Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Armed police in Manchester 


Anonymous said...

Are they the good guys or the bad guys ? How coud you tell ?

Anonymous said...

The Zionist Drive for Greater Israel

SerpentSlayer said...

I live near where this happened, round the corner from where one of the suspects was arrested in fact.

They had automatic weapons and grenades. A testament to how ineffective anti-firearms legislation is (if held by the reason given for it's implementation)

We will not be safe until firearm controls are repealed. Switzerland has very little gun control, yet almost all men are issued with assault rifles and given military training, it is not a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

They look like terrorists.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Peru's Nazi party leader believes even the conquistadors were Jews.

Anonymous said...

Why are the dressed like IRA

Anonymous said...

And in what way are the law abiding members of the public supposed to be able to safely distinguish between terrorists and the police when they both dress the same way?

If a man dressed and armed in this manner ever tried to block the road in front of me I would deliberately run him down.Even if he tried to dive out of the way at the last second I would still steer towards him to avoid being shot in the back as I drove away.The one thing I would NEVER do is stop and take any risk to my life.After all as no innocent person is supposed to mind having all of their data intercepted by the police then I see no reason why any police officer would need to hide his face with a ski mask unless he was skiing!!!

GWR said...

Anonymous said...

And in what way are the law abiding members of the public supposed to be able to safely distinguish between terrorists and the police when they both dress the same way?

If a man dressed and armed in this manner ever tried to block the road in front of me I would deliberately run him down.Even if he tried to dive out of the way at the last second I would still steer towards him to avoid being shot in the back as I drove away.The one thing I would NEVER do is stop and take any risk to my life.After all as no innocent person is supposed to mind having all of their data intercepted by the police then I see no reason why any police officer would need to hide his face with a ski mask unless he was skiing!!!

18 August 2012 22:46

When doing snap roadblocks/VCPs in Northern Ireland the public could always see British army uniforms and their capbadges. The public then knew they weren't terrorists.

It is the crown on the uniform that gives the power to do their duty.

Anonymous said...

I agree I would also run these police down and steer into them aswell, who would stop for them masked up like that ? and you would get not guilty for murder ,as I would say I thought they was going to shoot me ,(self defence) same gos for plain clothes police is run them cunts down aswell ,how do I know there police ?

Anonymous said...

Theres a continuity between the Masked 'Police' and the 'Masked By Media' Government, of the 'Rebels' in Syria, who are Terrorists,/ and UK US etal 'Special Forces', as they also for the most part conceal their faces

Doing Zionists Work

Whilst 14 year old are raped by Immigrants in Manchester in broad daylight Marx and Zpencer with an attempt by the pickle to conceal the Perpetrators Race

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...