Saturday, August 11, 2012


2012 John Tyndall Memorial Meeting

The 7th Annual John Tyndall Memorial Meeting

This year’s annual John Tyndall Memorial Meeting will be held on Saturday October 13th. Although we have a new city venue, it will again be held in the old English city of Preston, Lancashire.  The meeting will start at 1pm sharp – but doors will open at 12 noon.
Speakers so far include, Richard Edmonds (National Front); Peter Rushton (H&D UK deputy editor); Martin Kerr (H&D American deputy editor); Peter Barker (North West Nationalists); Steven Frost (British Movement); Dr. James Lewthwaite (Democratic Nationalists); Steven Smith (former Burnley BNP organiser); and Jez Turner (London Forum & IONA).  Chairman: Keith Axon (former West Midlands regional organiser, BNP).
More speakers will be added to the list over the coming weeks.  There will be at least six (hopefully more) nationalist literature and merchandise tables.  If you want to reserve a table for your group call us now – 07833 677484 – as space is limited.
If you are coming by train or bus from outside the North West, please book your seat(s) at least one month in advance – or else you may find the fares to be very expensive!  If you plan to stay overnight in Preston, please call us (07833 677484) and we will suggest which are the best hotels (price and distance wise) to stay in. But again, please book your hotel room(s) at least one month in advance if you wish to take advantage of the cheap offers.
For full details and directions to the venue please call our office – 07833 677484. Or email –


Anonymous said...

u white fuks think u hard coem to canada us brown ppl got tht on lock to not jus UK ahhahaha honkys

Anonymous said...

wyte cunts coem to canada BROWN POWER

Anonymous said...

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."

Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

Anonymous said...

Why does Cotterill always seem to be involved in these events, JT regarded him as ethnically Chinese & Rushton as a red/state agent.

That these dodgy bastards are claiming Tyndall's legacy is akin to Griffin's destruction of his Party.

Anonymous said...

Hungary Far-Right Leader Discovers Jewish Roots.

NWN Admin said...

Anonymous said...

Why does Cotterill always seem to be involved in these events, JT regarded him as ethnically Chinese & Rushton as a red/state agent.

That these dodgy bastards are claiming Tyndall's legacy is akin to Griffin's destruction of his Party.

14 August 2012 10:46


Your wrong on all points !

While it is true that JT was at times wary of Mark Cotterill. He did allow him to attend BNP meetings. For example; a few years back Chris Jackson removed him from a Burnley BNP meeting. I spoke with JT about this and he said he should be allowed to stay in the meeting.

Regarding Peter Rushton. Peter was a close friend of John Tyndall. I have been in both their companies many many times at meetings and afterwards in a social context.

Richard Edmonds and Keith Axon who were both close friends and comrades with John Tyndall, are both due to speak and have both spoken in the past at this memorial meeting.

Mr. Anonymous ; please reveal yourself so that we may decide if you can speak on John Tyndalls behalf ?

Or are you just another troublemaker that has 'poisoned the nationalist well' by sniping their poison anonymously ?

NWN Admin said...

It seems it is 'the poisonous one' who wrote the above.

Trying to cause trouble in our ranks, again.

Anonymous said...

To scared to print my comment as you know people will agree with me you gutless cunt ,you really are a wanker ,make sure you bring plenty of body guards to jt meeting ,as I reckon you will get beaten badly as there's a thousand pound bounty on your head,

Anonymous said...

I told you that nob would write a tough e-mail to you. Ard as nails he is.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...