Friday, July 01, 2016

..........................................................fawning views on The Tribe.

Theresa May: ‘We’ll always support Israeli defence’

Home Secretary Theresa May: “Without its Jews, Britain would not be Britain 


What a bag of shit ! 

All of them are 100 % in favour of Israel. 

None of them are 100 % pro- British.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Nigel Farage We need to trigger article 50 now.

Anonymous said...

Here's what has to happen before Britain can leave the EU.

Anonymous said...

Chief Rabbi offended: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - how do they keep it up?
(It's His Job)

Anonymous said...

This is the ticket

Anonymous said...

Terry May

Anonymous said...

Ireland’s Shadow Government Run By Bankers and Religious Orders.

Anonymous said...

Andrea Leadsom / Salmon ?

Friend of Israel and works for at least 2 pro Israel groups and has received money.

Anonymous said...

Leadsoms also a Bilderberger and her brother in law has bankrolled the Tories from the Channel Islands.

Oi veh.

Anonymous said...

It will come out soon why Johnson crapped himself then pulled out of the leadership race.

Another skeleton ? No doubt a big one.

He is an alky.

Anonymous said...

CNN's Amanpour berates Brexit leader, won't support assertions.

Anonymous said...

Diary Of A Brexit Watcher.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy's Jewish Friends.

Anonymous said...

Mammonism, Brexit and The Rest of Us

Anonymous said...

Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist.

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! Switzerland tells Muslims: “If you reject our culture, we will reject your application for citizenship.

Anonymous said...

Nigel Farage: I'm being betrayed by Vote Leave.

Anonymous said...


(You Tube / 10 Minutes)

* This side-splitting video is just too awesome not to share. Keep it going!

Anonymous said...

Move Over Brexit! Yoooooooge Setback for Filth in Australia!

Anonymous said...

"EU Wants An Empire" - Brussels Plans To Expand Into Middle East, Africa.

Anonymous said...

EXPOSED: How Europe is looking to roll out the red carpet to MORE debt-ridden nations
EUROPE’S financial future has been thrown into doubt as EU bosses scramble to plug the multibillion pound financial blockhole left by the exiting UK.

Anonymous said...

“Theresa May is a great self-promoter, but a terrible Home Secretary”, which was pulled after pressure from her campaign. It is excoriating…

In the run-up to the 2015 election, one of the handicaps David Cameron had to finesse was the fact that net migration to the UK was three times as high as he had promised it would be. Remarkably, none of the opprobrium this failure provoked brought forth the name of Theresa May, the cabinet minister actually entrusted with bringing migration down. Then, as now, it was as if the icy Home Secretary had a dark magic that warded off all critical scrutiny.

The fact that her lead role in this fiasco went unnoticed and unmentioned likely reflects Mrs May’s brilliant, all-consuming efforts to burnish her image with a view to become prime minister.

After all, Mrs May’s tenure as Home Secretary has been little better than disastrous – a succession of derelictions that has left Britain’s borders and coastline at least as insecure as they were in 2010, and which mean that British governments still rely on guesswork to estimate how many people enter and leave the country.

People find this hard to credit because she exudes determination and strength. Compared to many of her bland, flabby cabinet colleagues, she has real gravitas. And few who follow British politics would deny that she is a deadly political infighter. Indeed Theresa May is to Westminster what Cersei Lannister is to Westeros in Game of Thrones: no one who challenges her survives undamaged, while the welfare of the realm is of secondary concern.

Take the demoralised, underfunded UK Border Force. As the public discovered after a people-smugglers’ vessel ran aground in May, it has has only three cutters protecting 7,700 miles of coastline. Italy by contrast has 600 boats patrolling its 4722 miles.

Considering the impression Mrs May gives of being serious about security, it’s all the more astonishing that she has also allowed the UK’s small airfields to go unpatrolled – despite the vastly increased terrorist threat of the last few years, the onset of the migration crisis, and the emergence of smuggling networks that traffic people, drugs and arms.

Then there is the failure to establish exit checks at all the country’s airports and ports. These were supposed to be in place by March 2015.

Unfortunately the Border Force isn’t the only organisation under Mrs May’s control that is manifestly unfit for purpose. Recent years have seen a cavalcade of Home Office decisions about visas and deportations that suggest a department with a bizarre sense of the national interest.

Anonymous said...

It’s Time to Put a Stop to German Bashing.

Anonymous said...

Andrea Leadsom woos Tories with promise to be the 'heir' to Thatcher - but REFUSES to rule out bringing in Nigel Farage if she beats Theresa May to Tory crown

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Scots rebel against Sturgeon's bid to block Brexit as it emerges SNP is most anti-EU party
NICOLA Sturgeon's SNP is the most anti EU party in Scotland, it has emerged.

Anonymous said...

Austria Presidential Election Annulled After ‘Serious’ Postal Vote Fraud
Austria Presidential Election Annulled After ‘Serious’ Postal Vote Fraud

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

German Politician who is also a Jew welcomes the extinction of Germans, says it's "fortunate'

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...