Tuesday, July 19, 2016


John Tyndall : 14 July 1934 – 19 July 2005 .


Anonymous said...

Now help us bring Blair to justice: Families of fallen Iraq troops launch public appeal for funds

Families of British soldiers killed in Iraq are launching a fund-raising drive
Public appeal made as they attempt to take legal action against Tony Blair
Relatives believe he should be hauled before courts for taking UK to war
To donate to families' appeal, go to www.crowdjustice.co.uk/case/chilcot/

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3696500/Now-help-bring-Blair-justice-Families-fallen-Iraq-troops-launch-public-appeal-funds.html#ixzz4EoLeFjqG

GWR said...

John Tyndall RIP

Anonymous said...

Video: The European Union: Part of America’s Imperial Project.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


"The judges heard that one of the law firms involved, Mishcon de Reya, had received letters of abuse which led to potential clients who had wanted to join the action withdrawing their names.

Lord Pannick QC, instructed by Mishcon, told the court that publicity generated by the case "has provoked a large quantity of abuse directed at my solicitors".

"It is racist abuse, it is anti-Semitic abuse and it is objectionable abuse," he said."

hmmm... funny but what's Antisemitic about wanting our prompt secession from EU ??? Surely it wouldn't be that EU is a stepping stone to World Government and the coming of our glorious King Despot?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...