Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Secret Meeting in London to “End Cash”

Central banks aim to institute "governmental approval" for all purchases and sales
Secret Meeting in London to "End Cash"

Economist Martin Armstrong claims there is a “secret meeting to end cash” set to take place in London before the end of the month involving representatives from the ECB and the Federal Reserve.
Armstrong, who is known for successfully predicting the 1987 Black Monday crash as well as the 1998 Russian financial collapse, expressed his shock that no news outlet has reported on this upcoming conference.
“I find it extremely perplexing that I have been the only one to report of the secret meeting in London. Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University, and Willem Buiter, the Chief Economist at Citigroup, will address the central banks to advocate the elimination of all cash to bring to fruition the day when you cannot buy or sell anything without government approval,” writes Armstrong.
“When I googled the issue to see who else has picked it up, to my surprise, Armstrong Economics comes up first. Others are quoting me, and I even find it spreading as far as the Central Bank of Nigeria, but I have yet to find any reports on the meeting taking place in London, when my sources are direct.”
Armstrong first brought attention to the alleged meeting earlier this month when he revealed that representatives from the Federal Reserve, the ECB as well as participants from the Swiss and Danish central banks would all be attending a “major conference in London” at which Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University, and Willem Buiter, the Chief Economist at Citigroup, would give presentations.
“We better keep one eye open at night for this birth of a cashless society that is coming in much faster than expected. Why the secret meeting? Something does not smell right here,” concludes Armstrong.
Discussions and moves towards banning cash have repeatedly cropped up in recent weeks.
Willem Buiter, who Armstrong claims is speaking at the secret meeting, recently advocated abolishing cash altogether in order to “solve the world’s central banks’ problem with negative interest rates.”
Last year, Kenneth Rogoff also called for “abolishing physical currency” in order to stop “tax evasion and illegal activity” as well as preventing people from withdrawing money when interest rates are close to zero.
Striking a similar tone, former Bank of England economist Jim Leaviss penned an article for the London Telegraph earlier this month in which he said a cashless society would only be achieved by “forcing everyone to spend only by electronic means from an account held at a government-run bank,” which would be, “monitored, or even directly controlled by the government.”
Big banks in both the United Kingdom and the U.S. are already treating the withdrawal or depositing of moderately large amounts of cash as a suspicious activity. Reports emerged in March of how the Justice Department is ordering bank employees to consider calling the cops on customers who withdraw $5,000 dollars or more.
Meanwhile in France, new measures are set to come into force in September which will restrict French citizens from making cash payments over €1,000 euros. Armstrong suggests that “financial police” could enforce this new law by, “searching people on trains just passing through France to see if they are transporting cash, which they will now seize.”
As Armstrong notes, banning cash in order to eviscerate what little economic freedoms people have left to avoid disastrous Keynesian central bank policy is nothing short of economic totalitarianism.
“In the mind of an economic tyrant, banning cash represents the holy grail,” writes Michael Krieger. “Forcing the plebs onto a system of digital fiat currency transactions offers total control via a seamless tracking of all transactions in the economy, and the ability to block payments if an uppity citizen dares get out of line.”


Anonymous said...

A Talmudic wet dream!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Swedish politician: US is the true cause of the masses of refugees from the Middle East.

Anonymous said...

Obama ordered CIA to train ISIS jihadists: Declassified documents.

Henry said...

If the bankers get their way, and they usually do, then the legions of useful idiots mouthing Ron Paul's crap about "fiat paper money" may soon be reduced to mouthing their own dung.

!00% of money issued as debt and no more runs on banks!

As an earlier poster said..."A Talmudic wet dream"

You couldn't make it up.

Anonymous said...

"Armstrong is always WRONG. He was a gold pumping doomsday loser for
several years but he changed his tune in 2013 as he saw the stock market
keep soaring. Now he wants you to think the Dow will hit 32,000 by
2015. hahahaah. Typical Jewish con man. Mike Stathis is the ONLY man who
predicted everything in detail and in print and I mean EVERYTHING. He
is also the only expert in the world to back his claim of having the top
track record with a $100,000 guarantee. "

(a) America's Financial Apocalypse 2006
(b) Wall Street Investment Bible 2008
"(Martin Armstrong and Jim Puplova are just two of several chumps who have retreated from hyperinflation fear mongering as of late). Sorry guys, it's too late. A tiger never changes its stripes."

(General spiel from) "Mike Stathis - Education"

(You won't find a pic of one man band Stathis on the internet even though he remarked he's an equal jazz player to Gilad Atzmon who he rates mediocre.
Not all Stathis' own forecasts are 100% (even if he'd like you to think so) - nobody's are).

Cashless society = same scenario as the deflationary, no paper currency of the 1930s. It spawned barter and LETS schemes. No Mark of the Beast BS will in reality run (and Apocalypse was rejected by Luther as non-canonical and it was stolen from the Sibyls anyways).

GWR said...

And we are only a few weeks away from this years BILDERBERG meeting in Austria where this will be ordered to the corrupt politicians like Cameron & Gideon.

Anonymous said...

Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP

Anonymous said...

35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know.

Anonymous said...

Coudenhove Kalergi - published in Vienna 1925.

Europeans to become negroid mongrels.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Methodist Church in Britain apologises for 'grief and shame' in failing to protect children and adults after 2,000 reports of abuse dating back decades
Review identified 1,885 past cases of sexual, physical and other abuses
One in four cases perpetrated by church staff or lay employees
Police were only brought in on 61 of these cases - six are ongoing cases
Rev Dr Martyn Atkins calls it 'deep source of grief and shame to church'

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Tony Blair to be next Labour leader? Odds slashed on former PM's return to the party

ODDS on Tony Blair being the next Labour leader have been slashed after he quit his Middle East peace envoy role.

Anonymous said...

Illegal migrant gets 12 years jail for three sex attacks on women walking home alone

A PREDATORY sex attacker who assaulted at least three lone women while on the run from immigration authorities has been jailed for 12 years.

Anonymous said...

Britain's foreign aid bill has grown faster than ANY other EU country – thanks to Cameron

BRITAIN'S foreign aid bill has risen by a staggering 30 per cent under David Cameron, damning research has revealed.

Anonymous said...

Heroic German woman Ursula Haverbeck debunks fake "Holocaust" narrative

This is simply an amazing interview. Please take the time to watch the entire video. And keep in mind that "denying the Holocaust" is a criminal offense in
Germany (and many other European nations).

Anonymous said...

Paul Craig Roberts Rages "Free Financial Markets Are A Hoax"

Anonymous said...

The “Dead Bankers” File.

Anonymous said...

What can we learn from the 2015 British General Election?

Anonymous said...

Zionism 101 – The Complete Story.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...