Sunday, July 31, 2016

Law firm which offers legal services for Muslims bombarded with Islamophobic abuse

Bosses at Carter Law Solicitors, which has a dedicated department specialising in Islamic divorces and family law, say they are 'extremely shocked at the racist reactions'

Carter Law Solicitors' website
A law firm offering divorces and family law services for Muslims has been bombarded with Islamophobic slurs following an advertising campaign on social media.
Bosses at Manchester-based Carter Law Solicitors have been forced to reply to shocking comments posted to their Facebook page following the online ad.
The company has a dedicated department specialising in Islamic divorces and family law.
Specialist Sharia Law-compliant solicitors help clients meet the requirements of their faith and UK law.
The advert reads: “Seeking advice on Islamic Family Law, Talaq or Khula? Carter Law will ensure your family matters are dealt with in a Sharia compliant way.”
One shocking reply reads: “You need to take your ISLAMIC business and go back to the country you came from.
Bosses at Carter Law replied: “Thank you for your insightful comment. We can assure that our business is neither ‘Islamic’ nor ‘Christian’, and in fact has no religious affiliation.
“We are happy to provide our services to clients of any creed.”
Carter Law Solicitors are based at The Point Office, in Cheetham Hill

Another post read: “There is only one law in the UK, abide by it or get OUT.”
Bosses said: “The services we are offer aren’t about circumventing UK law. These legal services are fully compliant with the rule of UK law, but also with the beliefs of our Muslim clients for their peace of mind.
“Thank you for your valuable input, though.”
One person posted: “ONE LAW IN THIS COUNTRY.”
Another called the firm ‘traitors’.
Jack MacMichael from Carter Law said: “We were extremely shocked at the racist reactions to the ad we ran on Facebook. The commenters seem to believe that there is some sinister parallel legal system for Muslims, but the services that we’re advertising are within the bounds of the law of England and Wales.
“They simply meet the needs of observant Muslim clients.
“Carter Law believes in equality for all of our staff and clients, regardless of ethnicity or religious convictions.
“It is a shame that not every shares our ethos. We’re all entitled to an opinion, but to see such unashamedly racist comments in a public forum wasn’t a pleasant experience.”


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Islam will take over the World in 50 Years.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

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Henry said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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