the people running them, in their heart of hearts are National Socialists or Fascists. Yet just because they don't have the power and influence, want to turn our party into one ruled by committee. This approach has destroyed the NF and other groups over the years. This is precisely why the party is now run as it is. Come on lets get real and stop kidding ourselves over what we are and what we stand for. Bollocks to democracy.

the one that got away said...

Dont worry tania lumby is now in charge of enquiries ? which is like giving fred and rose west a tourist camp in the outback of australia with all the grog included ( no pun but she is an alcholic)the party has become an embarrassment,the west midlands now have lost that many activists that each group is asked to attend other group meetings to make up numbers and donations.Will be interesting next year to see if birmingham bnp stand the full 40 candidates and the exscuses why they haven't.

Dr Chris Hill said...

Dear Sean Hadleys Snake (12:29 hrs),

You said:
"Bollocks to democracy."

I say:
"Bollocks to dictatorship."

Chris Hill

Richard Chadfield said...

I found this posting at:
what are we to make of it? Is there any truth in it? I reproduce it here to bring it to the attension of a wider audience and to seek information as to it's truth or falsity.
Odious pervert and fire door inspector Collett still skimming money from the party.
"Essex BNP has left a new comment on your post "Griffins admits that the party is in financial tro...":

Collett printed over 120,000 enquiry packs for which he got paid £1 per pack. 75000 lie unused and unusable (because they are dated Euro election 2009) in a Yorkshire warehouse. Collett cleared £20 grand profit with Griffin's blessing - a right couple of c4nts fleecing honest nationalists.

Posted by Essex BNP to Griffin Watch. The New Griffin File. at 20 August 2009 10:02"

Again we ask why the odious pervert Collett has such a "grip" over Griffarage.
Could it be related to the recent Webster videos?
Is it any wonder that the party is in such a dire financial position with the likes of Collett/Dowson and the lord knows who else skimming from donations.

So is there any truth in this blog posting?
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

'Sean Hadleys Snake said...
Yet just because they don't have the power and influence, want to turn our party into one ruled by committee. This approach has destroyed the NF and other groups over the years. This is precisely why the party is now run as it is. Come on lets get real and stop kidding ourselves over what we are and what we stand for. Bollocks to democracy.'

So all those who join the BNP are in fact asking for the country to be a run as a dictatorship with presumably Griffin as dictator.

Are they told that? Are the voters told that?

And in view of the constant purges are you confident you will not be purged yourself?

As for your system being effective it's not except in financial terms for a few. Unless you think a few peripheral councillors and irrelevant MEPs mean power.

Earlier nationalist incarnations were trying to sell marches and 'great leaders' like Mosley. It simply did not appeal to the British public but you apparently want to continue down the same failed road.

Anonymous said...

Answer to Sean Healey's Snake, Gri££in helped destroy the NF.

Also a warning to the people holding the meeting on the 29th, beware of shitbags being sent along by Gri££in and his stooges to disrupt the proceedings, Gri££in is a very dangerous piece of shit and has many criminal attack dogs waiting in the wings! We will neutralise him one day but we have to be shrewd about it! Good luck with your meeting!

Anonymous said...

Great White Records are releasing their first single, it will be in shops soon. Joey Smith hopes it will make the party a lot of money, quick pass me the ear plugs!

Anonymous said...

has-beens and mal-contents. Nobody wants to be associated with Nazis. My grandfather died fighting them.

Anonymous said...

Sean Hadley.

Will people stop using my name in vain. Thanks in advance

E. N. Ronn said...

It is one thing to say (quite rightly) that Gri££in’s BNP is unpalatable. It is quite another to come up with a formula for change that works.

Some have tried outside the BNP, but neither populist groups such as the Freedom Party, traditional British nationalists, such as the continuing NF, self-proclaimed ultras such as the BPP, or English nationalists such as the EFP have ever gathered much of a following.

The FP and the EFP both won council seats in areas in which the BNP had failed to do so, but even that did not do them much good, and both have faded away. The BPP and the NF are tiny, and bereft of money, skills and manpower alike.

Challenges to Gri££in from within the BNP have also either failed (Chris Jackson’s previous leadership challenge was not a success on any view) or failed even to get off the ground (Colin Auty) or else the challengers have been unlawfully expelled before they could mount a challenge (VofC).

Since then, Gri££in has been elected as a MEP, and his standing in the eyes of the BNP sheeple is higher than ever.

