Sunday, August 07, 2011

The Police said they were taken by surprise. Well we weren't !

NWN : And have a look at the comment posted with this video. Now even ordinary people are seeing that some people cannot live in our type country and that the police, mass media, and politicians, will trot out the same old rubbish . Tottenham is a third world slum. If we had a genuine nationalist party we would be making headway with this. But we have crook Griffin 'NOT' leading the BNP. There are now copycat riots in black ghetto areas in other parts of London, even in daylight. I wonder if they are muslims ?

Uploaded by LondonReignMedia on 6 Aug 2011

I've never seen such madness. I can only hope that there weren't people in those burning buildings. It took the police over 3 hours to get down there. And even then they just stood there and watched. It took the news channels hours to catch on, even though it was all over twitter from about 9pm. Metropolitan police are useless. News channels are not clued up....


Anonymous said...

They are at it in Enfield now.

Anonymous said...

They are kicking off in Brixton now.

Anonymous said...!/andrew_hough

telegraph report on brixton

Anonymous said...

And also at it in Milwaukee USA

Anonymous said...

These monkeys will riot at the drop of a hat, or in this case when some gangster scum is made good. Once these monkeys see others monkeys rioting it's a case of monkey see monkey do!

Anonymous said...

The blacks are rioting in Hackney now

Anonymous said...

I see Butler wants, them to join the English Dummies.

After all he says, they live in London, so they must be English

Anonymous said...

White salford scum were rioting as protest to the number of Polish and pakis takign their jobs!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...