Sterling Work seems set to repeat the mistake of VofC in being neither exactly in nor decisively out of the BNP. What is more, neither Chris Jackson nor anyone else can challenge Gri££in for the leadership of the BNP till June of next year, by when the General Election will have come and gone, and we shall be in a new political world.

At the General Election, independent nationalist candidates with no track record of campaigning in their constituencies and no party label by their names on the ballot paper will struggle to poll 1% of the vote, and will all lose their deposits. Using the label “Independent BNP” is a non-starter, as the Electoral Commission will not allow the use of a name that suggests a connection with a registered party.

IMHO, the only likely circumstance in which Gri££in might be vulnerable would be the total financial collapse of the BNP under his mismanagement. Nothing less than such a catastrophe will shake the belief of the mass of rank and file members in this charlatan. Even the stupidest of BNP sheeple will however wake up and smell the mint sauce if they find that branch funds have been comprehensively looted to pay for the bloated head office pay roll, and there is nothing in the kitty to pay for the General Election. Unless that happens, Nick “branch funds” Gri££in MEP will likely remain firmly in power. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.

There are of course other faintly possible scenarios: if the BNP is very successful, it might attract so much new talent that a credible challenger for national leadership will emerge, or else some keen young jihadi might put Gri££in to the sword of the Prophet after the example of Theo van Gogh, but neither of these scenarios is very likely.

Realistically, therefore, whether Gri££in stays or goes will depend on whether he can keep the show on the road till the end of the year, when the membership renewals will see him through till the General Election. Put another way, it depends on whether the BNP’s current financial position is very bad indeed, or irretrievable (which appear to be the alternative interpretations of the present situation). BTW, where are the accounts?


What is the correct term for a horror of success?One small glimmer of hope for the English people and we need not rely upon our enemies to destroy it ,we can expertly do it ourselves.

Anonymous said...

E.N.Ronn you have made a very intelligent, valid point. Gri££in want to contest 600 parliamentary constituencies at the General Election, this will be financial folly. Incidentally I notice in his latest begging letter (August 2009) that Gri££in uses Euros instead of pounds when referring to the amounts that the party receives, what a cheek for an anti-European party, can't he convert the amounts to pounds sterling, this is a indication of the true nature of this horrid money orientated creature.

Anonymous said...

For once Chris `Mentally' Hill is talking sense, however, he shouldn't allow his hat to get ahead of his head by suggesting or promoting a `Friends Of Isreal' group within the BNP, or allowing non-caucasians to join the BNP.

Anonymous said...

Henry, you're absolutely correct in your analysis of the Graff jewel hiest .... fucking kikes have always been robbing goys, and when the're not, the bastards are robbing each other - the best thing about Maydoff, was most of his victims were kikes, many of them wailing "how could he do this to fellow jews". as if had Mayoff robbed goys of their cash it would've be ok.

TEEHEE, would be interesting for your slant on this topic.

Anonymous said...

We need the POLICE FRAUD squad bringing those two BASTARDS to book .....

Don't forget including child-molesting paedophile kike, Kiddyfiddler Co££et.

Anonymous said...

Richard Chadfield and E.N. Ronn are on the right track, though I doubt Gr££in is sexually bent, but absolutely financially bent. The reason Gri33in refuses to kick Kike Co££et out of the BNP regardles to the depth of disrepute kiddyfiddler drags the BNP down, is Kike Co££et is giving kickbacks from the money Kikey is ripping-off from BNP members.

Reliable sources have it that many BNP groups are now setting-up their own privateslush funds so stop Grabbit from getting his greedy mits on members cash.

Anonymous said...

Just been on Sky News saying that Sadie and Matt have been charged with releasing the BNP membership lists. They have both been remanded in custody.

Anonymous said...

Two charged over BNP members leak

Two people have been charged with breaching the Data Protection Act after a British National Party membership list was leaked on the internet.

Dyfed-Powys Police said they were arrested as part of a joint investigation with the Information Commissioner's Office.

They will appear before magistrates in Nottingham on 1 September.

The names and addresses of thousands of BNP supporters were published online last November.

Free Thinker said...

Matt and Sadie charged with leaked list.

Two charged with leaking BNP membership list

By Daniel Davies, Press Association

Friday, 21 August 2009
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Two people have been charged under the Data Protection Act after a British National Party membership list was leaked on the internet, police said today.

Dyfed-Powys Police said the two people were arrested as part of a joint investigation with the Information Commissioner's Office.

They are due to appear in Nottingham Magistrates Court on September 1.

The far-right BNP called for a police investigation last November after the names, addresses and contact details of some 10,000 of its members were published online.

If they are found guilty, will NWN admit they got it wrong?

Dr Chris Hill said...

From Dyfed-Powys Police press office:

"Details in relation to the release we gave you regarding the arrests. We can confirm that a 27 year old man and a 30 year old woman have been charged and they were living in Nottingham at the time of the offence."

Sounds like Sadie and Matt.
Remember Innocent until proved guilty. Just because the police have charged them does not mean they did it. They may simply be the easiest target for a politically correct Crown Prosecution Service.

Chris Hill

Dr Chris Hill said...

Despite reports to the contrary (it appears that the dirty tricks department are out in force again) the two people charged (who are I assume Sadie and Matt)have simply had their police bail extended until the Magistrates court hearing on 1st September. This was confirmed by the Dyfed-Powys Police Press Office a few minutes ago (16:15hrs).

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

Tanya Lumby as well as being head of enquires is also the national nominating officer!!!!!!!!!! Its nice to know that the party is recruiting such high calibre people.
Some of the appointments made in recent months look like they have been made by a complete arsehole, the party is moving backwards. I have very grave misgivings about the whole appointment structure in the BNP. Simply getting a job because you brown nose griffin or donkey darby, is no way to be going about things. The casual way the leadership incompetantly gives away key postions to virtual unknowns or worse,fucking usless halfwits is getting beyond a joke. Look at some of the regional organisers around the country, most of them are yes men who would never raise a valid point at a pub dart match, never mind the advisory council. griffins paranoid warped mind has made him put people in positions who are just nodding donkeys and are no threat to his own agenda of total and complete control of the BNP. Somethings gotta change.

Anonymous said...

Anti-gag said...
Chris Jackson, unlike Griffin, is certainly a man of integrity. However whether he's the man needed to lead the party on a permanent basis I'm not sure of.

The one thing I do know is that the current constitution is a total nonsense, and needs reforming ASAP. However the idea that we should not fight European elections is madness!

And given:
(1) The worst economic crisis since the war.
(2) Islamic terrorists bombing in London.
(3) Numerous stories in the newspapers about Britain becoming an Islamic state within 40 years.

Etc Etc

we should be doing a hell of a lot better than we are.

Griffin is unable (or unwilling) to build a democratic party with a mass membership and should stand down as Chairman.

Our cry should be: "Come back Sadie Ian, Steve, Keeny, and Matt, we need you to lead us".

Chris Hill

Yes I know the last part isn't going to happen, but it should.
Chris Hill,your intelligence has not improved.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The BNP are a Two man Party. Gri££in and Darby. The greedy bastards are robbing the party left right and centre.

My Vote will go to Jackson its time for a change and when that happens we need the POLICE FRAUD squad bringing these two BASTARDS to book!

20 August 2009 09:40
Do you mean you want the corrupt police to investigate a corrupt State controlled party?

Anonymous said...

Friday, 21 August 2009
Another reason to vote for and join the BNP

I have to say that I am furious after watching the above clip. I have to be very careful what I want to say also. What I can say is this, If this piece of "Muslim filth" Mr Khan has such a problem with this issue, he is welcome to pack his bags and sod off to where he comes from. I will personally pay for his departure.

Mr Khan like all of his ilk is quick enough taking British money off British people, like most of his kind their world revolves around taking money of "us".

I hope the good people of Cardiff stop spending there. Hit him in the pockets, that's what will hurt him the most. He is an absolute piece of scum. I make no apologies for being so blunt here.

I've phoned the shop on 029 205 91511, but apparently he is away in India at the moment.

Anonymous said...


nick griffins left foot said...

stop watching iraqi t.v. no names mentioned and there is a court date set,so go home to aljazeera TV or maybe you are a TV ?

Anonymous said...

We had people attacked because of the leaking of the lists.They should both be shot.

NWN Admin said...

If they are found guilty, will NWN admit they got it wrong?

21 August 2009 15:10

Got what wrong ?

You Sir, are a Knob !

a man from brum said...

one that got away you are right about birmingham. Something needs to change.They are useless. There is no communication. They rarely reply to text or email.They behave like a sect. Never invite or listen to new ideas or views. Nothing has happened since the euros. We need a change to a more proffesional attitude and get rid of the muppets. Its good to talk.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...